I'd really appreciate any comments, advice etc.. for the rack Im designing as the main sequencing modular rack for my studio...

My main aim is to use this for Old School Berlin type work with some random elements

My total budget is about $6000

ModularGrid Rack

I spent about a month really enjoying playing with and experimenting on, a similar Mutable based rack that a client bought in and Im trying to duplicate that as best I can from memory.. as he seems to have vanished off the face of the earth!

Am I missing anything obvious? Any dumb mistakes? Any suggestions as to how to improve this.. in regards to my preferred style of music as well as integration into a Logic Pro / Numerology based Mac system?

I also have a Minilogue, DSI P12, Sub37, 3 x Mother 32s, Octotrack, Analog Keys, Pulse2, Zaquencer, Future Retro Orb & Zillion, Ultranova, Virus C and Snow Ti along with assorted FX pedals like a few H9s, Big Sky, Timeline, Infinity Looper and so on.. as well as a P6, Linnstrument and Roli Rise as Midi controllers and 3 X Motu AVB 16As for i/o into Mac...



The micro zeus only has 10 spaces with the flying bus boards. You'd have to figure out a way to plug all of that stuff in.

The micro zeus only has 10 spaces with the flying bus boards. You'd have to figure out a way to plug all of that stuff in.
-- cedworth

Good point... A couple of 4ms 40's should fix that yes?