Hi :D

Any thoughts or experience on NE Gamut Repetitor vs Clank Chaos - for melodic sequencing?

I have a Clank Chaos and Im tempted to get a Gamut for doing melodic sequences, but I as Im thinking, the Chaos just has it all?

What about the musicallity results of the algorhitms?

I think something like:

like a 6 Channel Turinng Maschine with:
-individual randomisation of each channel
-control of individual channels
-global randomisation
-a few save slots to recall sequences

-4 Channel Turing Maschine
-only global randomisation
-no further control of individual channels
-some controls more accesable on front like "up/down", "root", "spread"
-no save slots



Funnily enough, I'm in the opposite position. I like the GM as it's fairly simple to use but has some very interestimg possibilities. The scales are a bit limited but running them through a quantiser is easy enough.

Chaos looks like it needs a bit more work to get the desired results but the palette of options is more extensive.

Could you tell me more about the possibilities?

What seems attractive to me is, to modulate "scale", "MMS" and "root"

With Clank Chaos, it can sometimes take a bit until you find a sequence you like.
But you can save it, recall it and apply "just a small percent of random" and it mutates with very useful results.
But you have only one (assignable) CV control, to modulate + 1 cv too start / stop looping + 1 cv to apply new random.

