

you definitely need to do a kit - as everyone is keen on modding their gear since the korg stuff is out, this would go through the roof!

Working on it! 

Please do! I wouldn't mind one of these. Very useful. 

Hey there, 

it's a one of a kind thing for now though I'm thinking about making it available at some point most likely in kit form. For news and updates keep an eye on my blog at http://ka010.com ;

Where can I get this or is it a custom, one-of-a-kind thing?

This is in testing period now! More info in a couple of days. ;)


any demos?

I absolutely love this module.  

I stupidly sold mine some time ago and it's one of those modules you really regret getting rid of. So I got another.
Happy days.

I love the look, feel, concept, and sound of this. Eager to experience it more!

If you have an RCD this is an indispensable add-on.

That make perfect sense after using it.

Hi David

I usually turn the gain to zero in my patches and have an ADSR completely control the range of the VCA.

The Intial Gain provides lots of gain. I found that it has to be set pretty low to make the VCA have any range. It might be nice as a mod to add an LED to show when you've overdriven the input.

Thanks! It's not pretty but it works ... well, it does sparkle a little when you shine a light on it :D

Love it!  

I wish this module WILL really come on the market

Thread: RYO Optodist

Hey David! If you want a snappier Optodist we recommend the SR3 vactrols, the SR2 are a bit slower which some prefer. Cheers, Ben from RYO

Thread: RYO Optodist

The vactrols used are really slow, if you are looking for fast response times this is not the module for you.

its DIY at early stage, so i aproximated depth and power consumption, to decrease the error in the totals depth and mA, 

when this module is placed within a the rack.


Through-zero with v/oct would make no sense.  You would need an infinite negative control voltage.

North Coast Synthesis Ltd. (https://northcoastsynthesis.com/ ) - fine handcrafted modules and kits

so, it can do thru zero but no v/oct tracking then? or is only the fm switchable between the two and you get 1v/oct in linear mode as well?


sorry, I own the prototype

What is it with people rating stuff that hasn't been released nor definitely defined yet. According to Doepfer's website, the filter part will probably not be a part of it either, and the characteristics switch might be gone too as they'll be available simultaneously instead.

Super clean VCA, joy to mix with as well. Really good build quality, knobs feel sturdier then my Harvestman modules for example. Like it as contrast to Double Andore's distortion.

I use it at as the final stage of each patch.

Would be interesting to hear how it compars to original Cwejman VCA-4MX. 

Wish it was slightly smaller, 12HP would have been perfect.

Very happy with it overall and the price is amazing. There is also DIY option which is even cheaper! 

Things change fast...

Enough interest has been generated on MuffWigglers forum, so this unit is now in production.

Absolutely excellent idea from ADDAC in Portugal. Kudos!

Be sure to tell them on the linke thread on Muffwiggler 'cause they're looking for at least 5 committed users before they produce it.

ADDAC you god damn geniouses, what will you do next!? First a brain control output module and now this? As someone getting started with artuino and who wants to learn prototyping and stuff, this is just next level. I'm getting this, for certain.

Any chance of posting the artwork?

Uh someone build me that one pls :)

Thread: Thonk VERTER

This uses three attenuverter pcb's. Note: no place to put power connector. In my case I run three bus wires between the three boards, and between two of the boards jury rigged a euro power connector.

Interesting note on the Barton website concerning this module:


"1.It's out of tune!Check your +5V supply. If you're running on less than 5V your quantizer's notes will seem flat, if it's higher they will seem sharp. If you're using an adjustable +5V supply, then adjust it until you're in tune. If you're using a 7805 on board regulator, swap it out for a different one. I buy the cheapest 7805s I can find and I've never gotten one so out of spec that it bothered my ears, you're probably going to get a good one. You can also use the 7805 to LM317 adaptor PCB to make a tiny adjustable +5V supply."

I was able to get the MCU socketed it required using a non dust shielded alpha pot instead of the one provided.

While the v/octave may not be perfect it is much better than my MFOS quantizer, plus there are many different modes/scales supported, and the range is better than the MFOS one.

The V/octave is set internal to the MCU which contains both DAC and ADC. Potentially the MCU could be recoded.

For what it does and compared to what else is available I'm quite happy with mine.

The main disadvantage of this module is that it can't be adjusted. My module has scale about 0.98v/Octave and it is not OK for me. It needs just one more TL072 and two multi-turn trimpots. At least as the option.

The PCB layout is far from being perfect. It is impossible to use DIP-sockets with MCU. I had to solder it right to the board. There was some missing components in the kit. The PCB design requires too much wires. but this tiny circuit might be made on a single one-sided board with maximum possible amount of PCB-mounted components. The pots in my package had too long shafts pushing pot caps to extra-height about 7mm above the surface of the panel. This is sole module in my rack having such problem.

The circuit, logic and design are OK with exception of missing adjustment possibility.

By the way, you can share power between two parts of this module. There is corresponing holes in the PCB, named +12v, GND, -12v, +5v. So, there is no actual need to use both LM7805. One of these can handle enough power to feed entire 5v bus of the 6u case.

P. S. Panel design could be much more useful having any legend

Requires some mechanical skill to assemble, separate power to each board (2 boards).

Is this available anywhere or a DIY project? Looks awesome!

It's an exact copy of the ARP 4035 filter, based on the project by AndyR1960, a user of electro-music.com. The panel has been designed by my best friend.

This is a beautiful module!  What's the story behind it?

alright,  get it! its now privat

Agree, this is getting ridiculous. We'll end up having two seperate entries for each identical module...

This is starting to get really really dumb. Stop posting upside down modules!

all these upside down  modules should be private  --  this could get sort of out of hand 

Hi, what is pictured here is a 5U MOTM style module. See: http://www.modulargrid.net/m/other-unknown-cs80-com-gx1-bandpass-filter-module

But Old Crow may have, at least at one point, offered just the PCB for sale so maybe someone made a DIY version of it but they didn't have a proper picture to use here? ? It's a great sounding filter regardless! :-) 

Is this 5U or 3U format? I can't work it out.

Search results above are irelevant to this module, check this vid instead:

Oh thanks. Yeah, this module is over 4 inches deep...something I thought was important to know, especially if you only have a skiff, or a shallow case. :)

It's already listed - this new version has a lot more information though.

-double post-