Hey all, I am struggling to find a fluid way to perform live with my modular drums. I am currently using a beatstep pro to sequence some tiptop drum modules but find its muting method bloody annoying.

What's your method for perfoming live with drums?

Alpha Hz

A drum machine, actually. But barring that, it seems like there should be a solution in drum sequencer modules such as Acidlab's Robokop, Twisted Electrons' Crazy8 Beats, or Erica's Drum Sequencer, all of which are specifically designed to function like drum machine sequencers. While I like and use the BSPs for various things, with one exception (triggering an ancient MXR Drum Computer with a blown sequencer section) I tend to use these as step sequencers, particularly in situations where I want multiple monophonic lines in asynchrony.

A drum machine, actually. But barring that, it seems like there should be a solution in drum sequencer modules such as Acidlab's Robokop, Twisted Electrons' Crazy8 Beats, or Erica's Drum Sequencer, all of which are specifically designed to function like drum machine sequencers. While I like and use the BSPs for various things, with one exception (triggering an ancient MXR Drum Computer with a blown sequencer section) I tend to use these as step sequencers, particularly in situations where I want multiple monophonic lines in asynchrony.
-- Lugia

Thanks for your thoughts Lugia. I've had many and most drum machines ..new and old but want a tactile way I can play, in terms of live recording of drum hits and muting and unmuting drum sounds whilst all in the rack. Even with the BSP I feel disconected to from the rack modules. Oh well I'll check out the modules you mention. ✌

I use an old tr-626 for live work, sequencing MIDI modules and other drum machines as well as feeding my eurorack the sync signal from the TRIG-out jack, I often leave the 626 in pattern step write mode and that lets me create on the fly. I lose the ability to have patterns all setup with the (useful) accent and flam already but those are easily added in on the fly. Can you do that in the BSP at least? or does that make changing patterns for the synth work impossible and now tied to the single pattern being open for writing in real time? could a module like LaunchCodes be more useful to you?

Why mute at the Beatstep when you can mute the outputs of your Tip Tops? Void Modular makes a six mono channel mixer with six mutes for $80 in 8HP. I'm sure there are other solutions... some use switches rather than buttons, etc.

Currently use some shakmat modules in combo with a bitbox, works like a charm.