Thanks guys!
Those are actually pretty good ideas, I know I'm way too much into effects...
I'm going to have a look at what you suggested, thanks again.

Hey guys, this is my rack, pretty much happy with everything in it except for the Erbe-Verb than I can't seem to wrap my head around even after a year, so I've decided to get rid of it.

First thought was to replace it with Qu-Bit Data Bender, which leaves me with 6hp to fill and I thought about maybe a uVCA?

I'd like to have your thought on what you'd personally do with those spare 20 hp and what you think you'd be missing in this rack.

And just so you know sequencing comes from a keystep pro and drums from a TR-8S.

Edit: also thinking about the new endorphines x Huang Ghost which would leave me 4hp!

Thanks guys!

ModularGrid Rack

Hey guys, thanks a lot for your replies!

About the case I may add up one more row and go for a 9 or 10u / 104hp to get a bit more space to breath and add some more utility modules. And I think it would still be pretty much movable.

I never thought about a sequencial processor as nickgreenberg suggested but it seems like a great addition to this case, I'm looking that up.

And to answer Lugia I use my 2 Minibrute 2 as sequencers or additional voices when needed but it's definitely not the most portable setup. Actually swapping them for Beatsep Pros may be a pretty good idea.

Also, if I was to add one more row, what would you suggest to complement the actual setup?
I'm mainly thinking about Marbles that I've been looking up for a while. Maybe a second Veils and then some more utilities?
I also have a PEG, a Dual Looping Delay and an Erbe-Verb in my Rackbrute 3u. Should I add some of those in this setup?

Hey guys, I'm coming back for your help since last time was really helpful.
I've been digging more and more into ambient and generative music and find myself enjoying it quite a lot.
I want some changes in my case, e.g. more CV utilities, random sources...
I already own most of what is in that case except Morphagene, I've mainly removed an Atlantis that I don't use as much anymore.
I know the case is way too small for a true generative powerhouse but I play it with some friends and neeed to move it quite often.
Any advice is appreciated!
Thanks guys.

Just so you know what I'm trying to aim regarded sound.

ModularGrid Rack

I'm bumping this thread so I don't create a new one.

Would that make sense? Or should I go 9U? I think I already know everyone's answer on this one but still...

ModularGrid Rack

Thanks for your insight! I had Kinks in mind too and luckily got one this week end at my local store. Bought Batumi too.
You're right about more utilities, I'll give a look at that and at the FX-Aid XL.
Thanks for your help mate.

Hey guys,

I'm reaching you to get some advices about what I could swap out of my main rack to go the full ambient way (Tim Hecker, Lawrence English...).
I had this rack for about more than a year now and I think the only module I tend to not use that much is the Altantis.
I also have a skiff with a PEG, a 4ms DLD, an Erbe-Verb + an Erica Synths Sample Drum that I almost never use.
I replaced the DLD and the Erbe-Verb in my rack with the Mimeophon and I'm pretty happy with it.
My goal would be to pack most stuff in the 7U because I move it alot to play with some friends.

ModularGrid Rack

Any suggestions would be appreciated!
I'm thinking about maybe removing the Atlantis to get a Batumi, Pamela's New Workout and a Morphagene but I'd be glad to hear what you guys think about it.
