Right now im using delta v as a vca but need for sure a dedicated vca. What other utilitys would you suggest?
-- Don_Simo
Well, it needs to be ones with that "Veils topology"...that variable response curve has piles of abuse potential. My suggestion, since Emilie is leaving the building, would be to grab a good Veils clone (I kinda like the Codex Modulex version). That way, you get four VCAs plus that "breakable mixbus" that lets you break out VCAs when needed. Going to rework this, give me a hot minute...

OK...what happened here...? Well, for one thing I've reordered the build so that the division between rows is a LOT easier to deal with. Some modules were also swapped out for smaller versions of the same thing. And then there were some "fixes"...
TOP: The Miso Cornflakes replaces the Qu-bit sampler/looper. Same idea, smaller space. Kept the Cloud Terrarium...it's a good choice, despite being quite huge. Then you see the Codex Modulex Veils clone...and here's how to split it: send your "lefts" to VCAs 1 and 2, "rights" to 3 and 4, then take the summed results from outputs 2 and 4. Voila!...stereo. Next, I swapped the Beograd out for a similar (but more bonkers) Bastl filter, their Ikarie stereo multimode...but if you look it up, there's a LOT more going on behind the panel than you had with the Xaoc one. I put in a pair of VCAs after that with the intent there being to control amplitudes going on to the Beads from the Ikarie. You can use that dual VCA for input level control over the Beads in general as well. Then Beads...followed by Frequency Central's Stasis Leak, which is a mono-in/stereo-out reverb/tap tempo delay/chorus. I went with that because it fits perfectly with the TEXMIX send/return architecture. The FX Aid XL can also take a mono signal in the left input and stereoize that, so it works with the TEXMIX as well as being a true stereo thruput if needed.
BOTTOM: Pam's, Moskva, then I added a Batumi/Poti combo for your LFOs, a Frap 321 and After Later dual "Veils" VCA, and a Zadar/Nin for envelopes. The modules in between (the 321 and dual VCA) are for modifying/altering/mangling your modulation signals, with the result being even wilder modulation signals for use all over the build. And last is the TEXMIX, but I changed out the stereo input with a mono one, since you've got a build here that's got two potential main stereo ins. Because of that, you can just pan the inputs hard left and hard right, and now you've actually got VCA control over levels from two stereo sources. Perfect!
So, yeah...some squishing was necessary, but now the result is a MUCH more potent build since you've now got the VCAs and modulation that can get this build to really cut loose. You actually get to use the TEXMIX's send/return capabilities as well, since the right sort of FX are present. And in the end, I think this came out pretty solid. Oh...and as for the Cornflakes input, you can conceivably use your headphone preamp on the TEXMIX to feed stereo back to it for live sampling. Just make sure you've crammed a big enough microSD in it!
-- Lugia
Wow really nice build. I appreciate your effort.
My problem is that i'm offen felling stuck with my system and this would really open it up.
You have a lot of VCA's in it. I know what they say but it's not too much?
I like the division of the tow rows, it makes it a lot easier.
I don't think I could get rid of Qu-bit Nebuale since i really love how it sound. Specially then you stretches the audio. I haven't looked into Miso but I not sure it can do the same. Funny enough I'm actually considering selling my Cloud Terrarium since I never clicked with it, but maybe things would change if I got some more utilities. Could you recommend another VCO (dual/stereo)?
the Codex Modulex Veils seems like a good option and great tip to split 1/2 and 3/4.
I love my Xaoc Belgrad but I always missed a stereo version of it and Ikarie seems like a super sweet filter, and as you say, it and do pretty much the same and a LOT more. It's really Interesting. I'm not sure why you would have a VCA to control the amplitude if the Ikarie before going into beads. Beads has an input gain so would that be necessary?
I'm not too sure about the FX aid XL. I know it can do a lot and sounds well but I'm not to keen on the presset approach. And it dosen't have true stereo in - maybe it's not necessary.
With Pam's you potential have 8 LFO's but you have more handson control with the Batumi. I really like the idea of the 321 and dual VCA to modifying/altering/mangling your modulation signals. I think that's something i really missing in my system. What do you think of Zadar? Is it necessary then you have Batumi, 321 and dual VCA?
Great idea about the Mono Texmix
and thanks for the great build and description