Power Consumption: 8674 mA +12V
| 3159 mA -12V | 610 mA 5V
Depth: 100 mm |
Price: $25,926 |
Number of Modules: 252
| Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: VCA, Euclid, Random Subdivider by Morph Acoustic, Intervalic by Morph Acoustic, ClockDivider, Valence, formingle, LOGIK, Alemanlabs SH-1 vcf, Orbit Filter, 2X2 MATRIX, DUPLICATE PLEASE DELETE, Mooer Ninety Phase , ADSR , Synthex VCF, CV PUSH, VCA, MOTUS, NYMS 4hp Blank, Anookum Expander, Blinkenlights MicroScope Oscilloscope, Blinkenlights 3340 VCO, Blinkenlights Vactrol VCF, Blinkenlights MIDI Gates, Blinkenlights Polygons Gate Sequencer, Blinkenlights Quad Quantiser, Blinkenlights 8 Bit Waves II, Inverter Mults, Eurostrip Proto Panel, FTS FX, SS-001, MS1010, MS590, Double Dual Function Generator, uClouds, yash++, MovingKastle, stOSC, MEK - Magdeburg (Doepfer DIY synth frontend)