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Hi folks,

I´m just trying to find some good companionship for my Generate 3. Purpose of the 2x104hp Case is a single voice source, Techno oriented Synth. I found this approach quite appealing since i built a DnB oriented case with the CS-L as the only sound source.

The basic idea was to use the output options of G3 to split out the sound to different signal paths. Maybe this will be tricky due to limited space (and wigglebility in mind). Verbos Multistage, Sequence Selector, Scan&Pan, Multi Envelope are sitting in the Case as well. The rest is more or less undefined.

Does anybody use G3 as a single voice system? If so, what are your suggestions?
What modules did you find work really nice with the G3? Any magical combinations? Something that didn´t work at all?
Whatever tips you can give me, I´m happy to hear it.


Fold 6 from Joranalogue is a great option and relatively cheap as well.
Both the core triangle and fundamental outputs on the G3 sound awesome sent thru it.
Filter8 is another obvious one as a filter and modulation source when in LFO mode.

Orbit3 is another fun modulation source.

Both orbit and filter 8 can also act as oscillators