It is @GarfieldModular, maybe that's why I'm disappointed in it 🤣🤣 Enjoy your weekend too, and thanks for listening.

Hi Mowse,

Oh yes! This is you all right: nice, good and solid. Definitely worth it to listen at :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Troux,

Nice one, kind of mellow isn't it? At least to me it sounds like a nice mellow entrance into the weekend :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

good idea try not to buy modules - I have only bought 6 this year so far - I'm going to try to keep it down to about another 3 and maybe a couple of diy ones - plus at least some of the components for my diy backlog - otherwise I'll be needing a new case too

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

nah it's a great module as is
I just think I'd rather have a zadar or a batumi or another stages...
or some inexpensive doepfer ones with resets

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

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Correct! Well at least the support utility modules cost less than fancy voice ones. My new Doepfer A100 6U case arrived so will hold off adding to it for another year or so unless it is a few key support modules and maybe the new Expert Sleepers Disting EX that will be useful.

Realizing that half of a modular setup is utilities and support modules and not 20 fancy oscillators or filters
-- sacguy71

even when one has a massive case!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

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I am using the quad VCA for attenuator duty they have them built in may as well take advantage of that! I will look into a 2hp trim to fill the empty space. In my second case, I have kinks and links and hex vca coming soon so perhaps throw in a sequential switch and random generator plus logic modules, clock, matrix mixer, and quantizer? I have some passive mults on order to arrive soon. No rush will fill second case more slowly! Realize the third case will be much larger probably in year or two to fit the larger fun modules and plenty of support modules, utility and tools and a better sequencer like Hermod, 512 Vector, Winter Eloquencer or Frap Tools USTA. Realizing that half of a modular setup is utilities and support modules and not 20 fancy oscillators or filters unless one has a massive case!

yeah I'm mostly looking to buy/build only knob per function modules myself - not that I haven't got quite a few multi function modules - mutable and the like

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Mixing is super hard @mowse, keep us updated as you keep using the SoundStage, I kinda want one myself!

Full disclosure: This was my first 30 minutes with WORNG SoundStage.

I've been getting good feedback about sound mixing and separation in my tracks. I've found myself wanting more space, depth, and clean separation of sounds. This is what I'm trying to achieve more of by incorporating SoundStage, because I don't enjoy adding more to DAW workflow. I acknowledge also that I have a lot to learn about mastering.

So, this is about gaining as much as I can, modules first, DAW and studio (monitors, mixer) changes second. For this first bit, I'm using vertical stacking only, not horizontal stereo field placement. Just going for cleaner separation of sounds.

Would love to hear from folks on this aspect of my next few patches or tracks.

I do agree @JimHowell1970, a reset's the one thing I think it's missing (fyi @DivKid 👀)

we'll see... I doubt it though - I'd want a reset I think!
I already have a decent amount of modulation!
who knows what the future holds though... it's a definite possibility - if only it was twice the size and pingable!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Of course! But to each their own - I'm just a real fan of one knob/button - one function. Batumi/Varigate are about as divey as I'll get, but that's my preference, and I know plenty of folks dig deeply complex modules. All good!

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

yep disting does require a little menu diving - but it is really minimal - unless you are trying out lots of different algos in a single session - same with referring to the manual - setting up favourites on the sd card really helps in this regard as well - you might have to read a bit of the manual - but you'd do that if you got a new module anyway, wouldn't you?

tbh I probably only use 4 or 5 of the algos and at least one of them I should replace with a dedicated module

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

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One idea is to get an external sequencer that has the ability to sample and use drums like Elektron Octatrack via MIDI to CV or perhaps an Elektron Analog 4 MK3 that has CV in/out to sequence and modulate the entire modular system. I do that with mine and it works great and leaves space for interesting modules and utilities. Plus way cheaper than full on modular drums and FX as you can layer the effects from Elektron to modular quite easily. Just a thought :-)

@JimHowell1970, we gotta get you on the Ochd train, the control is in what you patch where as each output is in relation to the others. Using outputs 3 and 8 will get you a very different result than 7 and 8. In the end it can be pretty expressive c.f. this piece where the Ochd is driving the whole melody

Nice one as usual @mowse. I'm curious how the SoundStage helped out here, is it mostly to do with the relation of the different elements dynamically?

this is how I use them too - in between things

I see a lot of newb cases with them jammed in next to each other though

often I find the sam issue with 4 hp modules too - need space around them Disting is a good exaample of this
-- JimHowell1970

Disting also requires menu diving, which I'm really not a fan of. That said, they really pack a lot of functionality, so, as with nearly everything in life, it's about the trade-offs/pros/cons. I'm moving more and more into non-Buchla banana jack land, so that level of control is becoming less of a concern for me.

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

kinks is always a good addition for modulation imo

other than that I would want a decent mixer - preferably something that has both mono (with panning) and stereo inputs - so maybe split between 2 mixers - probably I'd go happy nerding panmixjr and stereo mixer

I'd also probably look at adding another filter or 2 - at least one of which I would want to be able to produce sine waves and accept v/oct and track a couple of octaves accurately

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I've been wondering about this module, will give it a listen.

Good convo here! I feel like we need a pinned thread, "So you're gonna build your first rack? Take a look at these suggestions." Would help a lot of folks start off on the right foot.

you really can never have too many vcas - watch the mylarmelodies video on youtube called "why you can never have too many vcas"
6u/104 is still a small modular!!! it won't fit in your handbag - but it is portable etc etc
always allow space to expand - you might not think you will want to expand from this now but you probably will - if your case is full that means buying another case - a bigger case to start with will work out cheaper overall
why filters: so you can stick a filter between morphagene and monsoon for example
why kinks: modify modulation - stop it being boring - the current rack is basically one patch - kinks will add a lot to it
why fx aid: so you have choices about how to route stuff - add layers etc etc
as for a modulation source - pams is great (i believe) but not so hands on - personally I like maths - its sort of a microcosm of modular - see the "maths illustrated manual" online to see why

personally I'm not that big a fan of ochd - no control really

modulation is quite personal though - it's a journey not an end - some things you have to work out yourself

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

how are you expecting to do final mixing/monitoring - always through the es9 or with an external mixer?

Good question...
I added a Erica Synth Links so that I can use an external mixer, too.

I would try without this first - you may or may not need it or passive attenuators to do this

I would drop the tritone and compressor

I think I will need the sidechain of the compressor and I am also looking for a way to saturate signals.

VCAs - you could just use vcas to do both of these roles - but you may want to swap to different vcas then - for example one that actually amplifies rather than attenuates - veils and intellijel quad definitely do this - side chaining can be done very easily with vcas - mix an envelope with an inverted copy of the signal you want to use to sidechain and send that to the vca

kick hat snare are next to each other - so very cramped - each of those modules is 1.16cm wide - you may want to spread them out a bit in reality

Yeah I almost thought so :)

I would swap the doepfer matrix mixer for something a bit smaller - AISynthesis does a 10hp one!!

Thanks for the hint!

spread the vcas about

What do you mean ? You mean I should also spread them like the drum modules?

vcas are useful throughout the system for modulation as well audio - so maybe 1 top left, 1 bottom right for example

unless you are smitten with the Milky Way I would swap in an fx aid xl - more options for effects - similar hardware

Thanks again! Did not stumble upon this module yet.

Here is the updated rack.
As stated in the first post, the system is a first idea for the future and I wanted to get a feeling for a balanced system.
So does this look good now?
ModularGrid Rack

-- le_tmp

it's looking better - not sure of the purpose of the 2hp TM - you probably need to add a quantizer to get it to do what you want - provide another v/oct channel - if this is the case you may be better off with marbles instead of bloom

I would stop stressing about it and just start with a minimum viable synth as outlined above - the plan will always change no matter what once you start patching

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Wooaa hey guys and girls! Exciting; long time lurker first time poster!

I've been working on a system for jamming and live performance focused mainly around taking care of bass/lead/atmos/fx sounds (Analog Rytm taking care of beats) and wanted to plumb the depths of knowledge to see where I could take this! I have most of the modules in the top two rows already (minus matrix mixer and maths and plus rene) sat in a nice mantis case but I feel I need to add elements to mix properly (currently using veils as a 'mixer' and built a patch in Torcido editor to act as mixer/output/oscillator) and add the matrix mixer to get some really nice, smooth, performable modulation happening!

I'm very much into slowly developing textures and evolving patches but with a dancable tempo that I often mix with field recodings etc. Any ideas/suggestions would be really greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

*For some reason in posting this the grid has decided to give me an erica black out against my wishes haha

Hello! Thanks a lot for your feedback. After more searching it looks like Ears is not needed for Monsoon and Morphagene indeed.

I would really like to keep it small and i've no real desire to expand it, but probably 84hp or 104hp like you suggest is more realistic for the long term budget yes! So instead of Maths, maybe PAM which would provide the modulation in 8hp (envelopes+lfos+randomness) and ochd?

Duly noted for the Triple Sloth instead of the Woggle Bug and for the Veils, maybe a dual VCA based on the Mutable Instruments Veils like the one made by After Later Audio could be enough for most of the patches?

As a start, I don't really see the point of adding filters+kinks+fx aid as most of the work will already be done on the Digitone (effects+filters) and the audio processing is done on the Morphagene and Monsoon? Could you please explain?

So here is a second version of the setup : PAM+Ochd+Morphagene+Monsoon+DVCA+MakeNoise XOH and later on, for more slow randomness, the Triple Sloth as suggested?


how are you expecting to do final mixing/monitoring - always through the es9 or with an external mixer?

Good question...
I added a Erica Synth Links so that I can use an external mixer, too.

I would drop the tritone and compressor

I think I will need the sidechain of the compressor and I am also looking for a way to saturate signals.

kick hat snare are next to each other - so very cramped - each of those modules is 1.16cm wide - you may want to spread them out a bit in reality

Yeah I almost thought so :)

I would swap the doepfer matrix mixer for something a bit smaller - AISynthesis does a 10hp one!!

Thanks for the hint!

spread the vcas about

What do you mean ? You mean I should also spread them like the drum modules?

unless you are smitten with the Milky Way I would swap in an fx aid xl - more options for effects - similar hardware

Thanks again! Did not stumble upon this module yet.

Here is the updated rack.
As stated in the first post, the system is a first idea for the future and I wanted to get a feeling for a balanced system.
So does this look good now?
ModularGrid Rack

this is how I use them too - in between things

I see a lot of newb cases with them jammed in next to each other though

often I find the sam issue with 4 hp modules too - need space around them Disting is a good exaample of this

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

if you are currently using vcas as attenuators I see nothing wrong with adding a trim module to free up vcas - in fact probably what I would do - unless there is anything else you feel is missing - or just leave it for now - you don't have to have every case full to the brim!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

it's a little better

throws up questions though:

how are you expecting to do final mixing/monitoring - always through the es9 or with an external mixer?

I would drop the tritone and compressor

kick hat snare are next to each other - so very cramped - each of those modules is 1.16cm wide - you may want to spread them out a bit in reality

I would swap the doepfer matrix mixer for something a bit smaller - AISynthesis does a 10hp one!!

spread the vcas about

unless you are smitten with the Milky Way I would swap in an fx aid xl - more options for effects - similar hardware

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thanks for your quick and detailled reply! That helped me a lot to orientate myself :)

I tried to address your feedback and started a second rack version:
ModularGrid Rack

Just a sidenote: I already have an Arturia Keystep Pro that I plan to use as an alternative to the ES-9 if there is no laptop available.

For me it looks way more ballanced now, but I am still not sure, if there is something essential missing?
So it would be really nice, if you could again have a look at it. Thanks in advance!

@GarfieldModular Thank you very much! Wishing you all the best too. Have a nice weekend, hope my music will hepl :)

Also, I've recorded a new video, but I think it's perfect to show it on Helloween, because of its sound, ahahah :) A bit of dark ambient, influenced by Bernard Parmegiani... So, well, I need to record another one for the start of my favourite season of the year.


Great stuff! A very nice exploration.

Exploring the WORNG SoundStage with a little 2xMother-32 improvisation. Other VCO's are Trident and Telharmonic.

Nice recommendations @Lugia, I'll check em out. Would those take euro voltages, or would I need to send and receive at line out level? 🤔

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Funny that you mention the Varigate 4+ as I just got one to play with my Quad EG. Crazy sequencer and lots of cool features. Not the most precise sequencer but lots of fun. Here is a demo of some things I threw together recently:

Y'know, I'm not jazzed on the Quadrax, either. I thought that Intellijel had the formula right with the Quadra, which you could use on its own just as four two-stage EGs, or you could couple the Expander with it. That arrangement gave you CV over either rise OR fall, not a single CV input for both, plus you had a few other tricks there that don't seem to have made it to the Quadrax. Yeah, it's a simpler module, but not everyone wants (or needs!) simpler.

Gonna fix this compressor thing right now, too. Don't put it IN the cab. Instead, what you want is THIS: That's right...not one, not two, but THREE excellent pro-grade choices in a tiny, inobtrusive 1/3-rackspace box. While the RNC might be the one that jumps out at you, the REAL solution is the RNLA, which works less like a VCA compressor and more like an opto limiter, like the LA-2A and, more recently, the ART ProVLA (which I should note that I have TWO of, because they kick ass!). It 'smooths' out the peaks, but allows you to go up to your threshold while banging away furiously, then it adds a nice bit of color once you cross it. This should work MUCH better than most affordable Eurorack compressor modules while still not being a huge thing that takes up space.

Nice, I'll take a "not bad at all" from you @Lugia 👍👍👍 I had actually been wanting to get your opinion on this rack. What do you think of it? I'm not sold on the Quadrax yet, might swap it with a DUSG, but I need a compressor too... so many problems to solve!

Very much not AIIICEED. However, it's not bad at all for minimal techno...sort of in the Surgeon/Oliver Ho vein...

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Some more patches using different settings for Malekko Varigate 4+ and Malekko Quad Envelope:

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Thanks, well the main issue is ease of use and good workflow and mitigate issue around hum from the Doepfer power supply location.

Thinking of having VCOs and filters on top row and bottom left and sequencer/controller/mixer of bottom right part. Ideally a 3-4 row case that folds out so bottom layer with controllers and sequencers at fingertips. Saving up for case #3 the massive 400-600HP travel case! But no rush.

On a positive note, today I made solid progress after work in learning how to use my Malekko Varigate 4+ sequencer and Malekko Quad Envelope modules. It is quite tricky sequencer but fun once you get hang of it. Changing scales and patterns quickly and save presets is pretty slick for a small module. Same with the Malekko Quad Envelope- can use various EG patterns including forward, reverse and random. It is definitely an EG on steroids! That said, long term I need a powerhouse sequencer that can do xox tracker style sequencing and ratcheting like the Vector, Nerdseq, and Winter Eloquencer sequencers. I am used to the Elektron sequencer workflow and find most modular sequencers a pain to deal with for complex song chaining and patterns. They are ok for quick and dirty stuff but not composing entire modular tracks.

Definitely, if it's going to be your only system, DON'T get a Palette. Get a larger case (the Mantis is great... or Eowave has a new 7u case that is reasonable) and give yourself room to grow.

I love my Palette for when I want to focus on a handful of modules... but as a full system, it would get dull fairly quickly, no matter what modules you put in it. It's a nifty case, but it plays a very particular role.

This is lovely @Quantum_Eraser I can't seem to get anything melodic out of my Ensemble Oscillator and instead end up making creepy drones with it (edited to add that this is fine too lol), but you've inspired me to give it another shot.

Don't think I succeeded exactly, and as opposed to my drone stuff where I'm not so picky, the bar is quite high here! Acid needs to be special, and maybe this isn't exactly acid anyway. Practice makes perfect though!

Made with:

ModularGrid Rack

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Thank you @JimHowell1970 and @Lugia for clarifying mults and attenuators in setups. I will keep the buffered mult and use that with other modules for my second rack as well as the passive mult. I do have attenuators in my Intellijel Quad VCA and can get one for the second new rack. Since I have 2hp free in my first rack, would you recommend the 2hp trim attenuator or another module and if so, what one?

Hi Igor,

Oh man, oh man! You are giving us here a very good treat and it's a nice idea of the 10 years compilation album. I love the "Human Or Not" track, very nicely done!

If you don't mind, I continue listening at your album, this is just what I needed to have a good start into the weekend. Thanks a lot for sharing this, and while I am going to have a fantastic weekend listening at your album, I wish you are going to have a nice weekend like me too :-D

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Quantum Eraser,

Yes, that's a nice jam session :-) It's a good demo of the Ensemble Oscillator, you make me start to think about this module! :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

no probs

there's a lot to be said for literally just getting - a sound source, a sound modifier, a modulation source, a way to listen and a way to play and slowly organically growing from there

for a way to listen get a quad cascading vca - it'll be mono, but it'll do the job perfectly well - veils or intellijel work best imo - and you will always benefit from it

if you need to use headphones then get a tile

yes all the tiles are either intellijel or shakmat (who do both - check when ordering i guess)

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi Mikeyip,

That's indeed some nice experimental music but for me indeed quite ambient like too. Everything is nice subtle, I like that. When are you picking me up from outer-space where you hyper-spaced me to? ;-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

there are lots of theories on how to organise modules

clumps of functionality, clumped voices, voices left to right etc etc - you have to work it out for yourself - try a few different strategies and find the one that works best for you

but generally hands on control at the front tends to work best - joysticks, touchpads etc, sequencers - it really depends on the sequencer - and where the jack sockets are!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities