Here's another idea.

ModularGrid Rack

BIA + Crust are a prettty potent voice combo, backed up by samples from Disting. Font is there because a filter is always good.

Beatstep Pro is the trigger sequencer : 6 channels go to BIA, Crust, Skis x 2, possibly Disting x 2.

Pams + Tetrapad handle other modulation, backed up by BSP. The Doepfer quad switch is a modulation director. I also added the Xodes AC3 here, because I had 3hp left, and I don't have any 3hp wide modules, and it seemed like fun. But maybe another EG would be more useful here.

Output stage is the Instruo Carn + ALM HPO. Carn is very expensive but it has faders, a soft limiter on the output, and a little more flexibility than a straight up mixer. I would need to buy both of these. :-(

-- Zacksname

ModularGrid Rack
This is probably what I would do under those conditions to achieve what you're describing.

This one is the opposite extreme to Teataine's version. And I also like it! It's probably a bit closer to where I would have gone.

You can fill up the Disting with samples and stuff before you go so there's plenty of extra drum options.

My thoughts exactly.

Even if you take the Beatstep Pro, I think the Pam's, Tetrapad and Tete are unavoidable here. They seem to be most of your modulation and playability.

With all that modulation power, the Beatstep might be redundant indeed. Although sometimes you just want to punch in the drum pattern, so I would probably take it regardless. Could be useful if ever needed to get clock from the computer too, although I have never done that before, there's first time for everything.

Since this one requires only things I already have, I might just put it together and see how I like it!

Nice ideas -- thanks!

-- teataine
Interesting challenge, here's my attempt: ModularGrid Rack

You managed to keep a lot more than I expected! Also, I did not know about that Traffic module... I have spent so much time deep in Pam's trying to achieve such an effect

I added an A-138s and a Bastl Ciao!. If your chosen USB interface can take modular levels, then I would replace the Ciao

OTOH, if the audio interface has 4 channels, I could do the mixing in the box. This selection tops out at six outputs, so a little 2hp mixer could replace the A-138s. Mixing on the computer is not as fun though!

The Disting is worth keeping in such a small case because it can do so many different things.

I suspect it'll be playing samples most of the time, but yeah, this is a mandatory pick

The DFAM is also amazing but people usually point out it's a waste to have it mounted in a rack, especially a small one. I'd seriously consider keeping it as a separate unit tho.

People always say that, but I think it's backwards. Don't think of it as putting a DFAM in a case, think of it as making a DFAM++. Anyway I thought about that a lot quite a lot, and I think DFAM + 4hp of power doesn't leave enough quite enough space, especially if you need to squeeze some kind of mixer in there.

Thanks for the suggestions!

In about six months I'll moving to the other side of the world for a year, and living in a very small apartment. Lots to plan, so let's start with the important stuff: modular. Most of my music stuff is going to storage. I can take my one row (84hp) modular case with me and not much else. I want to make techno. Here's what I have now :

ModularGrid Rack

The only thing that is guaranteed a seat on the plane is the GMSN! power module. What else would you take? I'm open to buying some things to make this work.

Practical factors: currently this modular goes directly into a big mixer, which is also my audio interface. This will not travel either. I will probably buy a small USB audio interface for recording. (Suggestions for that are also welcome!) I'm also going to take my Beatstep Pro, and maybe my Bastl Thyme.

p.s. If you see a Wasp filter and no DFAM, then MG is being slow. Click through to the real rack....

Channelling Hardfloor there - total banger! Big thumbs up :-)

You might enjoy this clip.

Hi everybody -- it's been a while!

My modular is out of action until I get around to replacing the power supply so here's a DFAM jam. I did use a patch cable to sync the DFAM to the TD-3. It's just those two and echo. Hope you enjoy.

Both thumbs up!

Let's try to make it work. You'll need small fingers.
ModularGrid Rack

I kept the modules you already have, and the Nerdseq -- if you want a nerdseq nothing else will do.

  • The NerdSeq is the brains of the whole affair; expect to use every output to modulate something.
  • I had 2hp left over at the end so I stuck a hi-hat in here... a hi-hat is always useful.... and here the cables don't get the way too much.
  • Since you have a lot modulation from the NS, I replaced the TT Kick and Snare with BIA. It can do both jobs at the same time, and it is more fun. Added a Dual Attenuverter to give some hands on control of the modulation going into the BIA.
  • Added a filter to go with the CEM VCO; any 4hp filter will do, but the MS-22 seems cool.
  • Added Skis - use one envelope and one VCA with the CEM oscillator, one Envelope with the filter, and the other VCA on the FX send (more later) of the BIA, so you can sequence how when BIA gets sent to effects.
  • I left Rings as it was.

Finally the mixer section.

  • the tiny ph Modular mixer is your FX sub mix : mult an output from each voice into here; this goes into ....
  • the FX Aid XL gives you lots of cool effects and lots of modulation of them; I reckon creative FX use is the key to having fun with this case and making interesting sounds. I don't have an FX Aid but I want one!
  • The main mix is the Erica Drum mixer. It gives you enough (stereo) channels but only one is pannable -- loads of other options.

Anyway, there's one idea. I think this would be flexible enough to do something listenable, but limited enough to make it fun to find the solutions. It really does all hang on how much you like fiddling with the NerdSeq. Personally I would do something else : probably a lot more basic modulators in the rack, and a a beat step pro for the sequencing.

Big bull clips to hold a bunch of similar length cables. Can usually get about ten in each clip. I throw all the clips in a drawer, but you could hang them from a hook or a nail.

Jim's suggestion is good! Another take :
1. A delay/reverb. FX Aid seems good!
2. Skis -- 2 decay envelopes and 2 VCAs
3. Tetrapad -- for some hands on modulation
3. Some clocked LFOs. Pamela's New Workout is a good and flexible option.

You're very short on modulation and utilities. Also, if you are flying solo with this, I think you need another voice for the bassline.

EDIT : Peaks, or one of its clones, covers a lot of these bases - LFO, envelopes, bassline -- but not all at the same time. Since I got mine, it has basically been an AD envelope the whole time.

So cool! Amazing stuff @aphew_goodman.

This is fantastic. Thanks @baltergeist!

Thread: Free Jazz!

Here's another with upright, a little less skronky.

-- baltergeist

Five stars mon ami this is stunning!

Wow this was great!

True, true. I did see a cool video which showed how to make various passive things you can just stick in cables, attenuators being the most useful one.

@JimHowell1970 - you're not wrong, but attenuverters are a better use of the hp!

@the-erc sounds good you found what works for you which is key.
-- sacguy71

Well I have not actually got the Vortices etc yet, so I can't be sure that it actually works. I'm holding off since I don't need a eurorack mixer in my "studio" set up, and the live show is still some time away.

I can only agree in the Kickall -- it sounds good! The only thing I don't like about it, which seems to a general thing with Befaco, is having the sockets at the top and bottom of the module.

Thread: 62 HP Idea

4) a Disting MK4...
-- troux

ISTR the Disting is too deep to fit in one of these palette cases. There's a Mylarmelodies video where he's got in held in with tape!

We were discussing mixers for live performance in another thread and the solution I settled on was SSF Vortices + as many 2hp mixers as you need for sends. The other option I entertained was chaining a Doepfer A-138n into an A-135s. You don't get voltage control over pan though.

There are also a few Ladik modules that almost worked for me, but came in one channel short for my rig. With neither space nor budget constraints I would probably have gone for the Hexmix-Hexpander combo. Even without the Hexpander, having mutes and EQ on the channels is a draw for the Hexmix. (Shame the midband isn't sweepable!)

Maybe I misunderstand, but if you are patching the VCO outs directly into the delay, you probably won't get much -- just some weird phasing effect mostly. Sounds like what you are getting.

Put the an amp envelope between the VCO and the delay and see what happens. The VCA out of the M32 will probably do the trick.

@nickgreenberg Regarding your #4, I think I have a solution, at least for 2 trigger inputs. You're going to need two sequential switches.

The second one will be your gate generator. Wire the out to wherever you need it to go, leave the first input disconnected, and send a constant +5v into the second one. The trigger in will be the output of the other switch. Initially the gate is low, when the trigger arrives it goes high, the next trigger makes it low again, and so on.

The first one will do the switching logic. Put you two trigger channels into the two inputs, A and B. The output will be multed, once to trigger the other switch, and once to the trigger of this switch. Initially the switch passes input A to the output, and input B is ignored. When a trigger arrives on A the gate is turned on by the second switch, and the first switch also advances so it is now listening to trigger B. Now when a trigger arrives on B all the same stuff happens in reverse.

I'm sure there are better ways to do this, but this ought to work. (I'm not really clear what you had in mind for the third trigger but you may be able to adapt this scheme.)

OTOH if your triggers were gates instead you could probably do the job with some Boolean logic.

For the last 2 hp : I would get a precision adder like Joranalogue Add 2 or a sumtiple like LPZW WK1

Although, what I would actually do is throw away another one of the 2hp modules and get a switch. Like ST Modular Switched or Doepfer A-182-2.

Why not use Ableton? It's great!

I also have Logic and I find it very cumbersome by comparison.

This is fantastic. Reminds me of the best stuff from Biosphere, which is to say the best of ambient music.

Thread: Disting mk4

+1 on "use the favourites" -- makes Disting much more manageable, especially because it saves the parameters, so once you've got it working you don't need to fish the manual out again...

Currently my favourite programs are :
* I1 : sample player (Z = sample select)
* J8 : Crossfade Loop Player

The organisation I suggest is to make a folder for each favourite with the samples needed for that favourite only (even it's just one!) because changing favourites is way easier than trying to find the sample you want using the Z knob.

I also like the very much Quantiser and Dual Quantiser modes.

Everyone says the delay is good, but I have never tried it. Maybe I should!

It's quite nice just to flick through the manual before you start patching and build the patch around some Disting program you don't know yet. Like -- what is does a Pulsar oscillator sound like anyway?

I like the music, and I like the videos (this one quite a lot actually) but I think I would like the video more without the music What can I say, everyone's a critic :)

Here's my own attempt. Many ideas stolen from @troux.
ModularGrid Rack

Mixing solution :

  • SSF Vortices is the main mixer, which is stereo. the main outs go into the MSCL (bus compressor) and then the Isolater for output.
  • The four non-kick voices (BIA, Entity, Hats, Disting) get high passed by the Shakmat Hi-Pass and then multed into the Vortices' mono inputs, and also the two 2hp mixers (which are effects sends).
  • The white 2hp mix goes to FX Aid for delay/reverb/etc and comes back to a stereo in on Vortices
  • The black 2hp mix goes to the Kith Ruina for distortion and comes back via one of the stereo ins on Vortices (as mono). Not sure about this... maybe not filthy enough.
  • The Kickall goes into the remaining stereo in of Vortices, (again as mono).

It's a bit perverse to use the stereo inputs for the things which I want dead centre but it makes sense.

Non-mixing additions :

  • extra power!
  • more passive switches
  • I dropped the Takaab SMIX to make space.

I have tried to think about the cable routing, but there's only so much you can do with so much packed into such a small space. And of course I have no EQ anywhere which is not ideal. I was also considering a build around the Befaco Hexmix but, being that bit bigger, it makes doing anything sensible with the effects quite difficult.

@troux @garfield -- I think I will buy a PSU3 from Doepfer and swap out the PSU2. It seems to be pretty easy. But as it happens I have a spare "rack-wart" power module lying around that I can use to tide me over until then.

Thanks... not the answer I wanted, but better than fire and smoke!

Power Consumption: 963 mA +12V | 425 mA -12V
Doepfer PSU2 : Output voltages/currents: +12V DC/1200mA, -12V DC/1200mA

I still have so many hp left! Never thought uncle Dieter would let me down :(

What a post -- thanks @lugia!

Koan... I had a cracked version of that on my Win 95 PC back in the day. Never could make it do anything good :)

It is supposed to be a dance night, but all I know about the venue is that will be "a small club". Unhelpful.

Kitting out the rack in mono will save a lot of hp. That said, unless although I add a second PSU per @troux's suggestion, I'm going to run out of juice before I run out of space!

Do you really need stereo in a live show? Aren't pretty much all club sound systems mono anyway?

you don't want to exceed 3/4ths of the power supply's current capacity due to potential problems with power inrush,
-- Lugia

Clarification sought : 3/4 of the power supply's total capacity, or on each rail separately? In my box the +12V is getting pretty close to the wind, but there is very little on -12V.

Whoops, yeah I meant Graham Hinton... Geoff Hinton is someone completely different

Thanks Jim -- good to know! (Have browsed enough Muff's thread's with Geoff Hinton telling everyone off to get nervous about many power related things.)

I'm not an electrician but that makes me nervous. Are there no issues with multiple power supplies in the same box like that?

Ugh... my power supply is the Doepfer PSU2 which tops out at 1.2A on both the positive and negative 12V rails... gonna need a less power hungry solution @troux ! (I'm using a MI Volts to get the +5V from the +12V too.)

Thanks @troux!

I did not know about Vortices -- it looks like a great solution. Shame it doesn't have sends, but that would really be asking a lot from such a compact mixer. Also the Shakmat hi-pass -- on my current setup most channels have the bass heavily cut, so this would be great. Maybe I even need two!

The only thing you missed which I think is probably needed is some kind of output module to step down to line level. I doubt the sound guy will too pleased at getting modular levels into his desk. I mean, it's what I do at my place, but I know what's going on...

A friend asked me to perform at night he is organising. I looked at my current setup and thought..."hmm, this isn't going to work."

Right now I am very much studio bound : big mixer, outboard effects, a bunch of smaller devices, big old synth keyboard etc. However I think with some judicious additions I could manage with just the rack. Here is what I have currently:

ModularGrid Rack

How would you change it to make this into a stand-alone techno machine?

Guidelines :
* The rack is a Doepfer 6u 84hp suitcase which has been hacked. It has 6 spaces which can fit a 4hp module, three above the main rows, and three below. This is shown by the blue blind panels: these panels don't actually exist so you cannot replace them to make more space. Unfortunately the person who did the hacking did not do a great job so you cannot fit 2 x 2hp modules in one slot because the screw holes are not well enough aligned.
* Outside of the rack I will have a BeatStep Pro. I might also get an external compressor for the master bus (FMR RNLA, Oto Boum, something like that, suggestions welcome)
* Things which I currently use which I would like to replace are : various delays and reverbs and a Sherman Filterbank, which is usually used as a source of filth, not so much as a filter. Filth is quite important for the sound. And the mixer of course.
* I'm currently using these modules to make music and quite happy with them. I'd really rather not change them, partly for musical reasons, partly for cost reasons.
* I am not going to buy a bigger case.

So it's a pretty tall order, but how would you solve this problem?

Eeeeeech.... didn't realise it was so scarce! Well there is always :

Many people say that the Mutable clones have compromised ergonomics. I can't speak about the others, but I have a Pique (aka uPeaks) and it is very usable at 4hp -- it's actually half the size of the original Peaks! Another one of those very useful modules that does many things, sits next to my Disting.

My experience of the Disting is that it tends to get used mostly for one thing, and then you buy a new module that does that thing and the Disting becomes something else. When I first got it I mostly used it as a quantiser; then a combination of new firmware for Pam and getting a new sequencer meant I didn't need a quantiser so much. Now the Disting mostly plays samples and I'm looking for a sample playback module...

p.s Veils 2020 is great! Hard to imagine any improvements to this module.

This was one of the best I've heard around MG in a while. Really good.

Thread: Happy Easter

This was good :)

That brass sound : mwah!

This sounds all kinds of wrong, but in a good way.

@sacguy71 -- Oh I know the Disting well, one of the first modules I ever bought. And I completely agree that the user interface is bad, especially the clickless "Z" encoder for selecting things.

OTOH it is half the price of the Sample Drum, 1/4 of the hp (give or take) and it has that lovely Crossfade Looper algorithm... and the 50-odd others which are part of the problem.

OTOOH having two of the same module just seems like a lack of imagination really.... although the Disting is the ultimate "utility" module, and you can never have too many utilities...

The Squid might be overkill for my needs, but I'll definitely have I'll have a look, thanks @troux. Was staring at the Erica Sample Drum and the Squark Rample for a while. Both interesting, both do more than I need. Sample Drum is probably closer.

Plan B : buy another Disting? The Crossfade Looper algorithm is muy bueno.

I'm pretty sure that it is a clocked LFO, not hard synced. The internal topology is something like :

Master clock -> clock divider/multiplier -> ... [stuff?] ... -> Wave form generator -> Quantiser -> Out

so you will always get a complete cycle of your waveform. Unless it's being skipped or randomly phase shifted. (See "stuff" box, above.)

Hello all,

Does anyone have a good suggestion for a sample playing module which is good for loops? I'm currently using Disting Mk.4 for this but I'd like to use it for other things.

I was looking at the Tiptop One but it seems better suited for one shots since the sample management is so minimalistic. (On the Disting I have folders for different tempos, for example)