I found 877 threads containing kNoB in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
How to expand on Moog Mother-32 and DFAM? Racks by 8 1399
Hello Friends!......Sooooo......I already bought 12 modules.....what next? Racks by 7 249
Beginning my 1st build...gulp! Racks by 34 826
Planning my first system Racks by 13 268
84HP Rack Racks by 3 292
MDLR 14u/126hp - MODSEA020621 Racks by 3 59
1st post! What do you think? Racks by 8 464
My first 2 Row Case Racks by 2 25
Lama's Fav Modules by Function Racks by 2 31
Let me try this again... Advice welcome. Racks by 6 131
Experimental Techno Modular Idea - feedback please? Racks by 16 269
First rack (2x104HP) - Need help with a rare opportunity! Racks by 17 566
Rack Design Feedback Wanted Racks by 2 98
Do I need more modulation Sources? Racks by 9 259
Looking for advice on how to plan my first Eurorack system (techno/drones/percussion) Racks 25 471
Mutable clones, plus Pam's, Disting, Ochd, and a few 2HP utilities, in 84HP Racks by 5 191
what do you think of this? first Eurorack setup Racks by 8 220
First Modular - Any Red Flags or Ideas? Racks by 8 215
What can my disting mk4 do in this rack? Racks by 5 103
It's coming together...Advice appreciated! Racks by 2 130
Eurorack as expansion for my synth? Racks by 11 143
Another throw at ... Racks by 1 67
First attempt at rack, happy about feedback and suggestions Racks by 12 448
Moog Voyager XL Add-on Racks by 1 1
Creating Evolving Acid Patterns Racks by 5 218
RackBrute plan Racks by 10 156
Two Years In... Finished?!? Racks by 20 470
Get ideas for first rack, 104hp Racks by 18 452
My first Intellijel 104HP rack - beat it up. Racks by 6 108
Synth voice startup setup - what would you chose? Racks by 32 944
Feedback or ideas please for minimalist filter/shaping rack? Racks by 6 150
Rate my Rack! What do i need? Racks by 5 257
Palette Pico Performance Case - Comments Welcome! Racks by 1 73
First time into Eurorack. How am I doing? Racks by 5 68
Chromatic Ideas Racks by 11 299
Little Effects Box goes 84hp Skiff V1 Racks by 22 627
Your feedback on my "work in progress" rack! Racks by 2 98
62HP Buchla Music Easel (Suggested Systems Episode 1) (copied from mylarmelodies) Racks by 1 294
New here, help: after an ARP Odyssey, what else ? Racks by 6 97
First confident rack idea, open to any criticism as I'm still learning. :-) Racks by 16 482
Eurobox Racks by 3 94
Obligatory "Hey I'm new, looking for opinions on my rack" post Racks by 14 284
Stovetop Bunglejuice Racks by 4 108
Drum box or... this? Racks by 22 529
The Sequencing Machine Racks by 10 340
Need advice on small techno jamming and idea generation rig Racks by 8 224
End game 2 rows - mixing Line level and Eurorack level Racks by 3 227
Some guidence with my first Eurorack Racks 28 570
Ideas Machine 3rd Iteration Racks by 11 155
Opinion on my first DIY rack. Racks by 9 153
Midiot - Devil's Done v2 Racks by 1 19
Looking for a Random Source Racks by 13 397
Flexible Chord Machine - Help me solve this puzzle! Racks by 3 67
please help my little pony Racks by 14 27
Some help needed with planning out a 7U system for IDM and Outsider House Racks by 7 136
Looking for advice on a portable rack Racks by 13 356
West Coast (Mostly) Rack Suggestions/Opinions Racks by 3 170
Thoughts on this? Racks by 6 177
my ambient rack. please tell me what you think Racks by 4 212
Experienced software modular user planning the jump to hardware. Need feedback. Racks by 11 279
New to modular. Racks by 12 436
Blawan Thomann Keys & Frequencies (14/04/2021) Racks by 1 1197
104hp skiff (My Little Pony) Racks by 4 66
Expanding from Arturia MiniBrute 2s: effects, voices, rhythm Racks by 4 190
TERA (A.K.A terror ambience and angry computer noise machine) Racks by 10 412
advice for my plans of this eurorack Racks by 10 299
Rickrack, my actual rack in use, 8+6 HP freed up, looking to add some new things Racks by 3 119
My test rack 1 Racks by 12 257
First modular rack build Racks by 7 205
First Attempt Racks by 3 102
Question: Ableton CV to Shuttle Control? Racks by 3 104
Black System III mod Racks by 4 88
My gorgeous Eurorack - where do I go from here? Racks by 12 130
Flight case, 2x84 - Modules notes and queries Racks by 13 28
Modular madness aka yet another noobie rack idea Racks by 16 313
DIY Berlin School v3 Racks by 2 106
Working with this for four years Racks by 2 4
Advice on my palette case Racks by 3 117
rack feedback request, round 3 Racks by 18 338
Ambient Rack Racks by 13 571
_picoRack Racks by 2 55
Utility Rack for Semimodulars Racks by 5 121
Help me arrange my rack, please. Racks by 5 245
First set up for Junny Racks by 3 111
My first Modular - pls help Racks by 15 527
Novice 12U RackBrute "Everything and All" Case Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 6 173
It took years to perfect my rack and now it's final Racks by 19 1141
6u Rackbrute setup. Need help! Racks by 8 249
Starter Rack Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 2 198
Grayscale System Racks by 5 121
Messin' with B2500 stuff Racks by 1 34
84HP 6U 1st Eurorack Racks by 10 64
My first rack Racks by 2 212
Yet another newbie looking for feedback Racks by 7 359
feedback on first rack Racks by 18 366
Need some help/info on Ins/Outs (longish) Racks by 5 155
62hp Palette Morphagene Racks by 5 416
Looking for thoughts, comments and other feedback on what I've got so far and where I'm... Racks by 7 197
My first rack setup Racks by 7 156
Advice for Modular Newbie. Racks by 14 294