Sorry for the Confusion guys
I'm pretty new at this.
Lets start again
The way I m using this set up is to obtain some sort of ritmic randomnes
In my sequences and record it Midi in the MPC. (The results are pretty good)
My main question is about the doepfer A 192-2 CV to Midi module
Since it has 2 independent channels
I m still not able to figure out how to use the second channel so I can run 2 random sequences from 2 different midi channels
Right now I have it's midi in going in to the out of my MPC 2000xl
Which controls other Synths:
Roland D110
Akai S2800
Volca Bass
Volca fm
Then the A192 goes to the blue lantern Quantizer for pitch (thru an LFO and or Sample &hold) and Temps Utile for ritmic randomness

Thread: Next step?

ModularGrid Rack
Based on Minibrute 2S I’m building a rack where I try to patch some generative ambient stuff. It works OK but I know there are a lot of modules and functions that I’m not even aware of that I guess can help me going further.
Would be very glad for some advice what to buy next.

Hello out there,
thanks and greetings back
(by the way actually you can download my whole discography for free if you want…..celebrating 25 years of my projcet)

just received my morpheus from @ChristophRemmery. Nice transaction

package was awesome and so he is !


I'm just not getting it, period. It occurs to me that this just isn't the right application for modular; it would make far more sense to control externals with a proper hardware sequencer (Squarp Pyramid, Kilpatrick Carbon, etc) than to try and cobble one together from Eurorack modules. Don't get me wrong...modular _is useful..._but this is one of those instances where employing modular synth hardware to do something that can be done more smoothly with a dedicated device just isn't the right move.

The Temps Utile is capable of a lot more than random sequences. The menu isn't that deep. Are you saying you can only make random sequences or you're just using it to make random sequences.

The Temps Utile outputs gates but no CV/pitch information. How are you getting pitch info to Plaits or anything else?

You have a 2HP LFO as well as the 2HP Euclidean module. They are pretty redundant in this build considering that you already have 3 additional LFOs and the Temps Utile can run six different programs simultaneously, any and all of them being Euclidean with a lot more options than the 2HP unit.

Thread: First Rack

I'm in club Intellijel... Lycans rules!

Building in a small case is akin to going from building grandfather clocks to wristwatches. The amount of knowledge and precision becomes of the utmost importance. Getting the most mileage out of a handful of modules requires this knowledge and experience. Getting a small rack correct the first time around without experience is going to be a tough task.

Ambient tracks produced via modular generally have lots of modulation involved... some blatant and a lot is very subtle. There's going to be lots of small modulation in order to keep the sound fresh and evolving. Listening to one plain oscillator drone on... not very entertaining.

People are enticed to start with a small rack because it's less expensive to put together. But if it can't do what you're hoping it will do, you're throwing your money away.

+1 on VCV rack. That's what I started on (even though I've been into synthesizers for about 30 years). If you can build the sort of ambient patches you like in VCV Rack, you can translate all of those virtual modules into a shopping list for real world modules. VCV Rack is FREE. It does have some paid modules available. But nothing that's a show-stopper if you don't have it. Get in some virtual time before you spend thousands of dollars on real world equipment. Your bank account will thank you.

Thread: First Rack

For generative? One thought: it's too small. Another thought: why are there two buffered mults in a rig that really has only three "oscillators" (one of which has input buffering)? A third: where are the filters?

This isn't going to work for the purpose you're aiming for. Proper generative systems involve A LOT of modulation sources, various ways of altering timing structures, plenty of ways of combining and interacting between modulators, and a rather extensive but generally uniform set of audio paths. For example: there's two VCAs here, but the 2180 VCA isn't one that can work with CVs or modulation signals. It's not a DC-coupled linear VCA, and instead, it's one primarily for audio work. Cool beanz for audio...but if you want variation with your modulation levels, that won't be happening here.

While the addition of a tile row (and, IMHO, the correct sort of tile row...sorry, Intellijel!) is a really great idea for moving basic utilities out of the 3U turf, this rig isn't where it needs to be overall. For one thing, you're trying to use a very small cab for a "big cab" purpose, and this never works well. Secondly, there's lots missing. My advice would be to start over...and if you're intent on doing proper generative work, you should start with a case that's several times this size. In fact, that advice goes for ALL builds; NEVER start in a small case, but instead, start very large and pare down from there to the point where the functionality you want is just supportable. THEN resize the case.

The other thing I would suggest would be to get a copy of VCV Rack. Work out your generative ideas in there, then start figuring out how to transfer the ideas from that virtual Eurorack environment to a real one. This should not only give you a much better idea of the scale you should be working on here, but a very clear idea of what sort of modules this needs, what sort of actual outlay is involved, etc.

Hi this is my current first Eurorack
The idea is to control my external synth or Sampler with the doepfer A192-2
Right now I' m able to create random sequences with the Utile module
But I still didn't figure out how to use the second midi channel on the A 192-2
Can Anyone help?

Thread: First Rack

Hi Mator1900,

Are you really already that old? Born in 1900? ;-) Just joking.

My first reaction: Extreme far too small case. Second impression, quite a few fancy modules but I am missing some basic but important stuff, like: VCOs, LFOs (I saw one), envelopes (I saw one), filters, VCAs and perhaps here and there a few more modules. If you are not familiar with these standard components then please do first some reading & homework before start to plan a modular system. Don't even think about buying one yet, knowing what you want is an important pre-phase of this.

But your question is difficult to answer with just the very little input you give us. Basic information like: how much experience do you have on synthesizers, and on modular systems? The more information you provide the more accurate I/we can try to help you.

So even without really knowing what you want, get yourself a much, much bigger case and don't put everything straight from the beginning full. Keep for example one row free for future extensions otherwise you end up with buying a second case pretty soon.

One little feedback about the audio output module, personally I would put that either in the bottom left or bottom right corner, depending where your cables need to go to your external mixer or device. Putting that one in the middle seems not so handy to me (regarding cables blocking you when you patch and want to turn knobs, etcetera). Unless you have of course a good reason to put it there in the middle, then it's fine.

Oh yes, and do you really need two Expert Sleepers - Disting mk4s? One wouldn't do it? Do I also see two Plucks? Really needed?

Good luck with your planning and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Prema108,

Thoughts about what? I don't see anything, neither to read nor to see (link to your rack)...

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Clemenswenners,

Ha, ha, you got us there ;-)

I guess the Stages is fine. If you just want a "classic" and "standard/default" ADSR but with all kind of possibilities like every stage (A, D, S and R) can be controlled separately, then I am myself very happy with the Erica Synths - Black VC EG. For that module you can get an expander module (Black VC EG Expander) as well with an extra output, an inverted output and a bi-polar output. But it looks like this module is sold out, so it might be difficult to find a dealer who has one on stock left.

Or you might want to consider the Erica Synths Black Dual EG/LFO (that one you can use either as a single ADSR, as a dual AR, as a dual LFO, or as one AR & one LFO; I like it because it's quite flexible in how you like to use it and still pretty much a "standard" ADSR) or the Hakiri Instruments Triple AD (nice one). Or if you want to go for just a good straight forward ADSR then the Doepfer A-140 is great for just that purpose.

Good luck with the search for an envelope and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: First Rack

What do you think about this rack, for ambience/generative, any advice?

ModularGrid Rack

A clock divider or clock module would be nice.

Pam's New Workout or a Temps Utile would work well. Your Eloquencer can give you clocks. But then you give up that many output you could put towards sequencing. The PNW and TU should give you clocks and some other features. I don't have the PNW but I do have the Temps Utile. It can do clock divisions and multiplications... as well as Euclidean rhythms and plain gate/trigger sequencing, some internal logic functions, etc. It's also possible to store the state of the unit and recall it. Which might be great for a live situation.

Ronin1973 - thanks for the thoughts. Really helpful for sure. Here's my question (again, not knowledgeable here) - why can't I just use the drum trig outs on the Beatstep Pro for each of the drum modules I have here. I could use one of the gate/pitch outputs for the Syncussion as well to get pitch control. If I had another sequencer in here, perhaps the Erica Drum Sequencer then I could use that instead - right? Or would I still need VCAs for that? Also, I hear you on the mixer but I have an Erica mixer in that setup - 6 channels, why doesn't that work?

My plan wouldn't be to play this live but for sound design that I will sample into my digitakt or ableton and use from there. I assume I could create loops and record them too for arrangement later. Thanks so much for helping me!

-- fdbeardd

In order to play live, you'll probably want to minimize the amount of patching. If you're going with dedicated drum modules, you're basically limited to the same functionality of a less expensive drum machine unless those modules have CV inputs to modulate their settings. Those modules will be a bit more expensive than something like a Tip Top drum module. It's not that it doesn't work. It's that you're reinventing the wheel with a much more expensive wheel. My advice would be to set-up and price-out your Eurorack solution, look at the features and possibilities, then compare it with an off-the-shelf drum machine. Are you getting that much more functionality and for how much? If you're paying 400% more for 10% more functionality, you'll have to make a judgment call for yourself about it. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Maybe you should. But I'd consider the price in dollars and HP space. That money and space may be better devoted to something else.

Thanks again Ronin - I'm just trying various configurations at this point. I think I'm leaning more toward the 83HP 3U rackbrute and the Minibrute 2S - I have a working grid there:

The Quadratt will work as a mixer but only in MONO. You'll only be able to add your effects in mono and to either the mix as a whole or an individual module.

There are small stereo mixers available in 3U. You may also want something with at least one effects send. You're going to run out of HP very quickly at 62HP.

Thanks to @SteveLate great seller, good communication, packed really well plus goodies!

I think I've settled on going with a smaller first system and using the Rackbrute 3U combined with the Minibrute 2S. I've read that the I/O on the Minibrute 2S leaves some gaps in controlling modular. I'm new to this so I don't really understand what I'd need to supplement this setup. I am not married to any of the synths in this rack other than the Syncussion SY-1 clone voice. I'll take any and all other suggestions on what to swap out for what's here so I can create something that my other desktop synths won't do and can be used live alongside the Minibrute 2S. I have drum machines and a digitakt to sequence all the other stuff but want this to be both live and a studio jam tool. I'm not 100% sure if the mixer I have in here will help me get audio out and back into the minibrute to then output to my audio card, and mixing console.

So, you see - I know nothing but want to get started. Help a brother out.

Thanks for sharing - I'm the author if anyone has follow up Qs.

A couple of days ago TechCrunch published an article about Eurorack, I thought it was worth sharing it here.

When Dieter Döpfer, the founder of music instrument manufacturer Doepfer, decided to launch a brand new modular synthesiser system in 1995, no one could have predicted what would follow.

-- Exposure

Any thoughts on something similar to this?


Looking to build a small drum focused setup with the Intellijel 62 case. I put a mixer/attenuator and sequencer in the 1U space, there is already two mults, a stereo out, and power built into the rack. The four channels is more than enough for the drum patterns I want to build with this. I have other drum machines to supplement and for using live.

I have a DFAM as well so I'd probably keep that and use the filter and various outputs there.

What else do I need to make this rack really do some drum sound design? I considered adding the Jomox ModBrane but I feel like I need the HP for some other utilities to put this together.

Thanks for the help!

clearly, lol. thanks for the tips . i would better get to know what i have and watch more vids about modules before i get more modules . oscillators yes and need clocks also

Hey, I'm super new to modular but looking to augment my other desktop synths and drum machines. I really wanted something to make unique drum sounds and loops to record in Ableton and/or sample individual sounds into my digitakt. I'd be triggering the drum sounds via the trigger outs on a beatstep pro. I also have a DFAM so I'd be looking to integrate that in some way. What modules am I mixing. This dreadbox case has some VCAs, two different styles of mixers, clock, LFO and such. I'm not looking to use this live right now but if I can trigger with the beatstep pro I might choose to.

So, tear me a new one but come with some solutions and suggestions if you can - much appreciated!

Hahaha, guys. I should've told you that I've been using this rack for months on and off stage. It suits my needs, but I'm just looking to spice things up a little bit with the space I have left. Should've been clearer. My bad!

More envelopes would be nice, I'm considering Stages. Any other EGs you would recommend? :)

I need the Model D in my rack because I need that specific sound on stage and it's convenient right there in my rack.

And as far as Antiphon goes. It's a weird oddball. Building it was fun, the spring reverb is nice to mess with live (it's mounted right behind the Antiphon in the rack) and it's nice for weird drones.

Thanks for your input so far.. curious what you think I should check out!

Building a drum machine in Eurorack is a VERY expensive proposition. You have to recreate all the parts of a drum machine out of individual Eurorack components. There are manufacturers that do make self-contained drum voices. But then you're basically back to where you started from.

I would consider it IF I wanted to get down to the very roots of the sounds and modulate various aspects of the sound that you can't with a normal drum machine. But if you go that route, you're basically building drum sounds from scratch: VCO, VCF, VCA, envelopes, and whatever else you want to throw at it.

If you want absolute control over your percussion and play all of it live, then you're going to need several of the modules above in duplicate. You're also going to need to mix it all... ON TOP of anything else you're doing in Eurorack.

Some deep thinking on what's practical, affordable, and if you really want to go this route. It would be far cheaper to create sounds one-at-a-time and then simply record them into a sample playback module once you're happy with the sound.

-- Ronin1973

Ronin1973 - thanks for the thoughts. Really helpful for sure. Here's my question (again, not knowledgeable here) - why can't I just use the drum trig outs on the Beatstep Pro for each of the drum modules I have here. I could use one of the gate/pitch outputs for the Syncussion as well to get pitch control. If I had another sequencer in here, perhaps the Erica Drum Sequencer then I could use that instead - right? Or would I still need VCAs for that? Also, I hear you on the mixer but I have an Erica mixer in that setup - 6 channels, why doesn't that work?

My plan wouldn't be to play this live but for sound design that I will sample into my digitakt or ableton and use from there. I assume I could create loops and record them too for arrangement later. Thanks so much for helping me!

Thanks for the info on you background.

Well, your system here is pretty basic... which isn't a bad thing. There are a few things that would be helpful to you as you go along. Attenuators and attenuverters are good things. Not all your CV ins have attenuaters/verters built in. The Maths has four channels, channels 2 and 3 can be used as attenuverters. You may find yourself wanting dedicated units. The Befaco dual attenuverter is pretty tasty. It also includes an offset knob. This will give you a lot more control over your CV signals.

Eventually, you're going to want to tie this system into your DAW at least for sync and recording. So a MIDI-to-CV module would be useful as well as a mixer and Eurorack level to line level output. You can probably get away with not having either depending on your audio interface and its specifics (DC filtering, enough headroom to handle a HOT Eurorack signal).

A second VCO will probably be a good purchase as just one might sound a little thin for some applications. You'll also benefit from being able to sync two oscillators to get that "oscillator sync" sound and even do some audio rate modulation of things like filter cutoff etc.

There are a million directions to go in and everyone's journey is going to be a lot different. Don't worry too much about a module that is popular and everyone else seems to have. There are no presets in Eurorack and you'll find that a small nudge of a knob can often make a HUGE difference in what's coming out of the speakers. You can give ten guys the exact same set-up and get ten very unique sounding results. That's the beauty of Eurorack. But about the cost... lol...

The Mimetic isn't all that difficult to use once you crack the manual or follow a couple of Youtube tutorials. The "O" input stands for "Origin" which takes the sequencer back to the very first of 16 steps. The "N" input stands for "Next" which will advance the sequencer to the next step. What I find nice is sending it a rhythmic pattern as well as a reset. There are additional inputs that control which step to advance to or even randomly. Connect Steppy to a few of its inputs and have a good play. I'd try one CV out for pitch info, another to control the cutoff on your filter, and a third to modulate something different. It could even go to a secondary VCA to give you an accented note if your envelope can take modulation (even raising the volume of a VCA is a good trick if you put a second VCA after your main VCA controlling amplitude).

In my experience, there are some modules that seem like duds on your first or second play with them. Then you find yourself really exploring them later on and finding "that's not half bad... wait... this is fantastic!" So give yourself a few weeks to get into the workflow.

I'm not a big fan of the Disting and the six double-sided print outs I have to keep around to remember what each function does. I like everything about it except the interface. Maybe it's the PTSD from working with an Ensoniq Mirage in my late teens. :)

Once you get the fever for some new modules, check out the micro version of Ornaments & Crime. Also, take note of anything you're using a lot in the Disting. That might give you some fodder as to what dedicated module(s) you might want to include in the future. Example: you find yourself using the quantizer program a lot.

Hi Nour,

Since you are not too sure what you want, I would suggest you start with a small system (I mean half full system/case) and get some experience. With that experience you can then decide which other modules you would like to have and then can start to fill up the space.

Leave more space free than 10 HP (that's just about one or two modules). You definitely need more space reserved for future use otherwise you end up soon with buying another case :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Diego,

Right! It sounds to me that you are nice and good busy with your Eurorack :-)

Fair enough on the mixer part and you always can try to return a module to your dealer in exchange of another module, most dealers are quite flexible with that as long as it is within an x-number of days.

Thanks a lot for your feedback regarding the Ts-L of Instruo. Pity of the small knobs, I agree with you that big knobs are nice(r) to handle. Regarding the position of the module within the rack I wouldn’t be too much worried. Use it a bit longer and then see if you can find in your rack a bit better position and then just move it. I mean that’s one of the reasons why we got a modular synth, right? So we have the flexibility to do so.

… Not that I am using that flexibility a lot, for my rack, even if a module isn’t really 100% perfectly located I usually leave it there, too lazy to move it, not for nothing is my nickname here Garfield ;-)

Filters…. Hmmm… yes, a good and important subject. To be honest with you, I could have a few more filters in my system. The Wasp filter (Doepfer A-124 SE) is my best one so far. I also have to admit that I am struggling a bit with finding good filters. Haven’t made up my mind on what exactly I want. I think I still need to build up a bit more experience with filters before I can give you some advice on filters.

For myself I am considering a TouellSkouarn – Kala Goañv but I have no dealer nearby where I can test it, so that’s why I am still struggling if I want to buy it “just blindly” so to speak. I also consider Doepfer A-106-5 SE (Oberheim SEM filter). Then the Instruo Tràigh might be an interesting one.

I also still looking for a nice filter that beside low-, band- & high-pass also has a notch-filter but can’t find any interesting one so far. Do you know any notch filter that might be worth considering?

Thanks a lot for your comments on the Mutable Instruments Stages, it’s really good to know that there no menus or complex button combinations because I try to avoid that. The more modules you get the more difficult it gets to remember for each module how exactly the settings and button “pressings” are so therefore I try to avoid that kind of modules as much as possible.

Regarding envelopes, though you always can’t have too many of them, at the moment I think I am good on envelopes but will keep the Stages in mind. For the moment I like to focus on getting one or two more good filters.

He, he, yes I know what you mean with RIP on sleep patterns, when I just got my Eurorack I barely slept 4 or 5 hours a day, now I am trying to catch a bit more sleep but it’s difficult when you know the Eurorack is waiting for you ;-)

Well, continue enjoy your modular synth, at least I will :-) And any big news then of course would be nice to hear from you.

Kind regards, Garfield (most probably the laziest Euroracker, but also a happy Euroracker :-)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Building a drum machine in Eurorack is a VERY expensive proposition. You have to recreate all the parts of a drum machine out of individual Eurorack components. There are manufacturers that do make self-contained drum voices. But then you're basically back to where you started from.

I would consider it IF I wanted to get down to the very roots of the sounds and modulate various aspects of the sound that you can't with a normal drum machine. But if you go that route, you're basically building drum sounds from scratch: VCO, VCF, VCA, envelopes, and whatever else you want to throw at it.

If you want absolute control over your percussion and play all of it live, then you're going to need several of the modules above in duplicate. You're also going to need to mix it all... ON TOP of anything else you're doing in Eurorack.

Some deep thinking on what's practical, affordable, and if you really want to go this route. It would be far cheaper to create sounds one-at-a-time and then simply record them into a sample playback module once you're happy with the sound.

Lugia, thanks for the honesty - like I said I'm really green when it comes to this stuff. As a first pass, I totally suffered from 'sexy module syndrome' - you got me there!

Your Minibrute comment is interesting, and I've looked at it a lot - would adding that get me closer to making this thing more than a money pit? I'm not opposed to having that (it looks awesome), but I have a handful of other monosynths. If it can sequence the modular well enough then that would be great and save me having to get a modular sequencer for now. I do want a modular sequencer but was definitely trying to CRAM stuff in here that I'd seen in various videos and liked.

All of that said, I started on this because I wanted drums - I've had various desktop stuff from Jomox, Acidlab, Korg and so forth but really wanted the best of all in one unit - including the Syncussion module. If I took the bottom row off and focused solely on drums I guess I'm still unsure what modules to add/remove. There are so many racks on the site it's hard to find ones that are built by knowledgeable people and not other noobs like me. I'm open to any suggestions people have here on the site.

Thanks a lot for the two cents, I've got a long way to go before I start putting this together for sure!

I'm not getting this at all. So, this is a pair of Rackbrutes. But the bottom 6U may just as well be a Minibrute 2S. And since that's a cheaper alternative, then why not just use a Minibrute 2S? A smarter move would be to not put the Boog in the cab in the first place, since it already has its own cab and that cab already has power. Use your Eurorack space for things that NEED the housing and power instead.

Garfield's right about the envelopes, also...there's not really any proper ones there. Ripping out the Boog will give you back 70 hp (a RIDICULOUS amount of space for any module to take up, fyi) and that should allow for proper EGs, attenuverters (you want to be able to invert envelopes...a big "win" with VCFs, especially) and all of the other bits that need to be there. Oh, and about that do realize that it's a DIY module and also has a 150 mm reverb tank that will require space inside that Rackbrute for mounting, right? If that hadn't occurred to you, it might also be a candidate for removal, as it's yet another ginormous module in a little cab, which is always a bad idea.

What's missing here isn't some magic module -- it's SPACE. You're trying to cram two different machines in a space that's really suited for only one. As a result, there are A LOT of things missing...VCAs, attenuators, FILTERS (good lord!), and so on. This is a poster child build for "Sexy Module Syndrome", to be sure.

First of all, get rid of this idea that you can cram a proper synth voice AND a full-on drum machine into a 6U Rackbrute. Ain't least, not with these huge spacehog modules. And this statement: "I considered the Arturia Minibrute 2S but I don't really need the synth engine there although I could be swayed if anyone has an opinion on it"...uh, no. Right now, if you intend on sticking with this build (which I do not advocate), all of the things you need to make this work are in the MiniBrute.

There's absolutely no way you can do proper "creative sound design" with the bottom row as it stands. There's far too much missing...there's not even a "voice" there, tbh. Delete this, start over...and the next time around, decide if you want drums or (NOT "and") a synth voice in the Rackbrute first and then build that out. And before building, study some other builds that have been done right to see what they require to do what they do. Otherwise, sticking with this sort of plan will result in building a black hole that sucks in money...but which puts out nothing useful in return.

You have a skiff. But the picture is of three rows with two of the three empty. To be more useful, is this one row. If so... are you using all of the space already or is there HP left over? Varigates, Voltage Block, and Maths are big modules to place in a skiff. You will also want to examine the DEPTH of each module and make sure that they will fit into the skiff that you've selected. There are no industry standards on depth.
-- Ronin1973

i have a make noise skiff these modules are in the sliff already.
3 rows bcz i want to expand with a suitcase 2x104

hey guys. yes i am a producer with regular synth selection and daw. recording beats and experiment with new sounds kind of like record and use.
lateley got to modular bcz i got moog m32 and dfam and like the idea and the way the sounds change when i patch cables.
the skiff is makenoise powered.
all the modules are already mounted in the skiff it is working. apart from the usb the wuad lfo and the noose which are just an idea of mine to fill up the 10ho empty space i have left.
i am not sure what i want from my modular i just know i want to buy them all.
also i am more of trying to find out what i can do with this system so i canndecide what i want to use next.
watched tons of videos of different modules.
i dont really want the biased module selection like this artist uses this module i got to have it or everyone on youtube is making videos of this and that module i gotta have it.
then we would all have the same system and sound nearly the same.
thats why i wd love for you to give me ideas of how this system can grow what it couod do and what i am missing or any patch ideas of these modules would be appreciated.

You have a skiff. But the picture is of three rows with two of the three empty. To be more useful, is this one row. If so... are you using all of the space already or is there HP left over? Varigates, Voltage Block, and Maths are big modules to place in a skiff. You will also want to examine the DEPTH of each module and make sure that they will fit into the skiff that you've selected. There are no industry standards on depth.

Hi Nour,

Some more information on your situation would be good to have to be able to advise you. How much experience do you have in general with synthesizers? How much with modular? The case you show here above... is that what you already have or is that what you plan to have? What do you want to do with what you plan? What kind of music or for testing purposes, or what exactly do expect and want to do with (the above) modular system?

The more we know, the better we can try to help :-)

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Clemenswenners,

I wouldn't use up all the space straight from the beginning if I were you. Keep some space as a reserve, that always is good to have. You need to get some experience first with the system to show you where you might have a lack of modules for. But if you use up straight away that space, you can't add any more modules, so please keep (quite) some space left; i.e. more space left than you have now.

Perhaps you should consider one or two envelopes, I am missing "default" (non-fancy) envelopes.

Kind regards and good luck, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hey there, I'm 100% green when it comes to this stuff. Have had a traditional analog synth / drum machine setup for a while and looking to add/augment some of that with modular. I wanted the top row of this to be my dream drum machine, taking components from my favorite pieces of gear. The bottom row I was looking for unique sounding voices that I could do creative sound design with.

What I don't know is—what am I missing? Is there a module(s) that is essential to making this thing 'work'? that I need to include? My plan will be to program this with a Beatstep Pro. I considered the Arturia Minibrute 2S but I don't really need the synth engine there although I could be swayed if anyone has an opinion on it.

I plan to use some of my existing external effects which are not Eurorack so I added a module to hopefully help me use send/returns and account for the volume issues.

I may also consider using this live - any considerations there? I would like to sync it to my digitakt for that type of setup since that already sequences all my other machines.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Garfield !

Holidays were nice, I needed that time off :)

So the mixer change, yeah, a lot of thinking and hesitating went in there, but I think overall the double Mixup is a superior option for me for now: I get more channels (2 stereo with mute switches and volume knob, 2 without but I can handle that in other modules as well), I still have mutes and more importantly, I realized I could just do away with the audio I/O entirely if I give up external input by connecting the Mixup output straight to the case's output, I could just then take that same output with patch cables to the headphones out (the signal is duplicated between the out plugs and another "hidden" channel with the connector on the back panel). Losing panning per channel is indeed a big downside but since some modules give me stereo imaging (QPAS, Pico DSP, Mimeophon), I can still create interesting stuff in the stereo space. The Doepfer A-134 was not part of my plan so it wasn't meant to solve that, it was given to me by someone who had no use for it but had not seen my setup plans :-p

I agree with what you're saying about Pico modules, clever placement within the case is important, and they're still to be considered as 'set and forget' items more than playable ones.

My opinion (being a massive noob) about the Ts-L is that it's very beefy and precise, it offers a few ways to modulate it but the small knobs on the bottom can be hard to manipulate when patching is done, I would have loved bigger knobs. This might just be bad decisions by me, mind you, setting it next to PNW was maybe not the best idea.

Sounds like we have similar filter opinions. What would be your recommendation to pair with the T-sL or Basimilus Iteritas Alter ?

I did what you recommend for the OctaSource. For now I like it to be a bit predictable, but experimentation will surely come soon. It's definitely very handy as a massive source of synced modulation !

I did see that sourcing the Disting can be a bit tricky but I managed to find some stock. Maybe I got lucky :)

I'm still debating the role of the OT in the setup, some days I want to use it as a looper and nothing more, some days I think I should keep most drums and complex MIDI patterns in there. Maybe it's just how I manage having an OT, I'm never quite sure how I want to use it and end up doing a bit of everything in disorganized fashion :-D

About Stages, I could start by saying that I wish I had 2. It is very playable and easy to understand, no menus or complex button combinations, the only thing to remember is what each state does (changed by the little button available per slider). Really, it comes down to your understanding of Eurorack and how clever your patching is, in my opinion. I realized I didn't know half as much as I thought I knew about enveloppes so exploring this will be another few hours but so far, I'm very happy with this module and would surely recommend it. If you're after enveloppes only though, maybe the Quadra from Intellijel is another option to look at, I hesitated between those 2 for a while...

Getting a Eurorack in the middle of end of year activity peaks at work, RIP my sleep patterns, couldn't be happier though :-)

All the best,

--- Voltage control all the things ---

i got into this lately and need guidence

Oh, also useful to know; I have an Oberheim SEM Pro (with MIDI>CV) sitting next to my Eurorack. :)

ModularGrid Rack

I'm quite happy with the way my setup is at the moment, but I'd like to fill up the empty space I have left. My modules are mounted in 2 Arturia Rackbrute 6U's.

What do you guys think would be a nice addition to my setup? Anything is welcome!

I will probably order the EME for my Eloquencer, but I'm thinking about something else every time I try and decide.. Chords V2, Magneto, Morphogene...

Curious what you guys have to say! Thanks!

Hey Diego, our happy Euroracker ;-)

I hope you had a fantastic holiday?! Live is good here; as long as there is a Eurorack standing next to me (which is currently the case), I am happy :-)

The good news is you bought a casing and some modules! Yeah! :-)

I noticed you changed quite a bit, hopefully not too quick last minute decisions?

Are you sure about your mixer choice? I see you got now a Doepfer A-134 panning module though if I understand that module correctly you can (for example) put at the end of the audio chain a left and a right channel panning with that. However if that was a gift, then it’s certainly not too bad :-) With the Doepfer combination A-138o & 138p you could change the panning per channel though and not just limited to two channels. Now it looks you can't do that (panning on a channel basis) anymore?

Good to know you can handle the Pico modules well. Yeah a few are fine for me too but if you have a bunch of them all next together fully patched with cables, small fingers or not, you can't reach the knobs because of all those cables ;-) Looking at your layout it might be not too bad regarding the cables so I am glad to hear you like the Picos! They certainly can come in handy for some quick patching.

I got myself a Doepfer Wasp filter too, fantastic filter, I love it too, so I can imagine you went for that one :-)

He, he, the Octasource, the psychopath beast, you don’t want it actually to tame, just start using it and enjoy the wild ride! ;-) If you seriously want to tame it put the rate quite low (the lower the rate, the tamer; but don’t put it at 12 o’clock, then it freezes), the switch to single (instead of multi) and put the wave knob completely anti-clockwise (i.e. at 7 o’clock) and don’t use the FM (IN) then it’s in one of its most tame conditions I realised…

Please let me know your experience with Instruo, and this Ts-L module, I consider the Tòna of this brand and would be interested in people’s opinion about this brand and their VCOs.

Glad to hear you love your Quad VCA, I know this feeling of having a fantastic module, it becomes almost magic what you can do with it compared to other modules and it feels so comfortable then to use it! So enjoy it.

Yeah, I want a Disting mk4 too but I am waiting now quite long already, still not on stock (or when a few pieces arrive they are straight away sold out) with my local dealer here.

I am glad to read that your Octatrack (OT) fits in well together with your new Eurorack. Don’t forget the fantastic sample possibilities on the OT though; I feel that makes the OT really powerful.

How you feel is the usage of the Stages of Mutable Instruments? Is it self-explanatory, i.e. easy in use? Or do you have to remember a lot of button combinations? I consider this brand too but I am not sure yet.

After a holiday, got yourself a Eurorack, what does one want more ;-) ?

Enjoy your Eurorack! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: Korg ms20

Hey guys. Just saw an alternative to the "English Tear" come up in the modules section. G-Storm Electro KVP.

The Maths can be pressed into being a four channel mixer if you set channels 1 and 4 to a neutral setting then take the mix output. Maths can cycle into audio frequency range. If you modulate either of the slopes the rate will speed up or slow down (change pitch).

I only have one Maths...maybe soon two. While I don't have the money to shell out for a whole rack of Maths, man would I want to play with such a thing. Could probably have 2-4 at audio rates (I suppose 2 if you don't have a mixer), and the rest LFOs and LFOs modulating other LFOs. I dunno...give me the rack and I'll give you some patches

Hi Lugia & Garfield !

I hope life is treating you well and that you're having a good time, wherever you are :D

The case and modules arrived some days ago. As you probably guessed, the setup has evolved based on my investigations and further head scratching, here it is:

ModularGrid Rack

  • the Doepfer mixer module is gone, replaced by 2 linked Intellijel Mixup modules, essentially a 8HP gain (12 vs 20 for the Doepfer solution) with more channels. Quite happy with those except the ones I received were delivered with channel 1 broken (I suspect ModularSquare sent me returns instead of new ones).

  • I'm ok with Pico modules. I guess I have slim enough fingers to handle those, the limited size is not an issue for me at all.

  • Erica EG was replaced with the more adaptive Stages, I figure that between that and the Maths, I have the envelopes I need right now, in case I need an extra one a Pico Mod might come back in, or maybe one of those 2hp modules if I need space.

  • Black Dual Filter was replaced by a QPAS and a Doepfer Wasp filter. They're both amazing in their own style, no regrets here, Wasp's sound is right up my alley, any knob turn sounds good, almost feels like it's too easy lol. And the QPAS, well, I don't even know if I can call it "just" a filter, it's very very deep. I won't be able to comment on the Erica module though :)

  • I took a different approach on effects. For now, I just use a Pico DSP instead of the bulkier Black Hole DSP, with a plan to get a Make Noise Mimeophon when stock is back, sounds like something that is right up my alley and is more inviting to sonic exploration.

  • You were both right about the OctaSource, doubting its presence was a mistake, modulation fun for days, I just need to learn how to tame the beast, so to speak :)

  • Got a Pamela's NW, and again I feel like this was the right choice, its wide range of options is great for both modulation exploration and sequencing, it's a keeper for sure and it was immediately obvious why it's one of the best rated modules out there.

  • Introduced drums into the setup, using a couple of Pico DRUMS and a Steppy for this. It's basic but it works great, mainly thanks to the amazing Steppy, very fun sequencer really, with the very useful mutes to circumvent the absence of mutes and only 1 output for 2 drum sounds on the Pico's.

  • Replaced the Fusion VCO with a Ts-L from Instruo, saving HP and getting a different sound. Haven't explored this one too much yet but from what I've heard so far, it sounds pretty good. I spent more time with the Black Wavetable as of now though.

  • I love the Quad VCA, it's Boost is great for creating distorsion and it's super precise, if I had infinite space I'd get another !

  • I was expecting the Mimetic Digitalis to be a bit easier to use, but I might just need more time with it.

  • the A-134 was an unexpected gift so as long as I have space in my current setup, it's staying, I currently use it as a VCO mixer.

  • Maths is soooo useful, it's the ultimate Eurorack toolbox, also obvious why everyone recommends getting one. Mainly using it as an envelope generator or LFO, but I have plans to spend a lot of time exploring just that module.

  • Everyone should get a Disting. With that much functionality in so few HP, it's basically a must-have in my book. Already used it as reverb before the Pico DSP arrived, quantizer, filter, sample player, ... I'll probably spend a day or two exploring each of the functions, sounds like quite a lot of fun can be had doing just that.

This setup is great paired with an Octatrack, for now I have simply setup the OT as a looper using the XFader transition trick, this is ace :) I'm debating what will be done in the modular and what will be done in the OT, originally I was thinking of leaving the bass drum in the OT for example, I like using the OT's compressor on those but having introduced the Steppy and Pico DRUMS, I almost feel like I could do everything in the 7U case and just use the OT for transitions and effects.

Dreams for the future include
- a Basimilus Iteritas Alter to create weird percussions or basslines, demos sound amazing and more importantly, I think I can get sounds out of it that will be useable very fast... It's also a more complete voice using limited space which is nice
- an extra filter couldn't hurt if I get a BIA, I was thinking a MMF from SSF/WMD
- probably a Batumi for extra LFO's, not sure I need it, I'll decide in a few months when I have played more with what I have

That's where I am right now. I'd be happy to answer questions you may have on the setup !

Have a good one !

Diego, a happy Euroracker

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Maybe I'd start with "One knob per function"-modules and nothing with a display. No menu diving, just explore modular with three basic modules like ST0, Optomix and Math. With clever patching this setup will drone your socks off. Future modules could be Varigate 4+, Rings or Morphagene.