This is such a wild composition! A great collection of synthetic sounds evoking a natural jungle! Excellent job!

Gary Turner

Thread: Finishing up

GarfieldModular - Thanks for the reply. Here's the image as a link (i hope).

ModularGrid Rack

I already have the modules shown. I make my own cases so the cost is limited to hardware and PSU. My next case will definitely have a 1U row.

I agree 100% with your ADSR comment. I actually forgot that was one of the next modules I intended to buy. Do you think something like the MI Stages could serve as an envelope generator while taking over some sequencing if I omit the Metropolis? The Metropolis is huge but I felt it would increase the "playability" of the rack. There's plenty of smaller sequencers, though.

I thought a third filter would be too much for two rows. Glad to be wrong. The Jove System 80 filter sounds great...or maybe a ladder filter.

Any recommendations on "must have" envelope generators (besides Maths) or filters I could check out?

Thank you!

Hey Garfield,

strange, the (vimeo) video plays without any issues for me.
There is also a version uploaded on Youtube. But this seems to have some slight audio issues due to the Youtube compression?!

Thanks for your support!

Regards, Frank

Just bought a WMD Fracture from @templar. Super smooth transaction and really quick postage. 100% recommend!

Cheers Guys...

A quad VCA is on my wish list (either Veils or Blinds), I must say I like a few of the dual VCA though from Frequency Central or Eectrosmith, skinny enough to dot around a system close to what they will mainly be used on.

So with Maths, can you shoot it 4 separate triggers and get 4 separate envelopes?

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Note to self:
To start off, I'm planning two streams:
1. Contact microphone, regular microphone or iPhone (sound recordings or app drums) into Supercell, possibly passing through Rings. Use this stream for ambient drone, crazy noise or beat repeat drums.
2. Grandmother triggered by keys into Mimeophon. I may want to add a filter or some sort of effect between the Grandmother and Mimeophon. Take out the Links to do this? Maybe reduce the Quad VCA to a µ4xVCA or µVCA so I can keep the Links?

Hi Hedgemunkees,

That's quite nice. Thanks for sharing the link.

Is that you making this music from CyberneticOhm or are you just sharing the link here?

Thanks and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I cannot find your work anymore. I clicked on your link, but it does not open up your music.

Gary Turner

I have only one classic ADSR and rarely use it. I prefer Maths or Zadar. For the VCA I suggest a quad VCA with linear/exponential response, bipolar CV input and cascaded mixer like MI Veils or Intellijel Quad VCA.

this is a controller for stupid people. what’s a stupid people? somebody with little to no music education. i’m a stupid people. this controller is for me (duh!).
the arcade buttons will be used to trigger gates and cv values while pressure points does it’s thing. as of right now i have no idea how i’m gonna patch it. suggestions?

by: numeral i. mean

Hi Rookie,

Nice one and a nice Arturia casing too! :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Oh this is a good one! Lot's of fun here! :-)

Fantastic, keep it up like this! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

That's a very good question. I asked that myself about the Erica Synth Black VC EG. I like that one so much, should I just get yet another piece of it or should I rather get different ADSRs to extend my horizon? I got already a few other ADSRs by the way and so far, for me, the Black VC EG is the nicest one (under the ADSRs).

I think at the end, nobody can answer our question; I do think, we have to answer ourselves that question. I think my approach is going to be:

If I like that module so much... so what?! Just get another one and enjoy even more!

It's just that I am running at the moment short on HPs and my extension plans need some time, so that's why I haven't bought the second Black VC EG one yet.

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: Thread Titel

Hi Gorilla,

Is it just me or do I miss your questions in your above post?

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Turk128,

Could you please provide the link to your rack, so it's easier to have a look at it? A picture doesn't help much, since I would like to check certain modules to see what they do, hence a link to your rack is required.

First impression: you are using some very huge modules for a very limited space-wise rack, you might want to reconsider that or better start to plan with a larger rack :-)

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: Finishing up

Hi JH Dees,

Even though you mentioned that you will be adding more rows in the future, why not starting directly with a larger case, saving yourself money for near future so you don't have to directly buy another casing?

The above rack is I think a picture but not a link, so I couldn't have a detailed look at your rack and the used modules for the details. I think (from what I can see from your picture without being sure) you could need at least one more filter and one more ADSR; hence at least another row to plan/add :-)

The pressure points and Metropolis are for sure nice modules but they take up a huge amount of your space and you should consider to start with an additional filter and ADSR first before thinking of using/adding such large modules, at least that is what I would do if I would have had such limited space.

By the way, the WASP filter (Doepfer, A-124) you plan there is a fantastic filter. I got it myself and from all my filters that the best so far I got. Now I have to admit that I am having a bit of a lack on filters in my setup but still this A-124 is a beauty (to use it)!

Since you plan anyway quite a bit of Intellijel stuff, why don't you consider at least an Intellijel 7U casing? Then that output stuff you can do by those 1U-tiles and that gives you just that bit more space for other modules. Just an idea. I know the 7u case is a bit expensive (at least if you live in Europe) but I do think it's worth it.

Good luck with the planning and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

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Hi Blackpaws,

I got a Wasp filter (Doepfer A-124) and have no problems. Thoughts... did you check the connection to the power bus? And all the modules on that same power unit too?

Other than that, nothing comes to mind. Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Frank,

Your video is somehow not working, not sure why, will try it another time. I like the idea (and the realisation within this module) of a dual 6-channel mixer, that's pretty neat!

I will consider this module too, first I wait for your filter then let's see. I need HP space, my rack got almost full just recently :-(

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Frank,

Interesting! Just...

when do I win the lottery so I can buy all the modules I like (which are tons) and I can buy a house where that all fits? ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

it’s an 808 bass sampler. this is a prototype. i do not have all of the modules yet. sound is created by sampling the «asteroid» into the «isd_sampler». during sample playback, «freez» will be used for live slicing. «monsoon/clouds» is the glue holding everything together. «loaf» for clock and modulation. «simple adsr» to shape it up. «audio mixer» for layering.

by: numeral i. mean

Demonstrating some of the CV mix possibilities...

Marbles feeds four ocillators with a Cdim7 chord (C, Eb, Gb, A).

I can see two ways of thinking about this...
I currently have the WMD SSF ADSRVCA which I'm really liking, is this a good enough reason to buy more of them or is it better / more interesting with varied possibilities to buy things like the Befaco ADSR, Instruo Ceis, Intelegel Dual ADSR, Qu-bit Contour etc etc??? (Think exactly the same question for VCAs)

For the Befaco I'll probably do the DIY, Instruo looks pretty similar to the befaco then there is the Intellijel Dual ADSR which I really like the idea of as its based around the SH101, I used to own the Roland MC202.

I don't really have intentions to ever own a wall of Synth so maybe sticking with the WMD SSF ADSRVCA is the way to go, I'm also interested in something with a long cycle time.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

NZ modular synth electronica outfit "cyberneticOhm" has made their debut album a free download until the end of the year:

I've had a Wasp filter for a few weeks and it's started behaving strangely. With the level control turned to full and all the other controls set to zero, listening to the LP output I would expect to hear nothing - but I now hear the input signal coming through clearly. Turning up the resonance seems to have no effect any more, and opening up the filter there is some timbre change but nothing like what I was getting before. Prior to this I had a few instances of unusual behaviour from the filter, in which the level would suddenly drop or increase. But now it doesn't seem to be behaving as a LP filter at all (when listening to the LP output). I have seen in various posts on the web that these filters can be unreliable - any thoughts?

I replied without RTFM! :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

I can highly recommend @Ides as a seller. Super-friendly. Many thanks!

Eventually when I've bought a few more modules I want to fire the 2hp bell off via a Befaco Burst as a one-shot of notes via a 2hp ARP, so hope for a flurry of notes that can be fired off with just one slowly clocked trigger.
I'm assuming A-2 on the Disting is like a Clock Multiplier?
-- wishbonebrewery

With 2 audio signal in X,Y it's a ring modulator

btw, Defrag... your tracks are very film score-esque, some dark and foreboding stuff :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Eventually when I've bought a few more modules I want to fire the 2hp bell off via a Befaco Burst as a one-shot of notes via a 2hp ARP, so hope for a flurry of notes that can be fired off with just one slowly clocked trigger.
I'm assuming A-2 on the Disting is like a Clock Multiplier?

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Thread: Finishing up

alt text

I plan on finishing this system with a Metropolis, Malekko SND/RTN (to compensate for lack of effect modules), two Mixups (cheap mixers that can mute), and a Tiptop Audio One. That leaves 4 HP.

I'd really appreciate any comments on things I may have overlooked or modules that would be more useful than the ones proposed above. I'll be adding more rows in the future, but until then, I'd like to know I have an effective "core system." Thanks!

Super-smooth purchase of an ER-301 from @aze_007 - thank you, sir!

A-2 should add some good vibes with the 2hp bell... :-)

Definitely go with the larger pod cases. Not only do you make a good point about the prototyping space, having ample extra space would allow you to have some "swap-in" space to check out modules you're thinking of adding into the main build.

The -Envelope from the ADSRVCA is modulating the speed of sample playback and there's 2hp action from Pluck and Bell along with some subtle Vowel, Erica Pico DSP and 2hp Verb on effects duty.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

there is a new overview video available for the Themisto VCO, check it out:

the production run for the first series has been initiated. Hopefully we will have them ready by end of January 2020.
Once I know a more accurate date, I will let you know.. :)

Thanks, Frank

mini skiff

I'm getting close to rearranging my main rack and was thinking about starting a mini euro skiff on the side
to try different combinations for minimal patches. I have a leftover uZeus power supply
and wondered if a combination like this might go well in a 4MS Pod26, but it occurs to me
that some of the modules might be too deep? Alternatively I could look at a Pod34X/Pod40X
and keep an 8/14HP slot vacant for testing DIY builds.
I'd be interested to know if this layout would be enough to come up with some interesting standalone
patches and/or justify getting one of those unpowered 4MS pods?
I wonder whether I would end up keeping this build, or perhaps use it to house all the more
interactive/controller type modules for ready access. For people who already do this, do you find
you have to get a lot of longer patch cables, or does it just become too much of a tangle to bother?

Hi, thank you!
Yep, tape is only for recording.
There is full explanation of the patch on youtube under the video :)


Bug report here.

Reverting to an earlier layout is not working for me.
Looks OK in the information page of the module, but any other view is not working.
This is especially annoying when I am looking at my rack, and the panel is black, not silver.
WMD Arpitecht in particular.


Hi Yalivec,

Nice one too! :-)

But ehm... modular only? What's that tape doing there then? ;-) Or is that for recording purposes only?

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Rudy,

Nice one! And a bit... spooky? :-) Very interesting and I am jealous you managed to got yourself a Cwejman ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi ChewySoap,

Did you bought already the Eurorack casing? If yes then never mind ;-) But if no, try to plan a bigger case, it looks pretty full in your rack and you should keep some space left for future extensions.

You got yourself there a few nice modules planned, however perhaps you should look into a few classical modules as well, like to plain but good oscillators? Add a ring modulator to it, if possible a dual ring modular, the output of those two oscillators in the first modulator, the output of that first modulator into the 2nd modulator together with the output of that Chord module and you might get some interesting results ;-) Just an example, not saying you must do that. Just showing that you need more space really :-)

Perhaps one more filter?

I see you also planned the Contour 1, that's an AD/AR if I understand the module right. Perhaps you might want to consider a classic ADSR as well, sometimes you want to have just a bit more than just an AD.

If you bought the rack already, perhaps you should wait with the Make Noise Pressure Points (I know it's a nice module, got it myself) and the Stereo Triggered Sampler from 4ms. For such a small rack these modules take away a lot of your available space. Get some more classic/basic modules first and when you are still happy with modular, then consider to get yourself a second casing and then you might want to add those larger modules. Just an idea to save space here.

You also might want to have a look at other rack comments here in the same forum category to get some ideas and feedback that other users got.

Good luck with the planning, think about the available space :-) and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

He, he, nice idea of using ADSR to play snippets of your samples. Once I got time I will try that too. I got a crazy LFO (Black Octasource from Erica Synths), might use that one as well. Let's see if we can get the Disting on its knees ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

you can use the qu-bit chord which will take much less HP

Thread: Giant Steps

Super cool!!

ModularGrid Rack

Hey all,

Here is my planned rack for ambient/post-rock. I already have the Pam's, OC, Chord, Rings, Quadratt and quad VCA but am going to pull the trigger on the rest soon.

I've been using the Ornament and crime for quantization but am not too fond of that workflow... so I thought a Scales would be more "playable" and also open up the OC for its other apps. Also how important is envelope/function generation for this type of music? I was going to do it mainly with the Contour 1. Would appreciate any feedback.
