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hope to!

thanks @JimHowell1970 for suggestion about CVThing

About SVG export from Touch Designer I just read he cant't.. but somebody ( Matthew Ragan) did a script etc..

So can be possible to export SVG from Touch Designer reading the article.

But... don't forget I'm still learning Touch Designer and this is hard enough as first step!

yes is a good pen plotter, I can reccomend it

about realtime drawing I believe is hard to do it..( I do not have any info or knowledge in order to obrain this result)

Ate the moment I'm using Touch Designer as software to erlaborate MIDI signals from an Arturia MK 3
The software can map the MIDI controls and after you can create your own project ( I0m still learning TD to obtain somethin.. perhaps an SVG )

The VCMC by Befaco can be my solution, it is expansive !

I will keep to study in that way-
Hope to achieve some good result soon..

thanks for the reply
so ypou mean to do that trought PC?

I saw the module FH2 from Expert Sleepers, is a MIDI to CV module:

but I cannot figure how to make some connection

The plotter print .SVG files

I'm thinking about visual and sound and looking a way to connect a pen plotter to my eurorack modules.

Any suggestion?

My plotter is Idraw H -

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

still learning and playing...
I can create some nice sounds and sequences experimenting all the modules togheter

Plaits is nice for the sounds and also wavetable add more depth when lowering the octave

Math is used as controller of some effect , it is a complicated LFO in my hands.

Mother 32 is so good and clean, maybe because was the first one in my hands and now I can control it better.

still thinking what module to add at my rack...
I like to play ambient and soundscapes, no drums for the moment...
Generative is also a direction

what you suggest?

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

Thanks JimHowell1970, I can understand better about TurinG Machine
Nice to hear about Pamela, it was another option in my mind...

Thanks to Sweelink!
I agree about +10!
But I'm learning all by myself and it's also hard to understand what I need o want because I still trying to route VCO and LFO ....

I have a sort of control of my system but it's sure that if it will be in your hand I will be surprised !

anyway I've read the links and some good suggestion are now here

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

thanks! really clear!
just because I'm thinking to find another module....
what can be interesting to add to my setup?

I was thinking about the Turing machine module....

I like drones, I have Microcosm pedal connected and a delay

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

At the moment I have the modules you can see , but the space is not a problem for now
Moog can go outside alone in it's case
And if I will need more space in the future I can buy another Rackbrute.

but you are saying that I do not need another mixer? And use the VCA?

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

I would like to add a Mixer module on my system
what you suggest?

something mono, or stereo?
it will be nice if the choice will be on one of the brands I have, just to look fine inside the case...?

I Add a Delay pedal (Coolmusic Echolation) and Hologram Microcosm with Tunnel Granule mode.
Just because I need Modules like them on my rack!

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

All clear!
Thanks for answer
And also video :-)

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

Just to have an opinion...

The Pico Mscale of Erica Synth can adapt the Moog M32 -5v +5v to standard 0v 10v
Usually used to control the sequencer pitch with other Eurorack Modules

Do you think is necessary to have it, a must have in my configuration?
I plan to do not have another sequencer... I'm fine with the one in M32

The Pico Mscale resolve only the sequencer out of the M32 or can be good for other kind of controls?

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

thanks @JimHowell1970 and @PajamaLlamaLand

I understand your answers and I agree that a quad VCA is the solution in order to add another voice and control those sounds in a more convenient way.

Now I'm using the EXT IN of the MOOG putting in it the Wavetable VCO ( ...before patched in th MIX on the MOOG )
So I'm using the VCF and VCA of the MOOG as you wrote.

I'm waiting to arrive a Quad Multiplier so in the incoming future I'll be able to use more signals into the EXT IN

I agree for VCV RACK , I need to make some test with it.

I have a Minilogue XD and Monologue from Korg but I would like to completely dive into modular 'cause... I like it!!!

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

If I add another VCO I need also another filter and VCA for it or I can let it work with Mother 32?

I already have the Wavetable VCO and I'm patching it with Mother 32 but I do not have so many IN and OUT more (I ordered ad multiplier in the meantime...) and I'm triyng to understand how to add another VCO voice

I also need a Mixer?(Math can be used for probably I'm already ok for that).

so...the real question is:
for any VCO I have in the system is required a filter, LFO and VCA in order to use it?

I know is a boring question..
I'm new in modular!

Thread: Pulse

I Add a Delay pedal (Coolmusic Echolation) and Hologram Microcosm with Tunnel Granule mode.
Just because I need Modules like them on my rack!

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

This Multiplier seems to be perfect (2hp) :

is a good solution?

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

Now I understand...
you both said to remove he Moog in order to obtain more space!
I can understand but I would lile to make this rak (Racbrute Arturia 6U) portable.
In the future I think to connect another rack to it of the same type, so 2 x Rackbrute 6U

But not now!!

Now I 'm only thinking at the modules and VCA or Multiplier seems to be the next in line
Also a filter for the second VCO as suggested

If you can telle me what module are considered good to look I will start to make sono analys/paralys!


Thread: Rackbrute 6U

Thanks but I like the Moog and I want it here

get the moog out of the case,no need to have it there
-- Broken-Form

Thread: Rackbrute 6U

I' m new in Modular Synth and I'm building my rack
I have have the Mother 32 and Maths right now

I'm waiting for the Erica Synth Wavetable VCO to come ( is in transit).

I'm playng this rack win Hologram Microcosm and a Delay Effects

What you suggest to think as a next upgrade?
A VCA Module?
A Multiplier can be good on the right on the rack, 2hp?

I play Ambient music with echoes from Carpenter Films...and some Interstellar remind..!

Any suggestion will be appreciated!