Someone asked off-line how I was going to finish out this rack module. Three more modules;
- the Quad LFO from 4MS, since Moogs love Mods
- A Befaco Out to feed my Focusrite Claret in the studio
- And one empty slot. I plan to put a powered Multi in there, but I don't have a spare right now, will fill it with a Patching Panda Copycat.

Leaves like a 1 HP gap but I can live with that.

m32 rack

No, I'll let someone else point out the obvious here...I'm tired of having to repeat the same goddamn thing over and over.
-- Lugia

But you did feel compelled to post a content free reply. I celebrate your enthusiasm.

Very quick followup to my Behringer eurorack rack overview video.
Putting my Mother 32 in this unit. Very simple, very straightforward, but figured I'd post it just for completeness. A

A nice unit today, a pingable LFO from 4MS. It’s actually 4 LFOs, each one can be tap-tempo’d or “pinged” by an external voltage source to set the rate.
Good slew action too.
A long demo section at the end, with ‘scope traces, there are some interesting slopes to the curves when you use the slew knobs.
Moderate complexity build.
C.K. builds a Quad Pingable LFO from 4MS

A Brunswick synth from Future Sound. Not a eurorack, a general purpose synth with some good sonic characteristics and a excellent way to get started with modular synths. A but pricey, but still a good deal.

The Hyper Fist from Beast-Tek today.
A very audio-rich but, with some quirks to the build. Video is a bit long because I spent more time in the demo section that usual even though I barely scratched the surface on this beast.
Moderate complexity build.
C.K. builds a Hyper Fist from Beast-tek eurorack module

Another Division-6 product, this time their CEM 3340 VCO.
Good kit, a simple and straightforward one. A reasonably plain VCO, but good since you can never have too many oscillators. Build is suitable for a beginner, maybe your 2nd or 3rd build. Recommended.
C.K. builds a Division-6 CEM 3340

I run for my life when I see sliding nuts... I only got those two because they were for a dedicated System 100M where all the modules would just stay where they were from day one.
-- Mazz

I agree. If it's for anywhere other than my studio, where it will never move, I use threaded rails.

But yeah, this is not a bad unit.

New product today. I needed another studio rack for my Eurorack modules, so grabbed a Behringer one from Sweetwater.

A fine unit, good price. Little skeptical on their power claims, but it’ll support the width it is. And fits in the studio rack well.

Hope you'll get some value out of it! And I'm always up for requests on what to build next, so feel free to suggest something.

Yes, all music in my videos is my original pieces. Only problem I have now is I put up one video every 5 days and I need to start cranking out new audio tracks to go with 'em!

The CopyCat multi from Patching Panda is a great first kit, pretty simple one to get you over the hump of finishing the first. Video in the playlist.

Guess this is the correct thread to post this on.
I've started a YouTube playlist on my channel focused on building Eurorack modules. Didn't want to mention it until I had a few, and I'm up to 17 build videos now, so enough to make it worthwhile.

C.K. builds Eurorack

I release a kit build every 5 days, alternating between general purpose kits and Eurorack modules, so there's a new Euro build every ten days.

I am not an expert. I'm a guy who's been building electronics for 50 years (and making electric music that entire time) and hopefully these videos may help someone over a rough spot in a build or introduce someone to the build process for something they want to make.
I may get some things wrong, that's part of the, uh, fun.
I want to build every Eurorack module kit in the world, which is goal which will last forever, of course.
Take a look if this interests you.