Check it out here:

Please check it out if you're on it and let me know if there's any issues with your tune, link, or name (or anything else). I'm psyched we put this together and it totals up to about 2 hours of sick music, starting groovy, getting spacey, and then returning to some energetic vibes. @mog00 and @mowse, I didn't get copies of your files, but if you can send them over I can look at slotting them in, and if I missed anyone else let me know too. Other than that, share far and wide so we can get some listeners on this thing!

Thanks again to everyone for contributing, and I'm already looking forward to doing this again next year 🕺

@troux -- you are a star! Thank you so much for making this happen!

Very happy to @the-erc, thanks for being on it!

Awesome! Thanks so much for curating this @troux.
Just purchased.

All praise to the forums @farkas, and you get a special kudos for helping me build my first rack without which we might not be doing this today.

thanks @troux, just started listening :)

Wow! Cool! Thank you, @troux!
Superb compilation!

Ha, such an honor to be in this compilation!
Great job everyone and thank you @troux!

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Thank you @troux, this is pretty cool! Great job everyone!

Glad to do it and glad you all are on it!

Awesome! I have published it on the Facebook page. Maybe it get's some more attention.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Sweet, thank you @modulargrid!

@troux not sure how to get you the files, can you download from or do I need to send you an email?

Thanks for putting this together!

I'll try that @mog00

Hi Steve, All,

Steve: Brilliantly done and thank you very much for your efforts here! :-)

I am going to listen at this in the weekend, bit too busy this week.

All those who provided input for this album: That's superb, I am going to have a fantastic weekend, just because of you! Thank you!

Modulargrid: Thanks a lot for publishing this on Facebook :-)

Kind regards and oh man, what's modular lovely! :-) Garfield.

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Kudos to you too @GarfieldModular, thanks for you track and for helping to keep this community going.

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Outstanding! Maybe one day my modular skills will be solid enough to contribute some music to a future edition :-)

+1 sharing from me -
Thanks for the great work!

Thanks for making this happen, glad I could contribute.
Great tracks, everyone!

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

Finally got a chance to sit down today and listen to the entire playlist. Nicely done, everyone!

Thanks! Great! You did it.... I am very happy to be a part of it.... All the best for 2021...

Kudos to all of you, and @mowse and @mog00 I'll get your tracks uploaded this weekend.

Thanks Troux!

NP @defragmenteur, and FYI @mowse and @mog00 your tracks went up earlier today. Thanks again everyone!


you rock, thanks for all your work on this. Well done to all the contributors let's make sure the 2021 release has even more submissions!