Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Thread: My rack!

Yeah, and the Gozinta arrives today.

I can see that you have unpacked some more bubble wrap!Wish you good fun with this machine!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

The final piece!!! This rack will have the seq/quantizer/lfo/grain dly/5ch mixer/multi from the 1st setup and will add another sequencer/quantizer and lfo, as well as more multis, a filter, an analog dly and another 5ch mixer  

Thread: SYNTH

this will be my live modular rack. I have a little phatty w cv outs and an sh-101 so no need for midi, and I'll be building the expanded Sequencer/FX rack after this. I also have a Volca beats that will be sending clock signals to everything So again no need for mid.  

can anyone give me any comments as I've never built a modular system before. I know enough about synths to get by but have I forgot anything straight forward?

Thread: [ May 2014 ]

I'm selling the left-hand side!

Just passing through, and I've never attempted polyphony in a modular, so take this with a grain of salt.

Basically, I'm getting kinda mixed vibes on this setup. The only reason I can think to have four identical oscillators is that you want to have single-input instrument / multiple voice polyphony, e.g. an analog polysynth. From that perspective, it seems like this has a ton of redundancy. My understanding of the block diagrams of most analog polysynts is that you'll have your multiple vcos fed into a mixer, then have that fed into your signal chain of vcf/eg/vca, etc. from that view of polyphony, it seems not only kinda weird that you'd need a vca (and a summing vca, at that) + eg + vcf + toolbox per channel. if that's where you want to start (keyboard poliphony), you can probably get by with 4 vco, some subset of mixers, 1-2 of the dual vcas, vcfs, and egs. basically, this could probably be chopped into a 6u. it also seems to me--again, having zero true modular polyphony experience--that it'd be the hugest pain in the ass to get four full, independent voices to sound anything similar to coming from the same synth, but that just may be me being a crybaby. for example, i could be wrong, but it looks like the slew limiter in the toolbox does not take a cv in, so good look unifying your polyphonic portamento, if...that's what you're after? 4 s&hs seems like overkill, so maybe that's why there are four tool boxes..unless they're for inverting the envelopes?

"it I am thinking of using to turn the lowest voice of 4 voice poliphony into a rythmic beating bass line"

this makes it sound like what you're after isn't like true keyboard polyphony so much as "multiple voices doing different things". if this is what you're after, me personally, i'd suggest some different sound sources or filters, etc. 

i'm also separately confused by the proclivity toward mixers here. each of the four voices has a dual vca w/ 2x1 mixing, then the far right has another pair of 3x1 mixers and 4x1 mixers. i may be over thinking that one, and you may be intending these to serve also as cv attenuators. i guess it's possible you're intending on taking the already complex signal from the vcos and mixing them with some other output from the same vco, and having that serve as the complex voice. that'd be rad as hell, but at the same time, yield so crazily varying results between voices, that i'd just look into different types of voices.


overall, this looks rad as hell, and if you've got the $$ lying around, go for it. it just seems to me that it's got a ton of redundancy, depending on what you're after, either in terms of needlessly repeating the same signal chain (e.g. attempting polysynth stuff), or making the same blip bloops with the same modules but playing different lines (pads and leads and bass with the same voices) where you could be employing other interesting modules.


i enjoyed this more than i should have...thanks!

So I am thinking of building a modular, It will be my first one but I have a lot of other gear including a few mono synths. I know that a modular mono synth is loads of fun but I want a poliphonic one.There is a music shop here in Iceland that is realy interested in selling modulars so they asked me to help figure out what companies to start working with. I sugested MonoRocket for cases, Pittsburg modular, Make Noice, Mutable instruments and TipTop audio. I think with these companies there should be a nice variation in emphasis. In return I get a bit of a discount and well more good will then I have today. So here we have a 4 voice poliphonic beats. The top two rows are basicaly 4 voices, each voice has a Oscilator, Filter, Dual VCA, Envelope and tool box. Each row has two of these voices and at the end a mixing section. The bottom row has utilities for more complex opperations as each of the voices is pretty standard. Here we have a Yarns for the 4 voice midi control, Tides Wogglebug and Maths each followed by a mulltiple for aditional mangling of the four voices. and then a LPG that I am thinking of using to turn the lowest voice of 4 voice poliphony into a rythmic beating bass line and then a phace shifter to give the whole voice a final shimmer and finaly a outs. I am not compleatly shure about this as a first purchase... maybe I should start with more variety and spend less on more... I am hoping this set up will produce "HUGE" pads and string sections...Any thoughts? All discussion would be nice.

an album made with this modular + minibrute + recordings. it is a great machine for live act!

Joined two Pittsbugh Modular Cell 48 cases.  Skiff is powered by the PS built into the left hand case.  Used a bus cable from the right hand PS and connected to the unused connector on the left.  A single 1A supply is more than enough to drive both cases in this configuarion.

Added dual VCA, Function, and changed to Ripples for the filter.  Want the Cwejman mmf-6 as a filter instead, but 1. no more room, 2. no more money.  (Trying to keep to $5k.)

Eventual plan is to split off into a controller/sequencer skiff (adding Pressure Points, etc.), and add more to the main rack, e.g. additional envelopes/modulation, Maths, mmf-6, and so forth.  Might need to split off a Tiptop drums skiff also... at which time a whole other rack might need to be started instead, and thus the sickness continues...

Comments?  (Anyone know of a better and/or more compact voltage-controlled ADSR than the A-141?)

See my version 2: ModularGrid Rack

Thanks for the tip, I realized the same thing and I'm revising as such.  I thought I might be able to get fancy with Frames to do some of that, but I've reconsidered.

You will probably want to add some VCAs, otherwise you have no way to silence your oscillators.


Filters & oscillators I've built.

This is my outside world interface rack. It lives with (3) other 10U racks full of MOTM format modules I've built (except for the Encore Frequency Shifter). Check em out!

The ES-3 takes 8 channels of lightpipe from my Logic DAW & can send/receive audio (modular & line level), drive & calibrate VCOs, sync analog clocks & LFOs with Logic sessions & drive modules with software based step sequencers & LFOs.

The Mobius interfaces via MIDI & can sync with my Logic rig as well.

This rack is also my 1st leap into Eurorack land. I'm liking the lights!


Thread: CHEAP

And Cheerful!

You may have a problem sourcing the A-111-5, tho' - Doepfer have discontinu8ed the module.

Thread: System 01

oh shit is white car going modular?

4/25/14 Only 4 more modules to complete this setup: VCO, Improbablilty Drive and Super VCA in the bottom rack. EG1 in the top rack. We will see if this happens in 2014!



Wanting a Super Sawtor next, this demon will go from monstrous to a monstrous swarm.

Thread: Mini Beast

The beginnings of my growing Eurorack system. I'm also building a Buchla style boat to eventually house all my Eurorack modules. I'm tossing around in my head the idea of making a boat that houses both MU and Eurorack modules together. Ultimately I need something I can carry out for gigs, these things are meant to be heard (and blow speakers)!

OK, I guess I have to do the QCD+Expander panels now, for sure.

Looks good! But it would be better named "Cheap 'Paraphonic' Modular", as there is only one filter/envelope; true polyphony requires that each oscillator (or group of oscs sharing the same 1V/Octave CV) has its own filter/envelope/amplifier in the audio path.

Getting there. Looks like a few of those will be able to be DIY. You'll have to do the 4 gates -> 1 trigger/gate with the nw2s!


I guess the reverb tank won't fit in this rack :)

Thanks! Yes, I modified a Moon Modular 1U blank panel for my power inlet, power switch and three multipls with attenuator. Behind the panel is a Power-One brand switching supply.

Did you make your own power supply. It also looks great I the photo on MW, congratulations on your adventures.

That is a sick modular set up. I hadn't looked into the stump duels yet.

Its a great size. I'll hunt to hear it aim action. 

Thread: Dream rack

So I'm getting a little money with a tax return, and would very much like to start building this 'system 0' Style modular.  I can only afford part of the system and was wondering what the modulargrid world recommend I buy first.   The verbos complex  oscillator is the most expensive and I could eventually build up from there.    On the other hand I could buy a maths and an optomix and start processing some external sounds and have an immediate modular to play.   

Help please,


Nearly the same assemblement as my system besides the sequencer.

Thread: My A-100

I met Sir Dieter Doepfer once at the Musikmesse Frankfurt. He is a friendly and smart man who asks his (potential) customers, what kinds of modules they want for the future and discusses, if they could be realized.

On my opinion, Mr Doepfer deserves the highest instrument-maker-award, because for so many users, he made such a system affordable. For me he is a true hero.

Thread: My A-100

I ordered the first two modules and a busboard back in 1996. Since then the system developed slowly to this extend. I don't own a Doepfer-case but an old worn-out wooden 12HE 19'' flightcase from the fleamarket.

Thread: One80

This is an interesting selection of modules


Sequencing/MIDI-CV via Mobius and CVPal. Occasional use of Little Phatty Tribute and Odyssey for filters, etc.

Thread: MIDI Buchla

There's a dangerous blank spot in there, and only 11.6k

You're going to need a bigger case.

Really nice. That's got a lot of possibilities. I'll have to investigate some of those modules.


Chouette début!


je ne connais pas le frames ni le Métropolis mais combinés avec le braids je pense qu il y a déjà de quoi s amuser. Ce sont clairement t de gros modules, pas donnés mais avec de bonnes possibilités!

Je ne connais pas les différences entre le Métropolis et le rêne mais il je crois que c est un module très puissant.

le pressure points est super pour du contrôle Manuel, et peut faire office de deuxième séquencer couplé a un brains.


le maths c est un peu le couteau suisse qui sert a plein de choses ( générateur de fonctions en tout genre, enveloppes, lfos..)


le le tip top est potentiellement tres bon, mais pas facile à trouver et il faut acheter les cartes (ou les programmer soit même) au départ tu n as que des délais je crois, mais il y a les cartes valalah


Il te manque peut être un filtre? Une autres source de modulations (type wogglebug?) j oublie certainement des trucs


fais gaffe, tu as mis tes modules dans une 9u, dans une 6u comme la make noise la place va te paraître moins importante (enfin si tu compte toujours me la prendre ;) 

Thread: DIY Serge

Looking good bb

No filter because we have to make a choice ! Terrarium and Cloud can sound very soft, and Braids have some filter algorithm embedded in so it can do the job. But this case is a starting point, you can custom it whatever you need, for exemple you can get rid of the Terrarium (as Braids already have some wavetable modes) and add a filter, or 2x Make Noise Optomix for "Vactrol Bongo" percussive effect...

No filter?