Hello Modulargrid,

please do not feel offended yet. This is my tiny pod, I created it first to have a simple rig to showcase the work on my python midiTracker. A small Commandline Interface tool to arrange my own little things. The first iteration was more or less just the sampler + mutable beads.

Now I'm pretty happy to present half of an actual duo-phonic synth, no filters or VCA needed. The Herzlich Labs unity mixer has been a super nice way to get a hold of all the signals:

Two effects might seem overkill, but FXaid makes for some spacey sounds and glitchy things.

In an older version I had a filter in place of the FXaid. Also fun, but the filter would really need an envelope.

If you have any questions let me know

wow. love how cutely it all fits together and also the red theme, plus i thought the live performance sounded sick. i did not 100% look into what each module does, but im now thinking that i could use the rample to output custom envelopes for up to 4 demon cores by using a quad vca, which is an idea i have been playing around with but did not know how to do elegantly. (like, maybe bake some kind of lfo signal into the envelope wav to create a new hit.) this setup really matches the aesthetic i am going for while "designing" on here but in a tiny footprint. also, kudos on the command line tracker!! (somehow had not found rample yet, etc.)

peace out. ✌️✌️


just to be clear, i was thinking of designing envelopes in pd, exporting them to wav files, then putting them on the rample sd. that is possible, right? im not crazy, am i?? then you could also use a second cv to time stretch the preprogrammed envelope wav, to boot!!!!!!!! am i really the first guy to think of using that module as an envelope generator, i wonder?

peace yall

(edit edit)

someone, just please tell me if sample rate and control rate signals are just completely incompatible. thank you in advance, etc. ...


Thank you for the kind words and inspiration!!! using the last channel for CV would be great in this combo!

I cite from the squarp website:

4 dedicated audio outputs (mono, DC-coupled = can play CV signals) [-5V to +5V]

I'll need a nice way to create DC wav files now! I've played with PD but I'm not super efficient with it (if one can be, who's not autechre)

I'll keep you updated.

i was thinking, specifically, about a way to interpolate bezier curver between fixed points to hand code in a custom envelope shape and a(s)dr values, perhaps with a reverse attack shape and maybe an added lfo sine lfo signal frequency modulating another sine lfo signal, or other experiments that might produce novel envelope packets, then setting all the parameters and saving it out as a wav, all in puredata. also, the simple melody you chose also highly resonates with the conceptual ideas ive been playing with, but i was thinking about also 3 additional melodic voices harmonizing and playing different parts at the same time. maybe, if the universe ever grants you more rack space you might consider trying to fill out exactly this with 4 full melodic voice parts which it sounds like to me is totally possible, if the rample wasnt also doing some drum parts in your patch. i dont mean this as a slight, only that i can already kind of hear 3 more melody parts in what is there r now.
