Ah so that's why they were awful and condescending when i asked support about PNW's expander pinout recently...
-- justarandomgeek

If you care to share, what happened exactly? Treating people badly, especially ones that put food on your table, not so cool.

-- yeahivandalizm

I was looking for info to route the clock signals to ports on a custom case, so I emailed support and they just said "we don't have that information" and ignored any further replies asking for someone who does. So I contacted them on twitter and got told "well you should be able to figure that out yourself". So I got out my logic analyzer and did. By far the worst interaction with a eurorack manufacturer i've had so far.

(i'd list the pinout here, but apparently the Pro's is different so it would be misleading here)
-- justarandomgeek

Yeesh, seems very Apple of them. That case sounds dope though! Received a similar answer from Strymon once concerning a pedals actual dimensions, because the only dimensions I found listed were for the box it came in. Lost all interest after that. This pro version doesn't seem that great tbh. A new screen and some new shapes that could have been a firmware update. Maybe I'm missing something.

Suck it, nerd