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Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
The Great Rearrangement Modular Discussions by 14 325
Would I be sad if... Modular Discussions by 5 81
Two tier Moog skiff with Row Power Modular Discussions by 3 57
Modular Impersonates Buchla Modular Discussions by 7 134
newbie query: what are your favorite Modular Grid threads and posts? Modular Discussions by 8 173
Favourite small filters? Modular Discussions by 23 1107
Electrical concern Modular Discussions by 4 63
Best studio desks, monitors and sound acoustic treatment packages for modular gear? Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 19 297
Good modules for Controlling/live interaction with modular? Modular Discussions 36 723
Patch cable storage for desktop modular systems Modular Discussions by 20 575
A tiny closet? Modular Discussions by 4 98
Adding 19" rack synths and effects to the Modular Gid enviroment Modular Discussions by 3 53
supplying power. Modular Discussions by 4 56
Filters as noise sources Modular Discussions by 4 69
DFAM's internal P/S usable? Modular Discussions by 6 103
Favorite DAW on computer for recording modular Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 19 358
Squarp Hermod for Modular Ambient Modular Discussions by 9 268
sawtooth-like ground noise from new modular system. Modular Discussions by 20 366
OK...Behringer 2600, finally Modular Discussions by 3 150
Manually controllabe CV Sources Modular Discussions by 10 192
Favorite envelope generators Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 24 2196
Help me choose Modular Discussions by 8 227
Synthrotek- Poor Customer Service (Rant Warning) Modular Discussions by 12 267
request input: sequence / switch OSC "sweet spots" (as in FM, etc.)? Modular Discussions by 20 314
multiple sequencers? Modular Discussions by 25 1153
Field recording for use with Eurorack (Morphagene) and iOS, Radiophonic/Natlab style Modular Discussions by 6 224
your favorite VCFs. Modular Discussions by 56 2595
Sweetwater + FedEx Ground = Just say NO!!! Modular Discussions by 12 231
Help me pick a power supply Modular Discussions by 11 180
for Reverb users… maybe a stupid question… Modular Discussions by 8 150
How do you avoid frequency clashing when NOT using the modulare with a computer? Modular Discussions by 14 189
Any one goes to the Superbooth this year? Modular Discussions by 15 203
About our newly established company VAEMI Modular Discussions by 3 76
"Normalized" Modular Discussions by 20 311
setting up bpm (clock)with pams new workout??? Modular Discussions by 5 98
Wading into the modular ocean with a simple SSM2044 filter setup Modular Discussions by 23 284
Let's talk Matrix Mixers! Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 36 1555
Shipping from Control...getting impatient Modular Discussions 21 326
Performance drum machine to use with modular Modular Discussions 23 555
flight friendly case? Modular Discussions by 10 462
Whats your favorite modules for textures? Modular Discussions by 17 459
Need advice on what support modules for new travel Palette case Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 20 386
how to: MIDI in to modular arp? Modular Discussions by 16 216
Updated support case for modular Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 29 346
VCV 2.x out! Modular Discussions by 12 186
Ergonomics - YOUR opinions. Modular Discussions by 9 147
Maths' great-grandpa??? Modular Discussions by 3 138
a bit off topic but... Modular Discussions by 6 100
Modular + Looper Modular Discussions by 15 539
Modular and dust Modular Discussions by 13 373
Would a sequential switch make sense Modular Discussions by 8 190
Enigma: real or synthcatfishing? Modular Discussions by 4 152
Replacement for guitar pedals Modular Discussions by 13 178
Did I fry my case, my modules, nothing or both? Modular Discussions by 6 302
DO U 1U? (1U only case interest check) Modular Discussions by 8 220
18HP - QPAS, Morpheus, or ES Dual VCF? Modular Discussions by 7 145
Send/return module as line input/output ? Modular Discussions by 12 282
Ideas for a keyboard module Modular Discussions by 5 191
Minimum generative rack Modular Discussions by 4 327
Need patch cables? As in, a LOT of patch cords? Modular Discussions by 9 337
Rack suggestions Modular Discussions by 3 101
"Muddy" sound from mixed output Modular Discussions by 11 293
14U - impossible in MG? Modular Discussions by 2 33
How long do you normally keep your patches for, and how do you know you're ready to mov... Modular Discussions by 19 492
Unpleasant experiences of a newbie. Avoid them! Modular Discussions by 8 472
Vaemi on ModularGrid Modular Discussions by 6 83
How do I get unstuck in my modular patching? Modular Discussions by 11 309
S&H and Random modules Modular Discussions by 5 246
Why do people have an obsession with Black panels? Modular Discussions by 22 891
Two important questions. Should I do it? And what should I get? Modular Discussions by 7 149
Module Idea - Zero HP Passive Stereo Panner Modular Discussions by 16 271
Pressure points Modular Discussions by 9 120
Over-egging the pudding Modular Discussions by 6 227
Semi modulars, racks & power suppply Modular Discussions by 6 149
Few questions for a newbie Modular Discussions by 8 272
Troubleshoot this hiss Modular Discussions by 4 68
Intellijel or Pulp Logic 1U format - which one to prefer? Modular Discussions by 4 256
Filling 1hp gaps Modular Discussions by 14 277
A new delay it should be..but which? Nautilus vs Beads vs ??? Modular Discussions by 12 662
Is the Make Noise Tape and Microsound Machine a good entry level modular system? Modular Discussions by 14 417
I bought a 42ru rack for my modular setup Modular Discussions by 8 202
Setup focused on Electroacoustic and Musique Concrete Modular Discussions by 4 197
ES-8 alternatives? Modular Discussions by 12 326
Purchase Order Modular Discussions by 3 76
Thoughts on Semi-Modulars In Racks Modular Discussions by 7 274
***** STOLEN GEAR ALERT ******* Indianapolis Area/Midwest Modular Discussions by 1 78
Connect Behringer Wasp Deluxe to eurorack Modular Discussions by 6 101
Powering Moog Mavis on Eurorack - adapter needed? Modular Discussions by 4 54
Konstant Lab PWR Checker in a 3 row Doepfer A-100 powered case Modular Discussions by 2 35
New to modular want one that played automatically Modular Discussions by 2 104
How long can I keep my rack on, and other general questions about the longevity of my s... Modular Discussions by 8 190
The thread where you say "Hello!" You by 48 180
Nelson Baboon tracks You by 32 21
ello gubna You by 3 ..
generative music You by 8 43
A darker space You by 9 101
twelve-tone technique You by 11 54
Please Baby Boom Boom! You by 5 13
Total beginner to Module Synthesis - semi or full module to start? You by 9 276
Finally jumped right in You by 5 80