My semi stuff never goes in my euro stuff rack. Need the HP and juice for modular. That said, its your wallet...

Consider an Expert Sleepers interface so you can have all of VCV inside your rack while you build it up. This is the only no-brainer I see here when you have some modules you already really like in there since it opens up space and saves tons of money on the unsexy stuff like simple VCAs and EGs. The ES mod will also let you avoid "auto-including" wild shit like DATA that's overkill for most people. 4ms MetaModule is coming too, I'd imagine a VCV fiend would love that one!

Your rack is full of mostly digital modules despite coming from VCV rack. Not a problem, but you may want to pick some analog alternatives for those strengths that they provide over digital since you have a wealth of them at your fingertips already. Just depends on how you're patching your voices if this is valid or not.

FX in euro sure as hell doesn't save any money, it's actually stupid the premium spent compared to dedicated FX boxes and pedals. This is a spot where the ES mod could pull major weight. You can also use simple 2-4HP attenuators/level changers/pedal interfaces like that 1u line level module to get into some outboard or pedals. Something like the MFX doesn't make sense to me in euro format without the Axon expander to give it CV inputs, budgeting space for that if you go with it is worth a thought.

Ditch the 1u mult and throw a Guillotine in there. Buffered mults aren't really needed on a case this size especially when your chosen mixer has multiple aux sends. You should check out Ritual Electronics and Bastl btw.

With an electronics tic consider a soldering iron and DIY manufacturers. Saves a good bit and they actually sell decently well secondhand if you end up not liking something you build. Huge difficulty range from soldering everything including SMD parts, to simple through-hole only, to just getting the jacks and pots attached, so you can actually learn this skill while building modules from day 1.

10HP seems like a lot to sacrifice for an ADSR in a rack this size, maybe check out Malekko's Quad Env. With 208hp to work with, this is where swapping the 26HP of Function Junction + Black EG for something like a Doepfer A-143-2 Quad ADSR in the same 26HP or a TTA/Buchla 281t in 28HP may be both a more powerful and attractive option. Sort of the same situation for the filters, you've got 20HP of these (not counting Ghost) which I wouldn't expect alongside multiple dedicated voice modules. What are we doing with these, pinging them for kicks and stuff or deharshing those digital voices? You may prefer a dedicated drum module for pinging, imo the ALM drums are the yin to NE's yang and they're pretty BIA-like in use, look up Tyso-Daiko.

I would personally never pick up Pam's with sequencing as the main intent. She's more of a heroine for syncing modulation and clocks though I dig her euclid options, but you picked up Euclidean Circles so she'd be redundant in that duty. Amazing mod but definitely not an "every rack" module, she's just like Maths actually: do not feel obligated despite the deserved fanfare. I still think she'd be good here since you need the modulation pretty bad.

Don't hesitate to grab some cheapie Behringer mods (used? they're frequently on sale too). I haven't regretted any of the System 55 or ARP 2500 series I grabbed early on and they're all still racked. Their clones of mainstays like Maths could give you an idea if the "real ones" are for you too.

IDK kinda all over the place feedback, if your plan is to recreate your VCV setup on a tabletop then you know what to do, but if not I'd grab the relevant Expert Sleepers interface and build it up slow with the simplest pieces first. Definitely hold off on mods you're not even sure are a fit for the rack you're building like the mixer taking 1/10th of your space.

Hi! Looking for advice on building a machine that will let me learn and explore Eurorack.
This is my first build. What am I looking for? I have the usual beginner problem of not being exactly sure, but here are some areas of interest: exploration of melodies, harmonies, rhythms, soundscapes. weirdness and happy accidents. Harmony and coming in and out of it, playing with chaos and order (randomness?). Slow and evolving, fast and dirty. Another area is processing instruments and voice through the synth. Sampling, sequencing. Influences? I love sound and music. To name a small few, Bach, Tunng, Tom Waits, West African music, hip hop, techno, Roar by Katie Perry (bellowed from the top of our lungs by my daughter and I on our morning drive to school). Did I narrow things down nicely?? Why am I spewing all this nonsense!?? I just need some advice on some modules..

The top row is my current set up. I realized that I don't have many sources of modulation but I only have 2HP left. I also only have one oscillator, no FX, no internal sequencer (I do have a keystep). The second row is theoretical and that is where I was hoping to get suggestions and feedback. I removed the Behringer dual envelope generator and replaced with Maths. I also removed the bulky behringer mixer and replaced with the Doepfer which is Stereo.

I'm not using an output module so I use the Behringer VCA's fixed control voltage dial to attenuvert the signal then output to my audio interface. I think that is what I am doing! If I remove this module do I lose the ability to do that, or will the Doepfer mixer suffice? If the Doepfer will do, what other functionality am I losing by removing the VCA?

I have so far enjoyed the sounds I get out of Behringer's VCO and VCF. But the VCO is 14H, which feels large in my small rack. Would you suggest replacing with say 2 Befaco Pony VCOs (4HP each) or 2 ALM MCOs (6HP each)? 1 of each? This would also save 2HP or 4HP or 6HP depending on the combo there.

Any sugestions and ideas welcome.


Still haven't used 7U (1U) so hopefully someone else chimes in in that dept.

Function Junction... not sure 'easier Maths'... probably more like poor man's Maths... An objectively lesser capable module. I own both (2x maths... 1x FJ), and while they share similar 'categorical' functionality; just different. FJ sits in a box... in the closet. Might look at Doepfer Dual ADSR or Instruo's Ceis (newly released V2) if you want an "easier" envelope generator. or really any traditional ADSR module.

Too many voices for the size of case is going to be a popular opinion/criticism. BUT... depending on the patch, swapping them out can make sense, so its not like you can't own them. Maybe just keep HP reserved (blank panel for the gap) for a combination of one staple vco and one swap vco. Going to be your call, financially, on that one...

Never tried Ghosts, and probably never will... Modular effects are great to have if you aren't going to be using a computer or outboard/stomp box gear; but I prefer to use in the box/outboard gear fx. Not saying you shouldnt have a module for granular and simple delay/reverbs just to add depth/space. ... I just find 'special' fx modules to never warrant the $; and how could they...? The Arturia bundle is pretty sweet, but I understand not wanting more screen-time added to your day. I have TTA Z5000 -- sounds fine, not special -- MFX -- sounds fine, not special -- and FXAid Pro -- sounds fine, not special. if I kept one... mfx... They are basically akin to a headphone mix for a singer who wants to track with reverb... I run a Metric Halo rig so MIO console gives me zero latency tracking with plugins. That said, I do print Beads reverb regularly.

Also, look into DFAM. Being semi-modular, it can stand next to your rack and create so, so much. Is it perfect? No. Does it have annoying limitations? Yes. Do I still love it? Yes. Using various midi devices really unlocks it... Google dfamThing and mafd. or use a midi controller (keystep) and cv converter.

Enjoy your journey!

I guess it has more to do with constantly notifying users who have a specific module in a watch list, rather than putting one's own ad above others in the list.

Yep, the used market is THAT dead.

I've noticed recently that the marketplace listings have succumbed to constant "bumping" which brings the same few listings to the top, while perforce making genuinely new listings disappear down the list.

Guessing it's done by "editing" a listing without actually changing anything in the listing?
(I filter out Reverb offers so I don't think it's anything happening there)

My Mutable Instruments Veils v1 suddenly started distorting the audio which seems to be on all channels and doesn't matter what source VCO I feed it. Anyone had this? Is there a fix?


Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Please add Quanalog Instruments; there are currently 5 modules in "other/unknown" by the manufacturer, the modules are not Mutable Instruments clones, and the manufacturer distributes their modules to at least one third party vendor.

Thanks in advance.

Thread: Erosion

Patch notes in the YouTube link

Bottom half is complete. Top half in progress...

This will be the final selection unless I find something else in the mean time.

Cases: Befaco 7U and Mantis x3.

All suggestions and feedback appreciated.

Most recent sound efforts will be posted here:

Should note that I am still mostly producing within Live since I know it far better than my modular gear which is being learned as I resume my efforts...

Old non-modular-produced tracks have now been recovered, remastered, re-compiled, and re-released for my fellow nightmare dwellers:

I wish this was real, instead it just sits here teasing me, along with all the other lightstrip prototypes!
-- benirose

oh so this is vapourware like the Pulse tornado?


Now it is available on Thomann!

I wish this was real, instead it just sits here teasing me, along with all the other lightstrip prototypes!
-- benirose

Ah I was wondering why I couldn't find any record of it or second hand module! Such a shame
-- cptchipmonk

Now it is available on Thomann!

I wish this was real, instead it just sits here teasing me, along with all the other lightstrip prototypes!
-- benirose

Now it is!!

Hello, is their firmware open source? So far i haven't found anything. :/ Bitbox micro would be perfect for my plans if it had more audio inputs. It's hard to find a proper multitracking and audio clip playback device. Currently i am thinking to build my own lol and call it octarack or push/pull. Something with 8-12 mono/stereo inputs, same amount of outputs and 24bit/96khz recording, start/end loop position with zero-crossing etc. Or as a expander for these performance mixers like hexmix, wmd or all the others available. The opportunity to always record the stereo master as well as single tracks on a selective basis.

A loop is going on, some drums etc. are hammering, everything is shit but there is this one element you want to record without patching or interrupting the performance, just keep the loop going, perform but record this stem you like and add it to your library. That way you are always creating, performing, practicing. Basically a stem recorder/player. Maybe it should be called 'STEM cell'.

Would the bitbox micro hardware allow for it? I mean there are 8 inputs but i they only allow input 1&2 for audio input recording and i wonder if this is a hardware or a software thing. They probably locked it down to sell their bluebox digital mixer. I don't need all the other bitbox features so maybe using a open source firmware which runs on the same microcontroller could be a solution?

Yeah just some thoughts. I'll think about a solution with already available modules instead of studying electrical engineering, spending a lot of money and so on... I mean i would love it and it's a very interesting topic but these are the things which prevent me from making music and making music is my main priority. Maybe someone else wants to build it? Erica? Befaco? Anyone out there?

Hi, have you removed the jumper from J7 header?
from the uZeus Manual:
Using the –12V Rail:
The –12V rail uses a switching regulator. This switching regulator needs to have
a minimum load of 100mA (out of 500mA) at any given time. The uZEUS has a
factory setting to self consume this current. If your uZEUS is powering more
than four (4) analog modules you can then disable this setting if desired to
make this 100mA available for use by your modules.
While the uZEUS is not powered look for header J7 (located below the blue
resistor) and remove the jumper. Re-insert the jumper such that it comes in
contact with only one pin. Once reinstalled in the system, the uZEUS will
provide the full 500mA of –12V power for your modules.

Monitoring the requests of your browser should give you an idea what is possible

Ah, nice -- I did that before my original post a while ago but the request the browser makes is without .json and just returns HTML. I never connected the dots. Thanks!

Finally circling back around here... This doesn't seem to be returning all of my modules. Are their other parameters for paging through, or a flag to dump everything?
-- out_of_band

Monitoring the requests of your browser should give you an idea what is possible

The Manufactures URL shown on this page ModularGrid page is NOT VALID.
When I try to use it I'm getting "Hmmm… can't reach this page Check if there is a typo in"

James B

This should work but can change anytime.

-- modulargrid

Finally circling back around here... This doesn't seem to be returning all of my modules. Are their other parameters for paging through, or a flag to dump everything?

Thanks for your replies wishbonebrewery and andydavies,

I will follow up your suggestions!

with kind regards

The BeatStep Pro is one of the most used solutions :
-- Sweelinck

I am a big fan of the BeatStep Pro. Endorse endorse endorse this.

-- FredFoxtrott

also lovemy beatstep pro,agree 💯 also useful with vst/daw such a workhorse.

but...getting double triggers on clock pulses, what settings you all using on the controller software?

what's it drawing at the -12v rail?
the uzeus states "500ma" at this rail but your post only shows the +12v. My (linited) understanding of electrickery is that both the +&- rails count to your overall power consumption.

personally i would unplug everything and start with yuor elements, then try plugging in each module and powering up one after the other. if it brown outs then it will be power, if the mi elements causes the problem on it's own then it will be a fault with the module perhaps? (or maybe the power supply or ribbon cable).

obligatory safety notice: always disconnect power before swapping modules, check negative orientation of ribbon cables/headers carefully.

do you have a seperate power supply you can test a module on?

A small all-in-one synth from C.H.A.I.R., distributed by Befaco.
Straightforward build, but there are many tight solder points. Marketed as a beginner kit, but I would recommend you do something easier first and do this as 3-4th kit once you have your solder skills increased.

Sounds fine, good external modification inputs. Would be great for a small rack, get many things in one unit, vco, loo, filter.



after receiving the Mutable Instrument Elements Clone, my Rack wont start as the blue lights flash.
I dont really understand why as I should have alot of headroom with my Power Supply..

Does Somebody have an Idea what causes it?
Below you find my Rack and Power Consumption /Supply.
The Model 15 is not connected via the Zeus.

Thanks in advance!

While I dig your music, I am always caught by the clarity and beauty of your visuals. :)

Subbed, nice performance.

The BeatStep Pro is one of the most used solutions :
-- Sweelinck

I am a big fan of the BeatStep Pro. Endorse endorse endorse this.

Here is a short excerpt from from a live stream on Earth Modular Society. The vocoder is from the microKorg, and I sequence with a BeatStep Pro:

Trying to get in touch with mlupieri3 about one of your marketplace listings. Hope you notice my message! Contact me!

I would like to be able to label the rows of my racks. For example, I often have a rack that shows a setup in a case with an extra row of things I'm considering adding or looking for. Or it'd be a good way to show a setup that's in multiple cases. Or if I'm grouping things in rows by function, it'd be useful to label.

Thread: Meaning

Patch notes in the youtube link

Got a bunch of HP left in this foldable liveset case.
Looking for advice and comments to complete this tekno oriented case.
Not a fan of the Maths for this situation, too much HP for usability, need an alternative.


I'd drop one of the VCOs to add the DivKid Ochd expansion and maybe another small filter. It really opens things up.

IMO if you're not sure about maths then don't buy it, you need to know why you want that module for it to make sense taking up 20hp in a 62hp case, I'd be unsure on including it myself in a small case like that and I have several Maths. You need to watch videos/find some overview on it, the manual and helping docs out there are great. It does look confusing at first but is spaced and placed pretty well for playing live.

I don't have the DFAM modules and can't comment much on them, I know they have videos online, but I think they are bursting pulses into the Step inputs on the sequencer to pick out specific steps, change sequence length, and to add the Reset functionality. Unique.

If IDUM is the kind of module that is catching your eye, be sure to check out other gate sequencers. I like that its purpose seems to be to manipulate other sequencers because you have plenty of those, but it's kind of hands-off on the composing front. If it's going to be your main sequencer then make sure you add some helper mods for enhancing that experience. There are supposedly a bunch of great sequencers on the Ipad these days if you have one, you would technically bring those in with a cheap MIDI module, but it's the touch interface and ability to swap apps to other sequencers as your real "module" there.

I would say do more/deeper research, you're not being forthcoming with how you're using your synths here so I'm not sure how you're planning to patch this up or what the setup is like w/o the eurorack. The moogs make it easy to mix outside the rack, which if you take advantage of frees up some space. Try mapping out an example patch that you would create if you had the full setup you're looking at. That's a good way to find out something like "well I have 8 trigger outs and only need 3" or "I need X total inputs to use this submixer how I want to." I would say a stereo filter is awesome with the MSS but not if you're just doing percussive stuff, I'd proabably prefer a panner, but if there's a dedicated mixer then I might prefer a line/euro level changer (if the IJ case outs are insufficient) since no panner necessary. Your other hardware is going to determine a lot of what's useless/out of place in your rack.

One other thing is you could go with a "Battleship" style module, bigger/more expensive but offering something usually only found in euro with good playability. Some 30hp+ examples would be Make Noise Rene, Erica Synths Drum Sequencer, TipTop Audio Circadian Rhythms, WMD Metron, or Frap Tools Usta. Some 20hp+ examples would be MN Morphagene, Malekko Varigate 8+ and Voltage Block. I use my Make Noise Tempi the most for basic clocking/triggering and it's 10hp. The 104hp IJ case would remove a lot of concern and has some nice additions for not much more than the 62hp.

Also don't forget the cheaper behringer modules, they can get your feet wet before dropping big money on "regular" modules. The System55 and ARP 2500 series are solid in my experience and have earned their place, but you can get a Maths clone for a third of the price to see if that esoteric approach is for you.

Couple resources for you
Braintree is a solid channel and has a good series on expanding the MSS, some of your questions make me think this is right up your alley. He also has some good videos on Maths itself that help demystify it.

Great demo by Baseck for two sequencers. Voltage Block + Varigate 8 combo make for some compelling modular sequencing. There's a lot more to this than an IDUM and you get to work for it. Expensive but powerful combo.

Check out this rack, replaced Maths and the 1U Steppy with a Pip Slope and a Quadratt to retain some of the functionality but free up more 3U space. Now there's room to be made for something like a Varigate or Circadian Rhythms
ModularGrid Rack

Oh yeah last thing to mention is that if you check the "overall price" for your rack you'll see that these are up over $2k now in 62hp. Some manufacturers bundle their modules together into 104hp systems as a deal, you may want to check out what packages you can get for this price elsewhere. There's a lot of Doepfer you can get for this cash, but it's also around the price of Erica Synths, Make Noise, etc. systems as well as impressive standalone drum machines like Erica's Perkons and Vermona PerFourMer.

Dear Voltage people,

I'm new here. Hello!

As of yet I've been playing with VCV Rack. Eurorack has taken me by the throat about 6 months ago and never let go yet. It's a perfect storm for a person like me. Musically educated IT guy with electronics tic that loves EDM but hates the DAW workflow. Proficient on the drums and piano. I started listening music seriously in the 1980s when synthesizers started to become mainstream. I used to be a gamer, until I discovered Eurorack..

I'm planning to take this journey further by building my own hardware rack. I watched a ton of vids and read many best-of lists to arrive at this setup:

ModularGrid Rack

The direction I want to take this in Musically is percussion-heavy, dark, gritty, industrial. I like the idea of generated sequences with limited random (mix 7 step sequence into 16 step base sequence to introduce controlled chaos, for instance). Genres I like and want to experiment with are DnB, Neurofunk, Elektro, Retro-wave, (industrial) Tekno, maybe even some Gabber. I want my sound to be dark, cold, gritty, snappy and heavy for this build.

Of course I'm looking for advice on the obvious things. Glaring gaps in the setup my noob eyes missed, better modules for the ones chosen, etcetera. As I'm painfully aware I didn't even scratch the surface yet concerning Eurorack, I hope you can help me "perfect" this box so it is the best I can get. I am planning on buying this bit by bit while practicing in VCV Rack, so being able to produce sound/music early on is not that hugely important. I also have no kids or wife, which certainly helps in freeing up some funds to do this ;-)

Thoughts on choices made:

Steppy: Small sequencer with large application
Mult: well, mult.
Quadratt 1U: I learned attenuation/attenuverting is something you can't go without and this module seems very well equipped to do that.
SHTH 1U: same goes for S/T&H, can't go without. This module seemed nice because of small size and "no room in the main rows".
Audio I/O: get my music out of the box into PA. Planning on connecting headphones there if needed, so that interface can potentially be kept out of the rack.

Turing Machine: I love working with this thing in VCV Rack so I included it in the setup.
Euclidean Circles: Easy rythm setup with easy polyrythm access, without having to manipulate a lot.
BitBox Micro: Chopped up breaks with custom replay options and CV, Sample box if not used for breaks.
LIP: Noise Engineering seems to be the bomb for dark and gritty. I also like Instruo very much, but in vids I watched this thing kept on sounding darker and more industrial than the Cs-L for instance which steered me towards NE.
MIA: Same reasons as LIP, really.
AIA: Idem
BIA: Idem
DATA: It didn't take long for me to realize visualising things is super important during the learning process, and this module offers much more than an oscilloscope which also makes it useful when not using the oscilloscope for anything. So it looks to me like an auto-include.

PPW: Clock source and limited sequencing, quantizer without adding a separate module for the task (I see mentioned it can quantize, just not seen it in action yet). Had the clock expander besides it but with all the sequencing options already in the box I assumed it's not really needed.
Function Junction: "the easier Maths". I will probably swap to Maths later on when my addiction is permanent, but to cut a little cost and cut some complexity as I'm still a beginner of course I went for FJ. I thought about rampage which is available in VCV Rack, but it's wider than this one so wouldn't fit in the box in the current setup.
Branches: Love to use this in VCV Rack as well so sort of auto-include for me.
Ochd: This is not even a question. I use this thing in close to 100% of my VCV Rack patches. auto-include.
VC EG: I was looking for a CV addressable EG and I use this in VCV Rack too so familiarity made me go this way.
Freak: Awesome sounding multimode filter, also available in VCV Rack so again a familiarity thing.
MFX: FX option with big bang for buck in a small formfactor.
Ghost: Became a fan of it watching Andrew's tube. I know separate dedicated FX options are much more powerful but as these are notoriously expensive and take up quite some rackspace I've cut some corners here. The Ghost also seems to offer options that aren't availble to us when using separate modules.
Channels MK II: I felt the need for a mixing option and this felt extensive enough for the setup. I assume I don't I need more than 4 channels together with the other options I have in the machine. This will give the much needed control when this thing hits the live-scene (if ever).

MFX/Ghost: Although these save a ton of space (and money) I am not completely sure on if I really should. Of course there is plenty reason why the lot of you use separate modules for FX rather than a combined system like Ghost so I might have chosen the wrong option here.
5 voices: Bitbox, LIP, MIA, AIA, BIA. Maybe one or even two too much? Which one would you cut and what would you put in it's place?
Branches: Replace for something with more logic options?
SHTH: I understood that some Sample & Hold modules don't actually hold the Voltage that well over time. Is this one a good one?

I kept myself away from dedicate drum sound modules to force myself to make percussion sounds from scratch using the modules available in the build. I just don't know if that's the right way to go when you are planning on going percussion heavy. Separate Kick to gain more control over it? The one from Erica Synths for instance? Or Kickall from Befaco?

I'm looking forward to any thoughts and remarks you might have on the rack! Thanks in advance for any time and effort someone decides to put into educating and helping me!


Mork spamming the hell out of us. How can we group/filter module listings into 'alternate panel designs'
-- intowhite

I think this is just a phase but we might add a "no blank panel" filter?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Nice but ditch the headcam or enable stabilisation as its interrupted my gearlust :)

Mork spamming the hell out of us. How can we group/filter module listings into 'alternate panel designs'

Love the Usta and what it can do.
A beautifully built device and lit encoders instead of potentiometers is the way to go with shared controls.
But those slippery pointy knobs are always so hard to use.
Form over function.

Here's a demo of a the USTA sequencer. Just a terrific piece of kit with 16 outs (!), 4 trks each with 2 pairs of cv/gate outs. Easy reset, save, load & project naming using a microSD card. Swing is awesome, and it's easy to create accents, and variable note lengths. Everything is logically put together. I use it for everything, live & studio.

Here's a great resource painstakingly put together by a committed Modwiggler that compares a huge number of sequencers

consider a pointandclicksystems pacbot 0.5 mk2 or pacbot 2 mk2 to go with that hapax. this is actually my own setup. i also use expert sleepers fh2 and expanders directly with hapax and expert sleepers es8 and expanders with pacbot 2 mk2 with vcv rack.

Hello there.
Please check out my new release.


Anyone going to Synthfest 2024 in Sheffield in a couple of weeks?

Is it still possible for unicorns to get such a xml/json?
-- elemenoh

Yes, just add ".json" to the rack url

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Is it still possible for unicorns to get such a xml/json?

RE: the choice of Pam's - I think you're right, I do primarily want a solid clock divider - but I do really want something that I can set the BPM and have it stay in solid time. I currently use a cheap Volca beats to send clock signal but it's never that accurate (like 111.698 bpm when it's set to 112- maybe that's just analog though). The clock routing in the MSS is also a little annoying, it would be great to just have something to send 3-4 separate clock outs. Maybe that's just any clock divider though (and also a mult).

What do you use the ModDemix with Maths for? Still extremely unsure what exactly Maths does but it seems very versatile, both of them sound quite technical.

The DFAM thing looks handy but would these other modules provide similar functions? Not so interested in midi.

I initially had a MN pressure points in this rig but ditched it in favor of the drum voice- worth just getting the single MN pressure point though? I was looking at the 4-point one.

I also came across the IDUM that seems taylor-made to my wishes- gate/clock modulating. Ratcheting effects, breakbeats, etc.

Thread: Routine

Patch notes in the youtube link


hi - is the es6 also audio? I thought there are cv only? thanks