Thanks for the heads up. Going to spend an evening on YouTube checking some of these out!

Hi all, my first post after years of lurking!
So I'm finally dipping into hardware after years of working in the box, and I've been fascinated by Eurorack for the last two years. If you'll indulge me, a little background - I used to play drums in a grindcore band in my teens and early twenties and have since dabbled in harsh noise/electronics. I spent a while trying to marry grindcore and chiptune... most of what I've produced could really not be called music. I want to create a quite unhinged Eurorack setup but don't really know where to start. I mean if pushed most of the popular modules could make a mess of noise, but I'm looking for modules that are a little off the wall. I want something that can actually produce music (I do also dabble in synthwave and darksynth so I'm not totally amusical) but requires work or coralling if that makes sense. I'm also fascinated by random generative approaches, but not entirely sure if that would work with a rack full of weirdness. But basically I'm just asking for fairly harsh, unpredictable and weird modules.