Recently made a good deal with @suhovmodular, @proturboplus and @Zucker.

Recently bought modules from @WALKER_ and @Ayman59, smooth transaction.

Thread: 12U upgrade

Hi gang!
I'm about to upgrade from current 9U case to 12U:
ModularGrid Rack

It's basically 2-voice system with effects and modulation+mix/out.
I'm happy with top 2 rows and a bottom row, but I'm not sure about the 3rd row, mainy with "Quadra / Prism / Pons" comobo. Shoud I keep that?
Or maybe replace them either with a Synth voice (Elements or Loquelic Iteritas Percido) or FX module (Z-DSP, Echophon/Erbe-Verb/Morphagene, Black Hole DSP2)? Or something else.

Bought the Batumi from @C3REAL , everything was correct, reliable seller.