I found 277 threads containing some modules in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
  Using TrueGrid ModularGrid by 1 1586
Bug Report ModularGrid by 132 2017
Feature Request ModularGrid by 516 7836
Why is there a limit of 8 Rows? ModularGrid by 8 386
.gif ModularGrid by 4 2
 Marketplace ModularGrid by 59 9803
Allow Variants Of a Single Rack Rather Than Duplicating Racks ModularGrid by 5 2
 Good Traders on the Marketplace ModularGrid by 1262 26962
Modules become all black ModularGrid by 1 2
The database is getting messy over time ModularGrid by 7 22
Planning feature requests ModularGrid by 7 9
URL Update ModularGrid by 4 27
Add to rack - active/destination rack? ModularGrid by 3 35
Behringer ModularGrid by 6 241
Payment methods on marketplace ModularGrid by 10 302
Case depth Modular Discussions by 3 15
Instrument design basics: how/where to start Modular Discussions by 2 20
Beginner Q: Full synth voice VS separate modules? Modular Discussions by 14 139
Novice question about jumpers Modular Discussions by 5 5
Novice question about power consumption Modular Discussions by 3 505
Waldorf kb37 and the right-most 15HP (25mm) Modular Discussions by 6 95
Polyphony in Modular? Modular Discussions by 7 62
Power consumption. Modular Discussions by 6 444
Tuning the VCOs Modular Discussions by 6 340
Eurorack Layout? Modular Discussions by 10 411
How deep should a case be? Modular Discussions by 16 1393
Erica Synths Pico System III Eurorack - good starting point? Modular Discussions by 15 397
My first rack Modular Discussions by 10 181
Combining triggers with a switched multiple Modular Discussions by 5 112
Too many LFO's? Modular Discussions by 8 338
Complex Harmonies Modular Discussions by 13 350
The Great Rearrangement Modular Discussions by 14 323
Electrical concern Modular Discussions by 4 63
Best way to "stress test" a powered case to it's breaking point? (Yes, destroy it) Modular Discussions by 3 58
sawtooth-like ground noise from new modular system. Modular Discussions by 20 366
Getting a Fat Sub,can i use a Clock Divider? Modular Discussions by 39 675
Drexciya style sound - eurorack setup? Modular Discussions by 14 289
your favorite VCFs. Modular Discussions by 56 2593
Sweetwater + FedEx Ground = Just say NO!!! Modular Discussions by 12 231
power consumption of modular systems during power up Modular Discussions by 13 185
Using Reset Modular Discussions by 10 354
On the hunt for envelope generators Modular Discussions by 8 400
Please help me Start building a modular for dark ambiant music. Modular Discussions by 13 537
Drum modules Modular Discussions by 7 267
Has modular become uninspiring (2023) - a thread... Modular Discussions by 7 337
Is eurorack on its way down? Modular Discussions by 12 596
Need Help with Power Consumption for My Modular Synth Setup (Doepfer psu3) Modular Discussions by 4 73
I bought a 42ru rack for my modular setup Modular Discussions by 8 202
Purchase Order Modular Discussions by 3 76
Total beginner question about power Modular Discussions by 4 86
How long can I keep my rack on, and other general questions about the longevity of my s... Modular Discussions by 8 190
Blackhole Case for Sale, Unused--2x 104HP, Red Modular Discussions by 1 62
Total beginner to Module Synthesis - semi or full module to start? You by 9 276
Sunday's Craziness (demo of MN - Telharmonic & QPAS) You by 13 102
Started my first case a couple months ago... this is the second jam I upload to YouTube... You 7 83
First stab at generative ambient You by 11 147
Live rack for improv live performances You by 6 268
2-prong Power Issue You by 3 75
did i go way too overboard? You by 66 497
Make Noise Teleplexer (upside-down) Modules by 17 19
Xaoc Devices Karl Marx Stadt Modules by 4 2292
Blue Lantern Modules Mini Note Computer Modules by 4 388
Output in Mono or Stereo or Dual-Mono, Issue? Modules by 6 14
help me define concept Modules by 8 46
Finding modules that fit the Moog Eurorack Case? Modules by 3 183
Disting... Hmmm Modules by 19 461
Modulation source for complementing Pamela's New Workout Modules 25 1479
Roland-ish sound Modules by 8 192
Tinrs RectangularThing Modules by 16 699
Best site to buy modules? Modules by 17 347
venting blank panels? Modules by 25 373
Checking voltage range Modules by 6 113
ER-301 Orthogonal devices fair price? Modules by 2 58
Unhinged Modulation Modules by 8 145
Modules with more outs than ins Modules by 24 361
Thread title Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 22 1634
Auto Generative Music Modules by 6 171
If analog mono OSC connected to the stereo effec, then sound will be stereo? Modules by 4 71
How durable are modular synthesizers? Modules by 9 554
my most wanted modules right now. Modules by 4 148
Advice for Troubleshooting Power Issues Please Racks by 14 542
total feces Racks by 3 5
Pro feedback needed Racks by 39 50
My 2nd Eurorack; Opinions please! Racks by 1 4
Swap around.. Racks by 2 ..
Ramblings of a Noob Racks by 6 6
Next Module(s)? Racks by 3 23
Help with a beginner system Racks by 3 143
DESERT ISLAND / beginner's rack Racks by 4 31
Modular Expansion Racks by 1 11
First system Racks by 18 265
First attempt at moving into the modular world, with plans for the future Racks by 2 65
--My MOOG DFAM Eurorack--- What am I missing? Racks by 14 603
Rack with Mother 32 Racks by 3 188
Noise Oddity Racks by 1 11
Flexible Monosynth - missing any essentials ? Racks by 1 ..
Berlin school - First modular Racks by 8 232
My attractive Eurorack Racks by 9 14
Suggestions and help with my sound design rack Racks by 3 583
Small synth/first time Racks by 7 12