Hello there,

Just recently sold my make noise semi-modular (0-coast, 0-ctrl & strega), to buy a sequential take 5, I was just missing so much playing the keys and doing chords, i'm really glad with it but I'm already missing the modular way of pathching and stuff (i'm a total beginner btw).

I still have few modules, that I bought or were offered to me and I want to expand my system quite a bit. I've recently looked at Monotrail Tech Talks videos and I tought it was really inspiring, and made me understand more things I guess.

This is my current setup :

ModularGrid Rack

I have a small clone of Clouds and a Music Thing modular too (plus a Folktek Alter X Pedal), I've decided to buy a Behringer go rack, just to get started and have enough hps. (regardless of everything that i know and read about behringer and this case in particular)

I was just wondering what to get next to improve my setup, my thoughts are on :

-Intellijel Quad VCA
-Happy Nerding 3x MIA
-Another Oscillator
-Another Filter

Am i heading in the right direction ? I just want to have fun with my system, understand things better. I want to do mainly ambient generative stuff, drone, noise and experimental stuff.


Those are all good modules to start with. If you move the MIA up one, that's also the perfect order to buy them in.

Ok thanks a lot! Will do that then ;)