Triple the cost, I think not.

Triple the cost? It's like $10 more compared to the old one ...

Ah so that's why they were awful and condescending when i asked support about PNW's expander pinout recently...

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Ah so that's why they were awful and condescending when i asked support about PNW's expander pinout recently...
-- justarandomgeek

If you care to share, what happened exactly? Treating people badly, especially ones that put food on your table, not so cool.

Suck it, nerd

Ah so that's why they were awful and condescending when i asked support about PNW's expander pinout recently...
-- justarandomgeek

If you care to share, what happened exactly? Treating people badly, especially ones that put food on your table, not so cool.

-- yeahivandalizm

I was looking for info to route the clock signals to ports on a custom case, so I emailed support and they just said "we don't have that information" and ignored any further replies asking for someone who does. So I contacted them on twitter and got told "well you should be able to figure that out yourself". So I got out my logic analyzer and did. By far the worst interaction with a eurorack manufacturer i've had so far.

(i'd list the pinout here, but apparently the Pro's is different so it would be misleading here)

Ah so that's why they were awful and condescending when i asked support about PNW's expander pinout recently...
-- justarandomgeek

If you care to share, what happened exactly? Treating people badly, especially ones that put food on your table, not so cool.

-- yeahivandalizm

I was looking for info to route the clock signals to ports on a custom case, so I emailed support and they just said "we don't have that information" and ignored any further replies asking for someone who does. So I contacted them on twitter and got told "well you should be able to figure that out yourself". So I got out my logic analyzer and did. By far the worst interaction with a eurorack manufacturer i've had so far.

(i'd list the pinout here, but apparently the Pro's is different so it would be misleading here)
-- justarandomgeek

Yeesh, seems very Apple of them. That case sounds dope though! Received a similar answer from Strymon once concerning a pedals actual dimensions, because the only dimensions I found listed were for the box it came in. Lost all interest after that. This pro version doesn't seem that great tbh. A new screen and some new shapes that could have been a firmware update. Maybe I'm missing something.

Suck it, nerd

That case sounds dope though!

If it does all the things i'm imagining it certainly will be, but that'll be another thread one day! (Along with the little internal-expander backpack i made for the PNW)

This pro version doesn't seem that great tbh. A new screen and some new shapes that could have been a firmware update. Maybe I'm missing something.

The only vaguely compelling feature i've seen so far is the option to use an AXON for more CV ins, but i barely use the two that PNW has currently, so yeah it seems like mostly a "meh" upgrade for existing users. I wonder if they'll backport the firmware features or pull an apple there too?

Oh wow, I just found the little side note about Pro Workout NOT being compatible with the PEXP1. damn.
Is it just a different connector, and could be somehow connected with a little bit of hacking and knowing the exact pin outs? or is it a completely different thing?

Also, are we limited to one expander at a time? Like axon-1 only?

Oh wow, I just found the little side note about Pro Workout NOT being compatible with the PEXP1. damn.
Is it just a different connector, and could be somehow connected with a little bit of hacking and knowing the exact pin outs? or is it a completely different thing?

Also, are we limited to one expander at a time? Like axon-1 only?

-- nemoy

The sales copy seems to indicate that the AXON port and the future output expander port are separate. The AXON ports on other ALM products only connect one at a time, as did the output expander port on PNW, so I'd expect it's one-of-each.

Ok, I got myself one. It has two connectors… one labelled „expand“ and the other one „midi-ex“ i guess thats gonna be the name of pamelas new midi expander…
It’s 5 pins an the colour scheme on the cable is identical to the colour scheme on pexp1‘s cable. I am tempted to try hooking pexp1 up to pams pro! 🤣

It’s 5 pins an the colour scheme on the cable is identical to the colour scheme on pexp1‘s cable. I am tempted to try hooking pexp1 up to pams pro! 🤣
-- nemoy

I would probably try tracing them with a 'scope or logic analyzer first, just to be sure...

(The signals would be always-present if it is the same, +5/run/x24/midi/gnd)

So, they removed the PPQN x08 setting from the clock menu.
It jumps from x4 to x16 with nothing in between.
My entire Live setup relies on Hermod clocking Pamela. And Hermod's clock can only output 1/32, 1/16, 1/8 and so on.
Meaning I had to swith from a 1/32 (wich requires the x8 on the receiving end)
to a much slower 1/16 clock on hermod with a PPQN x04 on pamelas PRO workoout.

But oh boy does that not work. Pamela takes a beat or two to even start and then it does so on some random 16th note. Never on the actual downbeat. And tempo is constantly drifting a few BPM.

Just for shits and giggles, I connected both pamelas to the same clock/reset signals.
Pams New Workout is stable. very much so.
Pams PRO Workout doesn't seem to know what a clock is.

How come?
Has anyone else got the sync problems with pams PRO Workout?
Anyone knows of a good a Pams PRO Workaround or something? damn....

Ah, support said, PPQN x8 multiplier will be back in the next firmware update... nice... :)

that is crazy bc I had great communication with the team at ALM, each time I wrote they were very helpful.. (feedacking a few earlier posts).

People here do not seem to get this has a better resolution than before (build from the ground up), on top of that ALM seems to have listened to users and made nice adjustments.

I'll second this. Asking which tool they use for the jack nuts and got talked to like a complete moron. Zero help, rude condescending replies. There are nice ways of saying no or not being able to help out a customer....

Ah so that's why they were awful and condescending when i asked support about PNW's expander pinout recently...
-- justarandomgeek