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Current setup: Middle-bottom row. I have Poti 1 and Batumi 1.
I've seen the new Batumi 2 and it would definitely be an addition, if for nothing other than having 4 more Oscillators. But the Poti 2 is an additional HP in width.
My quesions:
Maybe I get rid of the Konstant power 1 HP module, Keep the current modules or get rid of the Poti 2 and find something else to fill 4 HP?
I'd like to have the tools that suit my taste for creating drum lines and patterns to craft songs live whether that takes a little setting up or doing it on the fly.
I was wondering how others go about creating their drums for a song, dawless, complete with multiple lines, break beats, etc.
I'm really novice. I know there's some interesting modules out there like the Make Noise Rene Cartesian sequencer, but I haven't come to terms yet with how much versatility I'd get from a module like that, not to mention the case real estate(in fact, my first case is already planned out and full) and perhaps the only "quick and easy" switching of patterns would be the stochastic inspiration generator.
In any case, I'm curious and thought it could be a real learning moment to find out what and how others are crafting their drums.
I just started spitballing again yesterday. Hehe. Originally I had 5-6 2hp mods only. I've been building, deconstructing and rebuilding as I go. I lean heavily on visualization. The reason I added them was to try to get away from Starlab. It's great to get some advice on this. Much appreciated!
Wow. Amazing and thanks! I've seen and read about a few of those modules but never saw most of them. And it looks like so much synergy and interoperability between modules. This gives me so much to chew on. I'm gonna have a lot of fun checking these modules out. Thank you for spending so much time on this!
Do you think I'd benefit from having the Plonk for experimenting with a wide variety of real world sounds? I was a bit impressed by what it's capable of.
I've looked at Beads a lot. Seems like a great module.
Whats the best way to use this build to get string or plucked string sounds?
Edit: OMG. I'm in love with the Stochastic Inspiration Generator!
I edited this for clarity. I'm looking for help figuring out what I need to squeeze the sounds, patterns and styles I want to make.
I'm new to Eurorack but been reading/watching for a couple weeks.
General reasons for my build.
-I like outer-space, ambient, droning sounds
-I like 80s Retrowave
-I like bending 'real' sounds and mixing that with electronic sounds
-I want to incorporate a mic with vocals and have the ability to alter my voice and layer different lines. For instance throw in some background vocals I could put on repeat and manipulate or start/stop on the fly and then sing lead vocals as well.
-I want to record live to cassette tape
I'd like to create multi-track choruses. Really synth-y, punchy chorus lines that feel big.
Some specific ideas I had are likely going to sound silly, but... I'd love to be able to experiment with modules like Pluck where I could create separate instances.
so I could have many strings being plucked and be able to adjust the pitch/tempo/etc of each of those individual sounds, offset them from each other and create a kind of noise-garden (as if someone was just banging around on a guitar).
I want to be able to create random patterns, but with the ability to control them as much as I wish and sync them to specific timing and keys.
So. I also left room in the rack for, undoubtedly, utility mods that I haven't thought of or don't even know I need.
I'm sorry. I just don't have the lingo or enough knowledge to make more sense.