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About the expense I certainly agree ;)

What do you use as an output module to run the rack into the amp?

Interesting... Do you run your rig into the pa or into your amp?

Hi Ronin1973,
I do not have a modular setup yet, but as a guitarist using my guitar pedalboard at hand level for years, I feel I can answer you at least partially:

Depends on what you intend to do.

In my case, I liked to sample my guitar either with a looper at my feet or with a sampling pedal at my hands, which I would activate with my picking hand after the picking action (I use no plectrum, which probably helps). After that, I would manipulate the samples/loops with my hands.

If you intend guitar playing in the most common sense, then a foot-controlled setup is definitely better, but if you are into sample and hold manipulation, hands level controls are great.

In addition to this, my idea was using the guitar signal's envelope/gate along with a couple of expression pedals to control some things hands free.

I would be interested to see how anyone actually did that too in a live situation.

Thanks a lot for the useful comments guys, highly appreciated!
I was definitely not aware of the possible grounding and impedance problems that I could have gone into.

The sputnik and wmd inputs and outputs look really perfect, but I am afraid they also are a bit on the expensive side for starting off.
Given that I could easily use a conversion cable between the jacks especially in the output, do you think I could use something like the malekko 8nu8r as output attenuation module?

For the input I am thinking about it, since ears has envelope follower but no 1/4 jack in, while the doepfer a-119 has the opposite problem if I remember well

Hi lugia,
Thanks for the input, I knew already about the pittsburgh, but i am actually looking forward towards having controls at hand and not at foot! :)
Lately I was having most pedals raised for that reason.
Would you have any idea if the doepfer's attenuated output could be quiet enough to be run into a guitar amplifier?

Hi there,
I am a guitar player with a nick for electronic sounds. For some years now I have been thinking to use modular to process my guitar, basically using it as an incredibly powerful effect box to do all things that I difficultly can with my pedalboard: freeze, sample & resample, filter, chop, etc....

Now I am finally deciding what I need to get started into this whole thing.

I am looking on the best starting modules to put in between my guitar and amplifier:
-input module for guitar (amplification) - ears
-output module for amplifier (attenuator) - doepfer a-138d
-power - tiptop audio uzeus
- doepfer wasp filter
- mutable clouds (I know it is discontinued, anyone has any idea on an alternative?)
- morphagene (expensive! cheaper alternatives?)

...and then I need advice on which control modules to put to control these beauties (vca's? pamela? sequencers?)

as said, I need advice on the minimal setup to start into it and have some fun.
