There are drum modules in here enough for a basic beat. But nothing to write home about. Have you gone through all of your options for percussion? Eurorack percussion modules are an expensive way to add drums to your system. Unless you're going to modulating the hell out of them, then you're basically building an over-expensive drum machine. Though, there's nothing wrong with doing this... it will just be expensive on every front (money, space, additional utility modules).

If you do want your percussion in-rack, then how do you intend on mixing all the drum modules together? You have one four input mono mixer/VCA and have a bass drum, clap, cymbals, and hi-hat... no snare. The ES9 can be thrown in... but then you're relying on your DAW to mix.

There seems to be a schism between a Eurorack synth and a Eurorack beat-box with half of what you need for each. Though, you're definitely loaded up on filters.

In my opinion (just my opinion), I'd look for an external drum machine and use my rackspace for synths or effects. The Eloquencer can drive the drum machine via MIDI and you can save your CV and gate outputs for the synth side of things.

If you're really wanting to build a Eurorack percussion set-up after-all, I'd consider putting it in a separate case and building it separately. Granted you can always patch between cases if there's something you'd like to use that's not in one case and not the others.

Have you looked at any of the Erica Synth drum stuff? They even sell a full system designed for techno... including so basic synth modules for leads and basses. It's not cheap by any means. But I'd really think about the turn-key system and then maybe adding some additional modules in a skiff or other rack if you feel that you need them later. Sorry if this doesn't answer your question directly and seems to meander. But I'd definitely explore some other options before making a decision or finalizing this build.

Hello dear modular enthousiasts,

I am a fairly new modular user and I think i have ordered the wrong module and the manual isnt really giving me the clarity i want before sending it back.

Module: Doepfer A-192-2 CV/Gate to Midi/USB

I guess it's in the name of the module, but google search results gave me this module as a first result when i was looking for a:

-- MIDI to CV-- module.

I figured it could translate MIDI to CV and vice versa because it showed up in the results. It even had a MIDI out AND a MIDI in port. Yesterday when my package arrived, it seemed like it was actually a module that could only translate CV to midi and not the other way around. This makes the module useless for me right now and i still cant play my synth with a keyboard.

Is there no possible way for the a-192-2 to translate MIDI into CV?
If not, what is a good alternative? Also why does the module have a MIDI in port??

I see there's on the market:
- Erica Synths Black MIDI-CV V2 (195 euros)
- Intellijel µMIDI (245 euros)
-Doepfer A-190-2 (110 euros)

Ive read the descriptions of all of these modules on diffent sites, but it would be really helpful if someone could help me choose the best one for my situation.

I would like to play my modular with my (pitchbendable) midi keyboard and possibly also via MIDI coming from Ableton later (not too important right n0w tho.

Thanks in advance :)

I make techno . I’m looking to start a new sample / effects based rack . I also use H9 Max .

Would like people’s opinions / constructive criticism on current set up .


Hi there. I'm totally green to modular synth, finally starting to dip my toes in. I plan on visiting my local modular shop in the cities this weekend (Midwest Modular in Minneapolis dontcha know), but I figured I'd start a thread on here too to get some opinions. So my plan so far is to build a little synth that will:

  1. Allow me to generate some drum and rhythm background sounds that I could have fun with and shape the sound of.
  2. Allow me to practice the basics of synthesis with some of the bare essential elements.

People keep saying to buy a larger case than you need, but it appears to be cost effective to buy a HEK and then just buy a second one later. Am I wrong here? The intellijell cases are substantially more expensive and so is everything else I've found.

It will take me a long time to build this rig, so I'm also trying to decide what the best order to purchase everything in is. My current idea is to get the Domino first, then a mixer, then a sequencer, then a midi gate. This would give me something fun to play with while I slowly build the rest of the rig month after month, or am I wrong here?

The rest of the case so far is just simple basics because for all I know my goals will change as I learn more how modular synths work. I could always sell modules if I decide they're unnecessary, this stuff all seems to hold it's value pretty well, or am I wrong there? Should I be wary of purchasing any particular modules? I also have some DIY modules in there because while I am certainly no expert, I do have plenty of experience soldering amps, cable, guitar parts etc, and my dad is basically an electrical engineer, so I'm also looking forward to doing some of this stuff with him. Anyway, I'm totally open to opinions, just trying to get an idea. Oh and I also already grabbed the domino because it was on sale, maybe jumped the gun there.....

Also I apparently am a moron and can't figure out how to get a screenshot up of my rack, so hopefully that link works.

Wow, that's awesome. That would make signal processing so much easier. I found an ALM version with an offset that takes up 4hp vs the Befaco 5. I'm starting to think planning out a rack is just as fun as actually playing. Thanks again, Ronin.
-- omegasnk

Learning, learning, learning. The more you know how this stuff works... and works differently than "traditional" synths, the better you will be at planning out a rack that works for you. But it's really tough that in order to gain experience, you have to plan a rack out before you really have a handle on the environment.

IMHO, your first case should be big (at least 208HP total) and you should put just enough gear in it to get going. Then as you master what you've got, start adding modules that excite you. But you have to have a "basic" system first so you can explore in different directions. Again just my experience doing this.

The Intellijel 7U would be a great choice as it's in the same series and you can still plan on using the 1Us... just note that the Intellijel 1U standard IS NOT the Pulp Logic standard for 1U. So be sure any 1U modules will fit in your specific rack.

With the Mother32, you CAN put it in the rack. But that's something you should really have a good think about as the Mother32 comes in its own case with its own power supply. So putting it in a rack means you lose that many HP for modules that need to be in your rack.

The more you research, the more you'll know. Oh... and always devote some space in your build for adding a few more modules. Even if it's 20HP... the ability to squeeze in that ONE module that would really set things off once you've started USING your system is some good headroom to have.

Hey all, I need some eyes on this. I'm leaving some room to add things that I haven't thought of or really want to add once I get used to this but do you see anything missing here? I won't be playing this live and it'll be part of my other hardware gear ecosystem so it doesn't need to stand on it's own. It's for generating cool patterns, textures, or single sounds to resample. I'll be using the Mimetic sequencer but occasionally will also use the Beatstep Pro - it will at least send clock when I'm using the Mimetic. Lastly, I also will be incorporating my DFAM, Nuetron, and Minitaur into this setup for additional voices, filtering and LFO options.

Thanks in advance!

I think I will let go off the idea of the small system, and look for a bigger case (maybe slightly bigger even than the 4U 104HP you mentioned, as long as it's still relatively portable) with at first "only" a few basic modules including either the Atlantis or Mother32.

I'll be back when I got a clearer plan, thanks for your kind advice and encouragement. :)

this user has left ModularGrid

Did some trades with @airfrankenstein , cool dude , fast & strong shipping , module in perfect shape : I absolutely recommend :)

Cheers guys...
Someone over on the FB Eurorack group suggested the Qu-Bit Pulsar, this might be a thing as i think it will do a 1-shot burst of gates from a single pulse rather like hitting its Burst button.
The X7 idea is great though, for the moment the Pulsar is probably a little way off in my plan for buying modules. I'm mostly thinking smaller and cheaper at the moment.
So could a Divided by 16/32/64 Clock Pulse - Clock a Multiplier to trigger that flurry of Sequencer notes? Or would the Clock already be so slow in tempo that the Multiplier would be too slow?! I need a calculator to work this out!!

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Wow, that's awesome. That would make signal processing so much easier. I found an ALM version with an offset that takes up 4hp vs the Befaco 5. I'm starting to think planning out a rack is just as fun as actually playing. Thanks again, Ronin.

You might actually look into driving a trigger/gate sequencer with a clock multiplier. In fact, this has more potential IMHO; if you want to have your pulse sequence timed in some strange tuplets, this would definitely be a solution. Taking, say, an output at x7 would give you seven timing pulses per "main" clock pulse, or what you'd call a "septuplet". Use that to drive a sequencer...and if you have trig/gate sequences longer or shorter than 7 beats, then the crossrhythms will start to get quite complicated.

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Interesting thought. I don't think I came across such module yet. If you do please let me/us know, might be an interesting one!

Good luck for the search of such module and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

The Maths will be enough to get you started with attenuators. Channel 2 and 3 are dedicated to this. But you may find you'd want something like a Befaco Attenuverter. It also includes an offset dial. The offset allows you to center your CV around a point other than zero. Just imagine taking an LFO that goes from -5 to +5v and then attenuating it to -2 to +2V. Then using the offset knob to change the range from +1 to +5.

Ronin, thanks so much. Yes, I think I'll start with the ES-9 and slowly figure out things from there. This will also save my wallet as I expand the rack. Thanks for the input on the Voltage Block and the attenuators/mixers. I was hoping the hex VCA and Maths would be enough, but I'll look into dropping the Block and adding some more attenuverters and mixers, maybe still have room for Mimetic Digitalis too. I promise if I ever hit the lottery, I'll make sure you find that 'evaluation' 4MS SMR. Cheers.

I don't have experience with the 4MS... but I'm willing to evaluate one! :)

A module you might want to try is the Expert Sleepers Disting Mk4. It's under $200US. I hate the interface. But it's full of different routines for reverbs, compression, resonators, etc. It's great for trying out different effects and figuring out if you'd like a dedicated module. Your Erica DSP will have some overlap but not too much as the Erica concentrates on just effects and not processing.

Another benefit you have is the ES E9. You can use your DAW as a virtual module with audio and CV flowing between. While not convenient, you can explore different effects and decide if you'd like something in hardware.

If you're keeping the MiniBrute, then you have access to additional traditional envelopes, filters, etc., I'd hang on to the Neutron for a while as it can serve as a utility box of modules until you're ready to retire it.

The biggest lack I see are mixers and attenuators/attenuverters. Most people overlook them. You're missing out on the power of modular if you can't submix signals or attenuate/invert them... both audio and CV. If you have an SQ-1, then the Voltage Block might be a bit redundant vs. adding some more utility modules. You have to make that call, though. Be aware that the Ornaments and crime does have some basic sequencing abilities in it that will cover a portion of what you get out of the Voltage Block.

Also... order your modules in stages as you are meaning to fill this rack. As you get to know each of your new modules it might influence where you go in finishing off your rack... priorities will change. So don't be in a rush to fill this thing.

Hey Ronin,

Thanks for the reply. I plan on keeping the Minibrute 2s and 0-Coast as a core part of this setup. My original reason for getting the Rackbrute was to further sophisticate my desktop modulation and I quickly found myself planning out the rest of the rack. The appeal of the Rackbrute in specific was how easily it marries with the Minibrute 2s.

I was also flirting with the 4MS Spectral Multiband Resonator over some of the effects modules. Any thoughts on that?

How would you like us to evaluate your rack? The current state of the picture or functionality without the semi-modular synths you've mentioned (Neutron, MiniBrute, 0-Coast)?

If you're dependent on your semi-modulars then anything in the rack is a bonus. As a self-contained rack, there are a lot of holes or things I'd be concerned about if it was given to me to use without the semi-modulars.

If your plan is to ditch the Brute, then having a Rack-Brute case may not be the best option for your modules. You've already bought it so we're stuck with it... unless you really like the format. Again... where should we be aiming?

I hope that doesn't put you off of getting into Eurorack. Most semi-modular synths are a good value for those just getting into Eurorack. Small systems just don't provide a lot of value for the money. If you have the money and are going to expand in the near future... they make more sense. But you have to cram a lot of features into a small space and that too has to be a consideration.

You'll also find something called a "synth voice" which is basically a Eurorack module that contains all if not most of what you need for a synthesizer. Intellijel also makes the Atlantis module which is based on the Roland MS101. That too would also make a great starting module. But you'd have to supply a MIDI to CV converter if you want to use a controller or you DAW to address it.

Just don't think of any starter modules or synths as entry-level. Most of them aren't. The Mother-32 or Atlantis still hold there own in a massive system. So you won't lose value if you expand. You just might end up with some redundancy or options depending on how you look at it.

Are you going to take another crack at sketching up another rack? You didn't pick bad modules at all. It's just the configuration would make things difficult for you. I hope you try again.

Thanks Ronin! Guess I have some more thinking to do :).

The Mother 32 does indeed seem like good value for the money.

So far, I've have good luck submitting 3U prototype images. All that remains to be improved there is my source image ;-)

However, I just ordered an intellijel 7U, and I mocked up some images for a SynthAccess guitar module that should fit in the 1U space, but my image is getting cropped incorrectly. I designed for 44HP an 1U. If I edit the custom module to say that it's 48HP, the the height grows, so I must have the proportions right. However, I never see the pixels at the edges. It's like there's a huge inset, even though the proportions are correct.

Can anyone suggest a method for creating a proper 1U image?

I'm using from Front Panel Express, exporting in SVF, then using Illustrator to convert to PNG. I just have to edit the Document dimensions in Illustrator to match the exact measurements, and it turns out perfect.

p.s. The preview in my list of custom modules shows the entire image, all the way to the border. It's only when I add the custom module to a rack that the pixels get cropped. So, I'm really at a loss since it starts out looking fine and then has a problem.

Madrona Labs

Hey All,

I'm beginning my adventure into Eurorack proper and just bought a Rackbrute with Maths, Links, Kinks, Disting, and a hex VCA. I also have a Neutron, 0-Coast, Korg SQ-1, a Microfreak, and a Zoom MS-70CDR pedal but am planning on selling the Neutron eventually for the Minibrute 2s. I'm mostly into noisey type ambient stuff and sometimes throw percussion on to give it some momentum (but don't need that in the rack). I've posted how I plan to complete my rack eventually and would appreciate and advice you guys can provide on module pairings, oversights, and errors I have in planning this rack. Let me know if there's anything else I can provide. Hope you guys have a great rest of the year.


ModularGrid Rack

ModularGrid Rack

Hello fellow module lovers,
First, excuse my poor english writting skills, i'm a little rusted.
After two years of reading about modular synths, i finally took the big step 4 months ago.
So i have been fiddling arround with a few modules for the last 4 months (Plaits, MCO, Mum M8, Stages, Metropolis, Turing Machine, 2hp Euclyd, Quad Vca, Quadratt), had a lot of fun and learned a lot (still am and will be for a long time).
I'm now willing to go a step further and focus on a House / uk tech (Plank, wiggle, Surreal) semi improvisation case.

So here is how i see it working :
- Drums made by a Digitakt, 16 patterns already sequenced, ready to fire. Will choose which one to trigger accordingly to what comes out the improv part
- A Kaoss Pad 3 used as a 4 track looper for transitions
- Modular Case for the improvisation part -> 3 voices
- External effects : Meris polymoon, delay llama and other pedals (for the moment i'm using the delay llama and a dp4). 1 per voice + 1 reverb on the send of a mixer

So, the case : Metron would be used as the main sequencer sending gates and/or clock info for some modules, clocked by Digitakt. Pitch of Arpitecht used for all voices, 2 of them would be coupled with a S&H module for pitch info diversity (As seen in Mylar videos).

Voice 1 : Lead
- Spectrum -> Pole Zero -> Hipass
- Metron -> Shuffler -> Arpitecht ->Skipper -> A140 ADSR -> VCA
- Pitch info provided by Arpitecht

Voice 2 : Bass
- MCO -> MUM M8
- Metron alone or in combo with 2HP Euclyd -> Stages AD env> VCA
- Pitch info provided by Arpitecht + S&H triggered by metron

Voice 3 : Chords
- Plaits -> Jove -> Hipass
- Metron -> A140 ADSR -> VCA
- Pitch info provided by Arpitecht + S&H triggered by metron

  • Trigger for voices 1 and 3 would be doubled so they would trigger as well a AD enveloppe for their respective filter.
  • 2 batumi LFOs (clocked or not) in quadrat channels that i can manually open
  • 2 batumi LFOs (clocked or not) in 2HP VCAs opened with 2 Voltage Block channel
  • Turing machine trigger out clocking the Voltage block (TM clocked by metron)
  • Voltage block used for Arpitecht/Plaits/Filters/etc parameter automation, opening the LFO VCAs

What do you think about the case ? Do you think it is / looks viable in a live performance perspective? Any advice ?



FYI... Sebastian... Sebi... paypal.. ***

7/26 18 "sorry for my very late reply, ive been busy at work the last days.
I couldnt find the time to arrange the delvery, sorry for the delay.
I will prepare the package today and bring it to post tomorrow or in 2 days.
Hope thats fine.
Thanks for your patience.

8/2/19 Hi,
sorry for my late response.
Here is the tracking. RM412594404DE
Please let me now when it arrived.

Then Re-routed the QMMF0-4 back to himself...

from eBay-k
"Der Zugang des Nutzers, mit dem du Kontakt hattest, wurde vorübergehend durch uns eingeschränkt."
"Solltest du die Ware schon bezahlt oder den Artikel schon versendet haben, so kannst du dich hier informieren und uns den Fall melden."
""The access of the user with whom you had contact was temporarily restricted by us."
"If you have already paid the goods or have already sent the article, so you can inform yourself here and report the case."

FYI... Sebastian... Sebi... paypal..***

Welcome to Eurorack.

You're buying a case and completely filling it. You'll have to buy a second case if you want to expand. I hear what you're saying but the reality is that most people want additional functionality once they get some wiggle-time in with their modular.

For the price, I prefer Intellijel's old 4U 104HP case... but they stopped making them. If you can find one of those 2nd hand, I'd recommend pouncing on it.

For the size of your case the Metropolis is just too big. It's nice to have a sequencer in the case. But you'd save money and do better buying something like a Keystep Pro or a Beatstep Pro. The Metropolis can't sync to MIDI so whatever you create with it won't sync to anything else without some more modules... but you don't have the room. If you really want a sequencer, I'd look for something smaller that has the ability to sync to MIDI.

You need mixers. You have none. The Intellijel VCA can sum two inputs. But there's no way to control the proportions of each signal. The 2HP VCAs do not sum according to the manual.

There's no LFO in the set-up. I'd think about that as LFOs are pretty common in most synth systems.

Overall... I think you COULD keep this case to make a basic system if you replace the Metropolis with another sequencer (internal or external) that has MIDI and then reclaim the saved space for additional modules you may want or need. Small systems are much harder to put together than larger systems as you're trying to balance space with practical functionality. The value of a small system is usually so limited that they are no more capable than a plug-out synth like a Behringer Neutron or a Moog Mother 32. Honestly, I'd recommend buying a Moog Mother 32 rather than what you have here. Less expensive and more features.

Hi all,

I am looking to construct a portable eurorack to play basslines and leads. This will be my first modular equipment, and I've selected a Intellijel 3U+1U 62hp case. A bigger case is not practical as I foresee a lot of moving in the next couple years. Suggestions on the modules I'm thinking of are appriciated :). Thanks!

ModularGrid Rack

this user has left ModularGrid

Aw shit hope you will get your money back hope deep synth will come to his sense and give your money back

Still no response from Deep Synth. Took £1300 of my money 3 weeks ago and has since disappeared. Be wary of this crook. I have passed this on to the paypal and credit card Fraud teams.

Received a Pons Asinorum from @doomglue very well packaged, great communication, and works like a treat!

If the capacity to not misinterpret the clearest of statements is any indication of one’s ability to offer meaningful advice, I respectfully suggest you stick to popcorn, Ronin.

Although I intentionally imitated your responses a couple of posts ago, I haven’t mocked anyone. I’ve criticized advice, not the people giving it. I’ve tried to clearly and politely express my points, have apologized when my criticism seemed harsher than it need to be, and even apologized if my posts weren’t helping as much as I intended to. All of this talk of political correctness, behaving like a “social justice warrior”, wanting to create a “safe-space”, “policing”, being the “master of forum etiquette”, etc, has all just been totally irrelevant.

For my sake, and anyone reading with similar questions, I’ve brought up several issues that I believe could be potentially very helpful to discuss, clarify, and answer. I might search elsewhere, and perhaps others should do the same, but for sake of clarity here are some of them:

  1. Starting out with a semi-modular synth seems like a common, affordable, and potentially great way to get into modular. With something like the OP's setup – a Mother 32 and a small rack filled with Disting, Tides, Maths, and Shades, would adding some effects modules be a good idea for someone interested in making ambient drone music? Lugia agreed with this suggestion, referencing Eno’s Thursday Afternoon (one of my favs). You wrote that doing so amounted to “piling on the bad.”

  2. Lugia’s response to a proposed rack that contained Elements and Rings was that having both is a waste of space and told the user they should “lose one or the other.” Lugia does seem very knowledgeable, but there seem to be many people benefiting from using both, even 2x Elements or 2x Rings.

  3. Is it really unreasonable to put thought into the design of one’s rack? One is, after all, spending thousands of dollars on it and will hopefully be using it for countless hours. Is it really so superficial to want an all-black rack? Is that really tantamount to a “decorative prop”. If so, a Make Noise shared system seems like an awfully expensive decoration.

  4. Is the belief that a specific piece of gear is necessary for a particular result really so harmful that a musician who believes this should “quit immediately?” If so, (and I doubt I’m alone here) it seems some of my favorite artists should stop making music.

  5. Given that regardless of one’s musical background, getting into modular synthesis and designing one’s first rack takes a certain level of guess work, is it better for someone with a specific goal to try to design a “purpose-built” system or to opt for something more versatile. I think there may be pros and cons to both, but I’m guessing that with either scenario, it’s very likely the user will end up having to replace several modules and redesign their rack. IMO, depending on how certain someone is that they’re after a particular result, it might actually make more sense to aim for designing a rack that can achieve a specific result at the expense of versatility.

  6. It seems people understandably design a rack with the hopes of requiring the least amount of redesigning and with the least likelihood that they'll encounter problems/mistakes. But even to the extent that this is possible, might there actually be some value in making mistakes? Several months ago I nearly posted a question here that in retrospect was painfully easy to resolve (not so easy though, I should point out, that sales reps couldn’t offer much help). I ended up having to return two modules (though I payed zero restocking fees) and was frustrated for days, but I ended up learning a lot that I didn’t intend to.

Anyway it’s been real… //

Start a fire then be the one to discuss fire safety... got it.

What you have done... intentionally or inadvertently is troll this thread. ALL of your posts have been in this thread and they are critical of everyone. Let me slow clap that for you.

Then you mock others who actually help people. You are acting as a troll even if you think you have some sort of moral high-ground. As it's just you complaining and justifying your insults against some hyperbolic straw-men you make everyone out to be.

The bottom line is that you have contributed nothing. Your bag is empty. This is all that you have. When you do post something constructive, I'd be really happy to see it. But so far you haven't. What IS your level of knowledge regarding modular? You seem to be the master of forum etiquette and will to put the hammer down on anyone who doesn't live up to your standards. But as far as substance. You have none.

I'm going to drop this conversation right here. There's nothing much more to discuss. You don't have the goods. You've been judged and found wanting.

What I just did was mimicked the way in which you’ve repeatedly responded to my posts. Before that, I’ve made every effort to be clear and polite regarding my reasons for posting, which again (again) have nothing to do with desiring a “safe-space”, or with politically correct issues, or with trying to criticize or attack anyone personally. I did write the following quite a while back:

Look: I hope it goes without saying that I’m not trying to start anything, or to insult anyone personally. We both agree that modular synths are wonderful instruments, and I agree that many people likely don’t do the necessary research required to get into this – that they post racks with serious flaws and that they benefit greatly from the advice of you, Lugia, and others…

I’ve not been trolling, and while I haven’t responded directly to proposed racks, I think it’s possible there are additional ways to offer help.

Might it be possible for us to maturely discuss some of the points I’ve brought up – to respond to them without resorting to tissue-talk, or framing things inaccurately (PC/safe-space talk), or going on about “let’s see if I can do better” as though this were a contest, etc..? I truly think doing so could be helpful.

Also please note: It was the first post for the user that began this thread. Their second and final post was: “damn, I was just looking for recommendations lol”. Despite a very straightforward, likely easily answerable question, they clearly didn't feel helped by the suggestions you and Lugia offered (and no, I’m not personally criticizing either of you).

Wow, helping others… what a novel idea. Do you need a tissue, Ronin? Have you downloaded VCV rack? There, I think I've got you matched. As for Lugia, making popcorn seems more apt to help than any of the advice of theirs I’ve quoted.
:) :)

-- Hazel

And there we have it. What have YOU done to participate in the community? You've criticized and been critical of others. But when all of the inflammatory posting is done. You have nothing. Yes. I recommend VCV Rack to people starting out. So do a lot of other regulars. It's free and really helps people get their heads around the modular architecture. You should download it if you haven't already. It'll really help you.

You're dismissive of Lugia's advice. I've found it invaluable and so have many other PARTICIPANTS in these forums. There's decades of experience in his posts if you care to read the forums and learn something.

I'm not sure why you're hell bent on attacking people. But if that's all you have to bring to the table, then it's all you have. If you do have some usable advice, I'm happy to take it.

I'm currently at a crossroad in my set-up. I want a Westlicht Performer but will probably have to commission it to be built. But on the other hand I have an FH2 and thinking of expanding with another 8 outputs. But I'm really not keen being dependent on my PC and would like to venture into some live playing. If I go live, I may want to go with a Shakmat Clock o' Pawn as my clock source. Would you recommend the Shakmat?


Wow, helping others… what a novel idea. Do you need a tissue, Ronin? Have you downloaded VCV rack? There, I think I've got you matched. As for Lugia, making popcorn seems more apt to help than any of the advice of theirs I’ve quoted.
:) :)

Things I don't see:

CV sequencer
Stand-alone VCAs
Effects: reverb, delay, distortion, wavefolding, etc.

The Koma has VCAs, but they are a part of your mixer. You may want to modulate or attenuate a signal earlier in the chain.
Filters... I didn't see much in traditional oscillators.
CV sequencer. You have Yarns to connect via MIDI. But that looks like your only source for sequenced CV. The Circadian only handles triggers/gates.

Perhaps in your strategy you don't need any of the above as there aren't any traditional VCOs etc. Everything seems to be digital. So for the sake of argument, why this rack when a stand-alone digital box might give you all if not most of this functionality... like something in the Elektron family.

But that's what I have with nothing more than a picture of the rack to go on.

You don't like when people are curt and when people don't baby you. Got it. Find somewhere else to troll. I looked up all of your posts here. Tyson has ONE post that Lugia and I were gracious enough to help out with. Hazel has done nothing but troll.

As far as the two of you HELPING anyone... nothing... not a single post. Isn't that amazing? You love to criticize others but have done NOTHING to help anyone else. The majority of BOTH of your posts are just criticizing other members.

Now I get it... both of you seem rather intelligent and have a lot to socially opine about. But you contribute NOTHING. In your quest to turn this forum into a "safe-space" all you've managed to do is piss off the people who are actually helping people through their first steps into modular.

I have a really novel idea... how about the two of you show us by example. You can reply to other peoples' posts and show us exactly how a reply should be crafted with some sage advice on what's right or wrong with a rack. Once each of you has at least 20 of these posts HELPING other people, come back and critique others.

Until then, you are the epitomy of trolls. Just take a look at your posting history and try to argue against it. I'll make some popcorn.

Thanks to @phinland for Ladik J120 comparator! Highly recommended.

A module that you send a clock trigger to once and it spits out a bunch of gates in a pre-determined sequence.
This is me assuming that most sequencer modules will advance 1-step for every clock trigger and not act like a 1-shot sample or triggering off a full sequence of say 16 steps.

Am a talking about a Burst Module?

Cheers for any pointers.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Hi Andrea,

Oh that's great news that the Moog Grandmother is 100% Eurorack compatible... didn't expect that.

Regarding mixers with panning options, I am using the Doepfer A-138p and A-138o combination and I am really happy with this mixer. The beauty of that is that you can expend it with another A-138p once you need more channels. Only space (and money) is an issue then :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Fausto Castillo,

Well I have checked the website and it tells me it's a filter and a VCA thus a VCFA. Shouldn't be too difficult to find any use for that, isn't it? If you are lack on a VCF then use it as a VCF and if you need more VCAs then use it as a VCA. Nicer would be of course to start using it, where it's made for... combine the VCA with the filter possibilities!

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Fastus,

Nice demo sound!

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

So, I’ve got one new thinking i could use it to modulate my sound and sadly I haven’t found any use to it, any advice?

I’ve been testing for a couple of days and can no longer reproduce, so it seems resolved. THANK YOU!!!

That's good to hear!

Maybe I should have noticed that every time I was getting to the “d” in “Clouds” something happened, but I never used the keyboard shortcuts anyway.

Nobody uses the shortcuts, except me. That's a shame, because the , and . are quite nice.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I’ve been testing for a couple of days and can no longer reproduce, so it seems resolved. THANK YOU!!!

Maybe I should have noticed that every time I was getting to the “d” in “Clouds” something happened, but I never used the keyboard shortcuts anyway.

Thanks to buyer: @ldwgbrgr
Friendly, very fast response and payment, would do business again :)

Thanks to @nosp for the Tallin, I love this module. Fast delivery and a cool seller :)

First look at this extraordinary oscillator


I reread Hazel's and my posts to see if I might be crazy, and if we were indeed doing all these terrible things you accused us of, including metaphorical book burning. I'd like to think that I would recognize the Fahrenheit 451 impulse in myself if it emerged. But that's just not even close to what happened here. Hazel criticized a particular comment you made which I happened to agree was unnecessarily discouraging. Neither of us were trying to move things "into some narrower lane" of discussion. When you start by telling someone to "quit immediately," the discussion doesn't need more narrowing.

Instead of acknowledging the obvious, that alienating new or potential members of MG is not a good thing, there's mostly been lashing out and doubling down. Indeed, the only person on this thread who has apologized (twice) is Hazel. Now we've reached the reductio ad absurdum of refusing to give an inch, which is that criticism of you equals "policing." By that logic, any criticism you don't agree with, or which isn't presented deferentially enough, is attempted censorship and an existential threat. You conveniently cast yourself as a champion of free speech and those who disagree with you as villains. It's self-serving. It's false. Even if Hazel and I did match these caricatures you've drawn of us, do you actually believe we would have any chance of succeeding in our scheme to stifle free expression? If so, that's giving me way more power than I have or want, and others less credit than they deserve. This community may be small, but most of its members cannot possibly be that brittle.

Unfortunatley I have already purchased the case since i found it at a super cheap price but i don't think this is a problem since I can sell it or just add a bigger one (bye bye money lol).

1) Oh that's simple: both modules can output triggers which I will struggle to use but i chosed them because they also have other super usefull functions: the Mutan Brain can output up to 4 V/oct channels for polyphony and up to 12 triggers / gates (for sure I'll use two or three triggers in order to output the clock and clock divided triggers) and the Pamela's has its clockd lfos, random modulation and envelopes. If you have other modules to suggest just tell me so i can check them all.

2) I can sacrifice the Magneto in order to add another classic lfo but the problem is that just one dsp module (Monsoon) is not enough to create dreamy and ambient backgrounds. Maybe at this point the right move is to remove the Marbles instead of the Magneto since it is another modules which outputs triggers. But if i do that i lose a random source of modulation .

3) I don't have any type of mixer right now. I also think that a pannable mixer may be better. Any suggestion? I was checking out this one: it is really costy but it has a lot of nice features like the two 1/4 inch jack out + headphones in.

4) I'm gonna stick with just the blinds for now.

By the way the Moog Grandmother is 100% eurorack compatible