Hi ModularGrid people,
My current setup that I enjoy playing with is the following:
- Torso T-1
- Elektron Model:Cycles
- Moog DFAM
- Moog Subharmonicon
I am looking to build an Eurorack system that would first complement the Moog semimodulars I have and eventually be a standalone system as well.
I would like to explore two avenues of music:
- deep/minimal techno, so think of solid kicks, nice hi-hats, hypnotic percussion loops, and rolling bass lines
- some kind of nasty electronic version of Indian shruti box and percussion, so think drones, noise percussion, clicky sounds, vortex of reverb, and polyrhythms
Starting out is the most difficult thing, but I think first I need some utilities to get more out of the Moogs. And before that I need a case! I browsed the forums and it seems regarding the first case good advise is "go big or go home". I'm prepared to invest into a proper case right from the start that would have space to house my final system (it's never really done though, is it?).
This is the part where I need advice from you experienced modular system designers: considering my musical goals, how much space would a system like that require? It would be nice to be able to move it to jams and such, so I am thinking if everything necessary could fit into something like 9U 84/104hp? (not counting the Moog semimodulars, they can stay in their cases)
I listed some modules below I did consider to obtain if I were to get started by myself, but I thought it makes so much sense to ask for advice first before I sacrifice my coinage to the gods of the Eurorack.
You can also see that in order to have a standalone system I lack voices, percussion, filters, additional utilities, sequencer, mixer, and who knows (well, you do) what else. I appreciate any and all advice regarding those! If I were to name some names, regarding the sounds I have been intrigued by: Dinky's Taiko, Rings, Plaits, Mangrove, Manis Iteritas, Basimilus Iteritas Alter, and 2hp Hat.
After I get the case, what would be the best way to go about building first the complementary and then the standalone system?

Thoughts on modules (from left to right):
I guess Maths is never a bad thing to invest in?
I own Norns, so this would let me integrate the two ecosystems. I'd see this being among the first modules I get because I can program it to play a role of a module I do not (yet) have.
Countour 1
For some reason I like the layout of this module. But if I am going to get Maths, maybe I should be looking into something like Quadrax instead?
Mimetic Digitalis
This just seems fun. I can see how that is both a good and bad argument at a same times. There are probably better sequencers out there and I also already own the T-1 and can sequence from that (and both DFAM and Subharmonicon have sequencers too), but it feels this module cold lead into some "happy accidents".
Lapsus Os
Attenuators/attenuverters seems like to good things to have and I like how this one has two outputs per channel so I could use it to control modulations to eight destinations if I'd so desire.
Pamela's New Workout
One thing about the Moog semimodulars is that they operate at 1 PPQN while the T-1 can only go as low as 4 on the sync outputs. A clock divider would do the job here, but Pam's seems to be one of the de facto modules to stuff into a rack and I could feed it 24 PPQN and have it divide the clock for the Moogs. And since I want to eventually grow the rack to also function as a standalone system, Pam's seems to be a good master clock in that realm.
Rnd Step
This feels like a nice utility to have. I like how you can also use it as a noise source if you trigger it fast enough. I am enjoying making noise percussion with DFAM, so I can see myself enjoying making similar things with this one.
This was actually the module that got me interested in expanding my setup more to the Eurorack realm. Eight sources of modulation would keep my DFAM sound moving.
To me this feels like a buffered mult with benefits.
Quad VCA seems like a good thing to have and I've seen this one being recommended on the forums.
Transmit 2
Eventually I need a way to output sound from my system. I picked this module because of the XLR outputs, option for stereo in/out, and separate headphone output.