I found 2500 threads containing SiO in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Happy Nerding FX AID XL Modules by 6 5944
Other/unknown Abyssinianloop Origami 8 Modules by 2 12
Piston Honda mki Expansion Board Modules by 1 9
Best Value for money Buffered Mult? Modules by 6 765
How to: unison detune with spread? Modules by 16 408
Hoping someone will Mash up S-909 & Radio Music Modules by 1 32
Electronic Things... and Stuff 3to1 Precision Adder Unity Modules by 2 144
which Function Generator too chose ?? Modules by 22 468
Why did the WMD Performance Mixer change to black? Modules by 4 202
FPB 1U Clock Divider Modules by 6 706
L-1 L-1 Microcompressor Modules by 2 118
A $199 Bode Frequency Shifter!?!? Modules by 5 134
venting blank panels? Modules by 25 373
Analogue Solutions sl-16 oberkorn sliders left side Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 10 7
Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter Modules 7 31617
Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter 10 THINGS TO DO Modules by 1 9866
Feedback MIX mix Modules by 1 1141
Radio modules and extracting sounds Modules by 13 300
DivKid ochd expander Modules by 4 6470
Other/unknown ISHIZENO ONE Modules by 8 446
Noise Engineering LI vs LIP Modules by 1 66
Antumbra ATN8 Modules by 16 5501
Other VCAs Modules by 24 415
KICK ASS!!! for November 2018 Modules by 8 103
Befaco Voltio Modules by 5 2054
Turing Machine Pulses Modules by 2 33
Other/unknown RadioMusic 1U Modules by 3 407
Other/unknown Quad Control Voltage Processor Modules by 3 966
Doepfer A-177-2 External Foot Controller Modules by 2 46
Synthesis Technology E560 Deflector Shield Modules by 4 9372
Favorite / Least-favorite Mutable Instrument modules & recommended clones Modules by 7 1286
Modulation source for complementing Pamela's New Workout Modules 25 1476
Moog Music Inc. DFAM - Drummer From Another Mother Modules by 12 17250
Does the SSF Ultra perc replace the Ultra kick? Modules by 1 86
does this exist? Modules by 4 16
Noise problem with Intellijel Rainmaker Modules by 9 334
Anyone have the latest (152) Usta firmware? Modules by 1 21
DivKid ochd Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 19 13063
the most AWESOME modulation module that DOESN'T EXIST (until someone builds one) Modules by 2 23
ALM Busy Circuits Pamela's PRO Workout Modules by 17 32628
Vaemi Shift Register DIY or Assembled Modules by 2 62
Catalyst Audio's Time's Arrow Modules by 6 1327
Turing Machine with Rotating divider Modules by 6 140
Mutable instruments Plaits Modules by 21 23269
micro/nano Rings? So many options Modules by 1 48
Mutable Plaits Cheatsheet v1.2 Modules by 5 319
Qu-Bit Electronix Synapse Modules by 1 3709
Delptronics LDB-1e Analog Drums Modules by 1 1118
Instruō Tš-L v2 Modules by 5 7557
trigger / gate addressable switch? Modules by 9 284
your top 10 favorite modules & WHY Modules by 2 390
Xaoc Devices Karl Marx Stadt Modules by 4 2278
Erica Synths Graphic VCO Modules by 3 7525
Endorphin.es. BLCK_NOIR vs. Queen of Pentacles Modules by 8 1031
Replacing Maths with smaller Modules Modules 14 1797
Blue Lantern Modules 12hp DIY Rings Module by Émilie Gillet. PCB by Flavio Mireles Modules by 1 65
Vaemi’s first Eurorack formatted module, high quality Thru Zero Oscillator “Osi-Op” Modules by 1 35
Stochastic Instruments NEW MODULE RELEASE—Strange-R: a Stochaotic Melodic Contour Seque... Modules by 3 66
Bastl CV Trinity still worth it? Modules by 2 79
Instruō øchd Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 5 145
Blukac Endless processor Vs Qu-Bit Bloom Modules by 2 102
u-he cvilization Modules by 6 140
Bluebox Eurorack Edition – Compact Digital Mixer Modules by 1 59
ADDAC System ADDAC508 Swell Physics Modules by 4 632
Other/unknown Dual comparator Modules by 1 10
Creating a slowly evolving system, with sound coming in and out taking turns. Modules by 6 173
Speakers Modules by 11 162
KICK ASS!!! for July 2018 Modules by 4 43
Wildfire Laboratories Intravitreal Modules by 3 431
KICK ASS!!! for March 2019 Modules by 1 117
VAEMI - XFMR Euro DI : Audio Demo : Vaemi (Eurorack) Modules by 1 15
Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Percussion Sequencer Modules by 2 2665
your favorite sequencer(s)? Modules by 8 728
TipTop/Buchla 200t series modules ... Modules by 62 1462
Mutable instruments Bees in the Trees Modules by 14 59
Pittsburgh Modular Percussion Sequencer Modules by 1 12
God Bless Everyone Who Owns Piston Honda... What About the Rest of Us?! Modules by 12 358
Happy Nerding FX AID Pro_black Modules by 10 8306
Mutable instruments Grids Modules by 1 12699
What single model will make the most improvement on audio? Modules by 12 268
Intellijel Dixie II+ Modules by 2 29245
knob.farm Ooots Modules by 2 7777
Xaoc Drezno, Can't Get any Sound Out, My Bad? Modules by 16 262
Searching ads DANNYSOUND LOOPING VCADSR or befaco or a-140? Modules by 5 92
Opinions on Versio Modules by 5 95
Synth addition for a dark ambient/Drone rack Modules by 6 273
BeepBoop Electronics 2hp CLK DIV Modules by 2 266
Output in Mono or Stereo or Dual-Mono, Issue? Modules by 6 14
Magerit METRO v2.6.0 Modules by 1 62
Bela.io Gliss Modules by 2 76
Elements clones Modules by 11 358
Other/unknown MonotronDelay Modules by 1 93
Advice Needed: Integrating Taiga Synthesizer into Eurorack Setup Modules by 3 144
Doepfer Doepfer A-178 Theremin Modules by 4 65
CV modulators/mixers with good haptic properties Modules by 7 121
Disting Mk4 SD card troubles Modules by 3 66
Other/unknown nw2s::b Modules by 11 799
Other/unknown VCF-74 (Rev-C) Modules by 1 643
Review reports of Eurorack modules Modules by 57 872
Other/unknown the jellyfish v2 Modules by 5 7