Hey guys, so this is my current eurorack case and im thinking what modules should i go next.
Was thinking about the Shapeshifter but everytime i look and see other opinions everyone says that is a very hard module and very complex . Is it that hard to learn ? I have some elektron boxes , so im a little used to menus . I was thinking ShapeShifter because it is exceeds at FM and wavetable but i allready have a Monomachine so dont want to overlap stuff
Other module could be the Beatbox, 16 channels of samples but i have to get another sequencer for it (have beatstep pro) it only has 8 trigger channels and the other sequence ones i use to sequence Braids, Dixie or Rings .
Thinking also about Warps from MI so i have other kinda of fx unit to mess around with my others VCOs mainly Dixie because is the module i use less
Was thinking also in Plonk, think is gonna bring some nice sound pallete i dont have
Have a 2hp kick , really like is sound but it has allways a lot of decay, can someone please explain to me with the modules i have how to patch so i can cut a lot of decay..? (Sent a trigger from beatstep to kick, mult it to the doepfer envelope, envelope out to vca but no luck, still a lot of decay)
Have some drums in my case but maybe gonna sell them because i allready have Elektron Rytm , so dont want more drums in my rack.
Other machines i have in my studio are Elektrons ,A4, Rytm, Octatrack and Monomachine. Also have a old Korg FM Synth and a MFB Dominion X that is a great synth with a very good sound for basses, leads etc... Has 3 oscillators and accepts cv gate triggers
My kind of music is house, sometimes more Techno or Microhouse
Love my modular modules but dont want to overlap things , so looking for modules that can give me other sound that i dont have
Now because the Coronavirus im not working, so its a great time to get plans and get things working together
Also im not a super modular guy now, have my modular around 1 year so your opinion is well apreciated !
Thanks guys, take care