I think the Maths and Wogglebug are good for a setup like this. The Ochd+expander you have in the new configuration is a good choice - you can also feedback it by plugging the various outputs back into the CV control input for more varied and unpredictable LFOs. Since Maths gives you two attenuators already in addition to its other goodies, VCAs are probably the way to go here. In a small system, VCAs with knobs are the most convenient. The classic is the Intellijel Quad VCA or Mutable Veils (discontinued, but After Later Audio makes a clone called Cloaks, as do other companies). Omnitone makes a quad VCA called Ampera that is smaller if you need the space. I wouldn't worry about finding a special VCA with special audio character, because those ones are said to sound good already and you'll want them more for CV here. Just go for value and control capabilities. The main thing here is just to get control over more signals and more aspects of signals.
I did up this just so I could keep track of everything. I put Ghost in instead of the other effects unit because the other one appears to be currently unavailable in Eurorack or standalone format, but you can always find another effect or multieffect that suits you (or track that one down if you need it). One thing I see around a lot is the Folktek Alter X and Y pedals, which are more like Eurorack modules in pedal form with CV control, and offer similarly grimy and potentially experimental (yet varied and tameable) effects like that other unit. That might free up some space for you to add more utility/modulation or maybe even squeeze a second small signal path in there (or expand your current one).
These are all just guidelines, and I imagine you'll want to go over all these things and check out the alternatives. Hopefully that helps. Your sound sources/effects are obviously the most personal part, but as you play around with stuff you'll get a lot more confident with all the other pieces and knowing what suits you. Don't be afraid to test ideas in VCV Rack as well. You won't be able to use all the same modules, but some are available and the concepts are all still the same. Multifunction modules like Ornament and Crime, the Distings, or the Empress Euroburo/Poly Hector (the latter two can exist in their own cases) are also great ways to experiment with new and interesting functions in a relatively small setup.