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Thanks guys for weighing in, I've made some adjustments and added somemore utilites Sindikat (cv processor, buffered mult, attenuvert) and looking at a Clouds Clone now in place of that Qu-Bit Mojave.... I can always go big for the next one but figured since I need to save space I've also pulled the output and the power modules since its one of those nifty cases that has both integrated. I guess my biggest question is Do I need ornament + Crime if I already own a Pam's I know Pam's can quantize but does it hurt to have a second, is this redundant? obviously still very new as I move from semi-modular to modular so please Roast away.
*note I currently own the case(crazy deal) and it came with earthquaker module. I also have PAMs, Veils, Banshee filter and clouds clone. I'm not dead set on the Modulaire Maritime gear but both units seem to do what I want and the company really responive to questions so I guess the got me with well explained demo's and good customer service, but I have yet to order.

Listen to the guy that tells you VCAs and Utilities are the most important. But still get the cool thing.

I am also building a system to complement my Matriarch and Moog sound studio 3. Looking for more effects based complements to what I already own. PLZ Roast/ Critique....point out any redundancy or anything that seems out of place or pointless. Any and all help is appreciated. Dumb Drummer got more into synths in the last few years so some practical knowlage regarding Cables/ Compatablity is certainly lacking.


Listen to the guy that tells you VCAs and Utilities are the most important. But still get the cool thing.