An open VCA from Mother 32 (with a pitch sequence defined by Metropolis) is sent into Quad VCA where a Pulse LFO from Peaks determines when sound is allowed through (closed VCA with CV from Pulse LFO). Output from Quad VCA is then multiplied, one of the copies is sent directly out for reference, and the others go to Euro DDL and Maths to be inverted and sent to the Kill Gate Input.

A series of interacting functions from Function and Maths play off of eachother to effect things like:
- pitch sequence root note into Aux A of Metropolis
- Euro DDL Delay time
- Mother 32 VCF Cutoff

Varying the width of the Pulse LFO effects the length of each sound event coming out of the Quad VCA that goes into Euro DDL. Also, using the Multiply Parameter on Euro DDL and selecting sample rate values other than the default (Hold Multiple + Encoder turn) can provide interesting timbral and rhythmic variations.
