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Thanks! That actually is really good advice. I’ll see what I can come up with before jumping off the deep end.

ModularGrid Rack
Hello all,
New to modular; I recently bought a Lifeforms SV-1b and I’m already imagining all kinds of possibilities for building and expanding.

I’m pretty sure I want to stick with 6u / 104hp max for now, and although I’m currently interested in a more melodic kind of ambient sound, I’d like my setup to have the potential for other styles as well. That said, I have no idea what I’m doing; what dumb mistakes have I made with this rack?

My current worries: Too many MI clones? Not enough utilities? Am I trying to cram too much functionality into this space, or not enough? Something I’ve missed entirely?

If anything about this rack makes you go “...huh?”, please let me know!