hello folks,
i jammed a bit with the piston honda... does it do some ambient/trance-like sounds?
judge for yourself :):
hello folks,
i jammed a bit with the piston honda... does it do some ambient/trance-like sounds?
judge for yourself :):
Hey thanks sac!
I dont want to disappoint you, but I dont do videos for the time being. Maybe I change my mind on this someday...
The Hertz is really nice compared to other WT-synths I used, can recommend to buy one if there is one available. I was lucky to get one used...
Hey, pretty nice tune right there !
Love my PHmk3, that thing is bonkers, sounds kinda plain but I really love those faders, genius to place them there, makes the module really playable once you get to know the WT (or come with your own). Its great set of features, large sonic palette on offer and fantastic interface design makes it well worth the asking price IMHO.
--- Voltage control all the things ---
Hi Jingo,
Oh wow! What a beautiful sounds are you producing here?! It makes me speechless, just done with the Piston Honda (and some effects) or did that module got some more help there?
Ambient enough for me, but not long enough, this could go on and on and I would still feel it's too short :-) He, he, and a nice touch at the end of the track!
Nicely done and thanks a lot for sharing this! Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hey Garfield,
thanks a lot :)! I am trying to get more and more into the calm waters of sounds and music.
For the patch notes:
phmk3 sequenced by vector quantized with sinfonion. The vector does a small 8 step pattern and jumps around direction modulated by a triple sloth. The phmk3 goes into mir vca with an envelope from an erica synths eg. Then into a happy nerding mmf filter, then into desmodus versio reverb.
The phmk3 wavetable selectors are a little bit modulated by the really slow inertia output of the sloth.
In short, soundwise: you hear the phmk3 with an vca/enevelope and a low pass filter as well as some reverb, that's all :).
Hi Jingo,
You said: I am trying to get more and more into the calm waters of sounds and music.
I think we all should :-) That's the best advice I heard so far in 2021 :-)
Thanks a lot for sharing your patch notes too, it's (at least for me) always interesting to hear/read how people setup their modular synth, the way it's used, etcetera.
Can't wait for your next track! Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads