"Trying out some Drone stuff, all 3 outputs on the Make Noise STO used into Mutable Veils which is also mixing in some 2hp Vowel and some fairly random samples played in via the Disting mk4, all that then goes into the Monsoon Clouds. Clouds is then Modulated via DPW Design AV-1 (Lovely bit of kit), then there is some subtle 2hp Pluck and Bell going on. Part of the modulation comes from the Noise Engineering Clep Diaz and part from the WMD / SSF ADSRVCA on looping mode kinda LFO-like. Pitch from the Pittsburgh Modular MicroSequence is messing with the samples in Disting."

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Hello Wishbonebrewery,

Yes! Yet another track from you, always nice to listen at :-) I sat in my "listening chair" and soon I had the feeling I was sitting inside a huge kind of old fashion clock. I was very intrigued by the sounds you produced. Nicely done!

One small remark, but it might be just me, did I hear it correctly that most of the sounds were either in the stereo-middle or on the left channel? I don't think I heard much on the right channel (other than the stereo-middle)?

I like your picture as well, those pictures getting nicer by each time and the number of patch cables are increasing too, isn't it? :-) I love that, your patches are getting more complicated and your compositions keep intriguing me. So, impatiently, I am waiting for your next track!

Thank you very much for sharing and good luck with your music, kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

You are waaay too kind!!

Anything stereo all comes from 3 things which various signals go through, mono signals go into --> Erica Pico DSP, 2HP Verb and Monsoon Clouds ==> Stereo out. I don't have any way to pan anything at the moment.


Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
