Metron has been extremely easy to learn compared to some others. You'll need the Voltera expander for CV control though which can be annoying.

Is there any way to rotate a module 90 degrees so that it fits into the 3U to 1U adapters?

DSP has granular delay, overdrive/bitcrusher, Leslie Speaker
DualFX has high pass delay, stalker reverb, ripper, and dual pitch shifter.

They have in common stereo delay, mono delay, reverb, saturated reverb.

I don't have pico DSP, but I have a pico module and the dualFX. I prefer the knobs/aestetics of the dualFX, but if you're working with 88hp then you might want to save the extra 4hp. Also depends if you just want to use one power connection instead of two.