I found 921 threads containing LOOK AT in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
OK...Behringer 2600, finally Modular Discussions by 3 150
Shopping knobs and such Modular Discussions by 7 121
Favorite envelope generators Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 24 2196
Down the proverbial rabbit hole with Maths and Quadrax I go... Modular Discussions by 4 392
Drexciya style sound - eurorack setup? Modular Discussions by 14 289
MIA Modular Synth Makers Modular Discussions by 3 86
multiple sequencers? Modular Discussions by 25 1153
I get a Serge urge! Modular Discussions by 3 49
your favorite VCFs. Modular Discussions by 56 2595
Any one goes to the Superbooth this year? Modular Discussions by 15 203
having problems connecting my eurorack to my studiolive 1602 mixer? Modular Discussions by 18 239
"Normalized" Modular Discussions by 20 311
Wading into the modular ocean with a simple SSM2044 filter setup Modular Discussions by 23 284
3.5mm MIDI. Modular Discussions by 3 25
Let's talk Matrix Mixers! Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 36 1553
Anything similar to Rackbrute 3U Modular Discussions by 2 35
More control over the Eurorack Modular Discussions by 11 304
MIDI Master clock to eurorack question Modular Discussions by 13 255
Easiest way to record modular synths Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 14 310
Modular + Looper Modular Discussions by 15 539
Using modular for "organic percussion synthesis"?! Modular Discussions by 14 394
New to Modular - Advice Modular Discussions by 10 195
I don't speak drone Modular Discussions by 28 833
I`m a beginner and have some questions Modular Discussions 12 312
Question: best compressor module for feedback patching? Modular Discussions by 12 355
Outboard signal boosting into Eurorack Modular Discussions by 14 239
alternatives to Mutable Grids for interesting (background) perc? Modular Discussions by 13 1077
Replacement for guitar pedals Modular Discussions by 13 178
18HP - QPAS, Morpheus, or ES Dual VCF? Modular Discussions by 7 145
how to get dimensional patches? --> your fav techniques, patches, modules? Modular Discussions by 10 310
Using Reset Modular Discussions by 10 354
Drum Rack Modular Discussions by 3 144
how to tempo sync volca modular to behringer neutron? Modular Discussions by 6 98
small add on for kick module and modulation for my synths Modular Discussions by 21 387
Why do people have an obsession with Black panels? Modular Discussions by 22 891
Please help me Start building a modular for dark ambiant music. Modular Discussions by 13 538
Few questions for a newbie Modular Discussions by 8 272
Idea Synth voice (Topologist's Sine Curve) Modular Discussions by 2 68
Module suggestions for Roland Boutique setup Modular Discussions by 4 156
Sending quantised CV as offset question (Mimetic Digitalis + Lapsus Os + Voltage Block) Modular Discussions by 15 210
External MIDI hardware with Eurorack Modular Discussions by 1 54
DFAM and 4ms Listen troubleshooting Modular Discussions by 1 36
Beginner in need of help/advice Modular Discussions by 3 153
Adsr use Modular Discussions by 6 79
icy IDM ❄️ You by 6 12
A darker space You by 9 101
Total beginner to Module Synthesis - semi or full module to start? You by 9 276
Want to build a Eurorack, want feedback You by 2 87
Tension You by 7 61
Why does it sound muddy? You by 13 433
My eurorack modular ambient etudes You by 92 2173
Throbbing House Groove You by 8 74
Adding in the TB03 and SH01 You by 5 102
This one is a bit more ambient You by 50 501
Evening experiment: Pinging filters You by 9 140
fun stuff :) You by 22 179
Bach Invention 15 You by 4 41
Love my steffcorp Arp2600 clone oscillators You by 4 46
ambient like loop You by 55 606
All but three You by 2 13
Evening Modular Jam: Spiral Arms You by 2 16
I pulled all the plugs You by 15 176
Friday Jam You this user has left ModularGrid by 8 46
Droning with Doepfer VCS You this user has left ModularGrid 4 115
Disting Ex quad wavetable vco You by 4 90
Techno Jam for Hogmanay You by 10 80
Best of ModularGrid 2020, released! You by 25 304
Drone Thursday You this user has left ModularGrid 7 59
Saturday WMD Jam Session You this user has left ModularGrid 9 61
Live set with The bl33pbl00p Collective You by 2 13
New track - systasis1705 You by 11 86
Acid house jam You this user has left ModularGrid by 7 84
Should I go ALL ANALOG? You by 13 167
Sunday Acid You by 8 79
First Patch with Acidrain Chainsaw You by 11 139
A few live jams You by 5 43
Bit 'O DnB Style You by 6 62
First test Endorphin.es Queen of Pentacles You this user has left ModularGrid by 12 155
Might be a minute here.... You by 23 290
Thanks Modular Grid Community and Happy New Year!! You by 11 69
Aether's Mist You by 4 61
Yazoo Reprise ! You by 17 205
High towers clock divider kit from Frequency Central build and demo You by 1 30
Liquid Foam kit from Herbs and Stones build and demo You by 1 31
Eurorack ...pen Plotter...? You by 11 145
Loving the 2hp Pluck. Just a little jam from yesterday You by 14 170
Resonant Equalizer kit from Random Source/Serge build and demo You by 1 25
did i go way too overboard? You by 66 497
Modules and other hardware + Sale on my BandCamp LPs You by 1 38
Metasonix R-56 Modules by 3 1684
Make Noise Teleplexer (upside-down) Modules by 17 19
Intellijel Metropolis Modules by 1 19028
Tsyklon Labs PLITKA TRACE LOGIC 1234 Modules by 6 38
Make Noise Telharmonic Modules by 13 13706
Erica Synths Fusion VCO Modules by 6 2308
Recommend me some crazy filters Modules by 6 238
ADDAC200PI vs. ALM SBG Modules by 10 3921
Bubblesound Instruments HEX vca Modules by 6 896
KICK ASS!!! for January 2018 Modules by 3 60
Strymon AA.1 Modules by 15 11525