cant say i love the look of it, to be honest.
i would have chosen something that looks more like 'this' as a starter, for my style. ...
peace ✌️
cant say i love the look of it, to be honest.
i would have chosen something that looks more like 'this' as a starter, for my style. ...
peace ✌️
it seems to me ridiculous that i could post something relevant for feedback and see no replies on an active form over 24h later, etc.
i dont think this place is being run great. ...
troll post:
lol, guiz. new modular rack design. is it 'modular' enough, do you think? "feedback".
seriously? no comments?
people were saying my other rack configuration designs had way too much going on, so, now i have stripped it back essentially as much as i know how, and not even a single regular user has anything to say?
peace ✌️
(also, can anyone comment on if the kitty eyes / penrose would actually generate a randomish arpeggiation effect like i think?)
what was that advice again?
"too many modules to keep track of. be more conformist. gooble gobble." ?
im a rockstar.
peace ✌️
(like, i get it if you think one brainstep controlling 4 voices, plus one scrooge, plus 100 other knobs and things, plus a mixing console, isnt the right stuff to really just compose almost anything on the fly and really generate a compelling performance, but thats not the feedback i have been getting, so if thats it, just say so. etc. ... .)
seems to me like you already have ideas about the kind of signal chain you want. not sure if i can help you refine that at all, but nothing looks totally out of place, to me.
one thing i can think to mention is that i just came across the 'cyclonix cyclebox', now discontinued, and i think an area to explore might be finding ways to replicate a similar functionality in a more ambient production context, to share, if thats helpful. peace ✌️
Hello! I want to get into modular. I know nothing. I want to create a synth for pads/ambiences/pretty sounds. Please let me know how I can improve! I would also love for my pfp to not be sideways.
I think all the advice you got in your previous posts still applies.
|one more comment|
nobody seems to like my 4x3u 100hp designs, so here is a 2x3u one. better?
peace ✌️
great, mean comments. definitely the reason i use modular grid.
(i wont take any more of this 'snark'. im a freaking "rockstar".)
peace ✌️
I'm looking to trade this Befaco 7U case for a Palette 62, preferably black, and the difference in money. If however someone is interested in buying it, then I'd like to get around 500 EUR (slightly negotiable). I bought the case in December 2024 and I also have the decksaver (included), the power supply (still with plastic wrap on it) and the strap it comes with. Everything is like new. I used it only a couple of times. It's a great case, but I changed my mind and don't want to spend that much money anymore. A small Palette should be ok for me.
The case has a small sticker with a funny cat on the bottom side. If it bothers you, it can be removed effortlessly.
PM for more details and pictures.
Located in Bucharest, Romania.
Buyer pays shipping costs, but we can share the Paypal taxes.
yeah, but that is exactly the kind of commemt i didnt want.
how im thinking about it: 2 demon cores like 2 guitars, the plasma voice like a bass, all the sequencing i need, the plonk to spice up the scrooge, brains to have brains, then the swarm as a background drone element, some effects, chaos, and noise, and then all the other modules to give me the right performance options, and things like that.
i dont think its too much.
peace ✌️
(also, brief comment... the 5 on the bottom left are negotiable. i just had some space to fill, and i think i did a pretty ok job, etc. ...)
Too many clock multiplers...
“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
Ch2: Pitch
Ch3: ATK
Ch4: DEC
Ch5: S/L/M
Ch6: B/A/T
Ch7: Delay Modulation
Ch8: Additional Trigger (Cross to Ch1)
Cv1: ATK/DEC Modulation Attenuation
Cv2: S/L/M & B/A/T Modulation Attenuation
Axon - 2:
Assign 7: Normally Pitch Range (Pam Ch2, level)
Assign 6: Normally Pitch Shift (Pam Ch2, offset)
Assign 5: Normally Slew or Off-beat Trig probability (Pam Ch8)
Assign 4: Normally Euc Trig for Pam Ch1
Button A: Next Bank
Button B: Randomizer (Cross source, seed, for ch 3,4,5,6,7)
Exponential Rythm based on Two LFO modulation in feedback
Ch1, output main clock
Ch4, output modulation LFO, use ch4 output to ch1 "Both",
Ch1, output to ch4 "Both", Create feedback look between two LFO.
use Ch1&4 Attenuation to stablize or mess up the clock.
Do the job
Multi in Phase mode,
adding the Multi output with LP output, Creating special Mid frequency Harmonics.
One random S&H Modulation Source to three different parameters.
Turn The attenuation during the performance to create drastic effect.
Live Note:
Do some work in Pam, Save your ass during the play.
Ps: Update PAM to V128. In V128, dynamic clock (or Exponential Rythm) is more easy for PAM to capture. Please do that.
been trying for a total production case design for a while. forum didnt absolutely love my old designs, but i think this new particular arrangement is special. etc....
i would like comments related to the ability to use just this to create music live that could suit a plethora of contexts and composition styles, like it was 100% replacing your daw.
(but, of course, also functioning like its own fully contained stand alone instrument too.)
((positive feedback only, please. no 'not enough clock multipliers' comments...))
peace ✌️
looking for feedback on the nifty keys layout rack I made a plan for.
is it viable for a newbie...? don't want to burn any moduels or make retarded newcommer mistakes. any guidance apriciated.
looking mostly for crazed psychedelic fx/Pad squeltch/glitch sounds, to sample and chop up in daw.
the reason for keys is to get, and playable key note for track reference.
saw a mates rack, and based the components on his. so know the crazy shit his made, wich is the goal i have...
ei, no meaningful melodies, or Synthesizer sounds, need Piched up, glitched crazy sounds for psychedelic music productions...
thanks a bunch😄🔥
Feeling like I've not stabbed a pattern into the Beatstep for a while for some straight up acid tweaking, so here it is, no frills squelch and squeak!
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Hello everyone!
I've had a Maschine+ since the beginning of the year and am still practicing producing Gabber/Early Hardcore. I would love to add Euroracks to the Maschine+. Percussion and bass are samples via Maschine+ and leads via modules.
Can anyone recommend a small setup for me to get started?
Thank you!
Best wishes
Hallo Zusammen!
Ich habe seit Anfang des Jahres eine Maschine+ und übe noch etwas in der Produktion von Gabber/Early Hardcore. Sehr gerne würde ich die Maschine+ mit Euroracks ergänzen. Percussion, Bass sind samples über Maschine+ und Leads über Module.
Wer kann mir hier beim Einstieg ein kleines Setup zum Einstieg empfehlen?
Danke Euch!
Viele Grüsse
Every rack wants a Pam's Pro Workout as a master clock.
A Nanorings instead of an original Rings will save you money and 6hp, and work and sound the same.
Calsynth makes a nice one, as does Michigan Synth Works.
Because you're looking at the Doepfer MIDI modules, maybe consider the a-190-5 Polyphonic MIDI controller.
It does what the a-190-2 does x4, and provides many more tricks with the kinds of voice modules you have.
If you stick with the A-190-2 MIDI module, note that the A-140-2 ADSR can be automatically triggered
by the 190-2 if they share the same bus. Saves two wires, overrides with patch cables.
Have it live next to the MIDI module.
Mults. Look at the Frap Tools 333 ProAudio Sum and Distribution module. I use it in almost everything.
6hp, cheap, solid, dead on clean and accurate, and handy for adding CVs (and audio) together,
and then mult-ing them out. I also like the Rides in the Storm QAM Quad multiple.
Very well made at a good price.
You could use more meat and potatoes. Will that A-119 comparitor earn it's 8hp of space?
The A-121-3 multimode filter is 4hp and could help tame and shape some outputs.
Next to that, an A-145-4 quad LFO, because everything could use a little more wobble.
Far more utility in 8hp than the comparitor.
I'll hate myself for this, but a used Maths is going for around $290.
A new Behringer Abacus is $59. Ugly as sin, built to a price, but $231(!) cheaper.
I feel so dirty now.
Modules from 2hp always seem like a great idea until you use them.
This is a collaberative album made by myself and my buddy Bode Gustav, and it was released on his label. He made some original material with his computer and plugins and sent it to me. I then ran it into the ms20 low pass filter on grone and clouds, and processed it. Thanks for listening! If you have any questions or comments about it please feel free to ask or post.
I would reconsider the Octogain: .....
How are you planning to integrate the drumbrute?-- teataine
Thanks for the helpful reply! Everything you said makex a lot of sense. I switched out the Rabbit Hole for a stereo distortion and put in a matrix mixer after doing some research, that's exactly what I was looking for. This is where I've landed!
With the drumbrute, for now I'll just use it for the master clock for effect syncs. Eventually I'd like to build out a small drum module to port the kick, snare and hi hats out to some better sounds/effects but for now I'm gonna crank the internal compression and hope they've improved the sounds from the OG drumbrute. I loved the feel and flow, but it sounded like a toy lol.
Thanks again for your reply! Super good info
I would reconsider the Octogain: it's a ART/Polytip (or whatever they're calling them now) module, which is meant to integrate with other Tiptop modules from the same line so it's kinda wasted potential (and it hasn't been officially released yet). If your main signal path will be morphagene->effects then you only have one pair of stereo outs to worry about and 8 mixer/vca channels seems kinda overkill. I'd definitely look into a smaller mixer/vca combo and add another modulation source/utility. A matrix mixer would also be really powerful in this rack because you could redirect the flow from one effect to another, feed them back into themselves and reorder your signal path. Looking at the Rabbit hole, it's a summing mixer, so be aware you'd be losing the stereo image from Morphagene and your effects (find a way to do parallell processing or an alternative stereo saturation/grit module).
How are you planning to integrate the drumbrute?
I hope Squarp will develop a similar module for the Hapax in the future ;-)
edit: found the fix on the pc browser. is there something for mobile I'm missing?
hey ya. prob heard this one before but tl;dr. option to flip the modules upside down. sometimes you want the jacks on the other side.
Hey y'all, so like the title says I've created a goal for my first eurorack system and I'm wondering if there are enough function modules? I want to make sure I'm not forgetting anything in the design but I'm pretty new to eurorack so I definitely could have.
The idea is to feed the Morphagene into the Nautilus and Mojave to granularize and restructure non-melodic recordings into glitchy ambient noise, which would then have a gnarly bite added with the Rabbit hole. The maths is for envelope shaping, I would pair this with an external drumsource (thinking the drumbrute impact). The Octagain would mix and provide VCA. I've managed to cram a mult right in the middle, but might swap it with the Divkid OCHD for more generative motion. I'm really happy the modules I was looking at all happily line up to the 108U standard.
Am I forgetting anything?
so also finally uploaded my first youtube demo with a set. i also talk about why i like to play with modular synthesizers live and without a laptop or something. Live Set is starting at 5:30
some feedback would be super cool. Thank you!
Those are all good modules to start with. If you move the MIA up one, that's also the perfect order to buy them in.
You could always sell the Mutant Brain and get a CV.OCD. That'll buy you 8hp of space. How much room did you need to make?
I think I could use one more filter up in the upper right FM stuff, but I don't know what to get rid of.
As interesting as the Chaos Marbles clone is,
I think it's real estate is kind of wasted because its functionallity is duplicated elsewhere.
It's also pretty ugly. Behringer makes me feel dirty.
Support for the Doepfer ribbon controller and an A-111-6v will probably go there instead.
Spectravox is fun, but dark science.
Hello there,
Just recently sold my make noise semi-modular (0-coast, 0-ctrl & strega), to buy a sequential take 5, I was just missing so much playing the keys and doing chords, i'm really glad with it but I'm already missing the modular way of pathching and stuff (i'm a total beginner btw).
I still have few modules, that I bought or were offered to me and I want to expand my system quite a bit. I've recently looked at Monotrail Tech Talks videos and I tought it was really inspiring, and made me understand more things I guess.
This is my current setup :
I have a small clone of Clouds and a Music Thing modular too (plus a Folktek Alter X Pedal), I've decided to buy a Behringer go rack, just to get started and have enough hps. (regardless of everything that i know and read about behringer and this case in particular)
I was just wondering what to get next to improve my setup, my thoughts are on :
-Intellijel Quad VCA
-Happy Nerding 3x MIA
-Another Oscillator
-Another Filter
Am i heading in the right direction ? I just want to have fun with my system, understand things better. I want to do mainly ambient generative stuff, drone, noise and experimental stuff.
A physical modelling synthesis module.
Very simple build, the build part of the video is shorter than the demo.
And the demo is long because this is a really interesting and deep module, I could (and will) play with it for hours to find many interesting sounds.
Highly recommended and if you’re looking for a first build, pick this one it’s easy to build and great sounding when you’re done.
will this old module still make any sense in 2025? A digital module that is so old is it now completely outdated? Are there good new alternatives? I would be grateful for any help.
a new video on Sisyphus to see all the filters at work.
Hi friends, has anyone received a strange-r ? Is the module released ?
he didnt make one. he said he intended to and it got away from him.
from the thread from MW:
FOLD - with knob down the input seems to want 0 to +8V and the trim pot is an offset, CV to FOLD adds to the knob(I think)
PWM - trim knob is attenuator, with PULSE knob in the middle and the PW MOD knob at maximum a +/- 5V seems to kiss silence so slightly backing off the PW MOD knob gives the full sweep
ZWAV - with the ZWAV knob in the middle a -/+ 5V at the input take it to both extremes
ZMOD - INDEX knob is an attenuator and the input wants 0-8V
anyone seen a manual for the Zephyr..???
been looking, can not find one..
so after i switch to a skiff case a couple of months ago i now restarted everything and now im
playing again with the big monster case from doepfer. this is a live set with some loops of
old tracks and a lot of improvised sequences and especially the bassline.
Please give some feedback that would be great!
Thanks for listening!
yep, thats correct.
Sound Source>Filter>VCA
Trigger or Gate>ADSR>out of ADSR into VCA and mult to Filter Cutoff.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Put recordings on Youtube or Soundcloud, you can then link to them here.
ADSR's / Envelopes are indeed a crucial part of modular unless all you want are Drones, imagine playing a pianio key and the length of time you hold it down is the Sustain, when you let go it rings out is the Release. Its a way of seperating notes from oneanother.
The same envelope that is used to control the Volume of the note van also control the Filter Cutoff to animate and give life and movement to that note.
At the moment my Rack/s have up to 7 envelope generators from simple Attack/Decay to ADSR's and also an LPG.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
hi i have been tweaking in modular for a couple of years now im no expert at all hence this post..when i create a techno patch I hardly ever use adsr or extra vca i pipe everything into a matrix mixer and straight into the output bus..i like the sounds im creting but find i strange thsy i hardly use envelopes or adsr am i doing something wrong ? i know who adsr work but still find it difficult to find use for them ,i know they arr used to open/close vca etc but i seam to get hood results with the need of them can anyone give me any tips of where to use them and why it would be much appreciated thsnks, have a look at my rack see what you think > If you're getting the sound you want, then it might be perfect for you.
In my experience, mixing every voice with silence in a rhythmic way is crucial—otherwise, my output tends to get muddy and overloaded.
Do you have any audio recordings? That would make it much easier to give feedback.
-- modular01
i have some recordings but just video on my phone can these be uploaded on this site ?
If you're getting the sound you want, then it might be perfect for you.
In my experience, mixing every voice with silence in a rhythmic way is crucial—otherwise, my output tends to get muddy and overloaded.
Do you have any audio recordings? That would make it much easier to give feedback.
Just confirming, I have 2 Cast Iron units cascaded with dupont cables, and it effectively works as a 2 stereo-channel mixer. Wasn't sure about this until I got the second unit so this works as beautifully as I had hoped.
hi i have been tweaking in modular for a couple of years now im no expert at all hence this post..when i create a techno patch I hardly ever use adsr or extra vca i pipe everything into a matrix mixer and straight into the output bus..i like the sounds im creting but find i strange thsy i hardly use envelopes or adsr am i doing something wrong ? i know who adsr work but still find it difficult to find use for them ,i know they arr used to open/close vca etc but i seam to get hood results with the need of them can anyone give me any tips of where to use them and why it would be much appreciated thsnks, have a look at my rack see what you think