Thread: Change Log


The ModularGrid Marketplace is an area where private persons can trade their modules. The Marketplace is also tightly integrated in ModularGrids search engine and lets you run complex searches on offers via the Module Browser. A convenient notify function alerts you if someone offers a module you desire.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Marketplace

A feedback system will come. I am thinking about verification, too, but that is hard to layout.
I won't limit the usage to Unicorns, because everyone should be able to test the Marketplace.
People actually have to put stuff on it to make it interesting.

At the moment I tried to make it as easy and flexible as possible, so many things are missing or feeling not quite polished.
If the Marketplace will be used in the future for sure there will be a lot of upgrades and some Unicorn enhancements too.

also,a way to put up images unless you can already do that
-- MarsFace

No image uploads, but you should be able to embed images and videos via the markdown syntax.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

When clicking on the module's picture from the following page, an older version of the module's image is used.

That is probably a cache issue on your browser. Looks good here.

Also, what should be the process for adding a new module maker? ISHIZENO sounds a lot better than "other-unknown".

Added Ishizeno as manufacturer. Welcome to ModularGrid!

Thanks in advance for your help!
-- ishizeno

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Sure. I have absolutely no problems if you show a MG rack in your video.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

buying and selling to members

-- FSK1138

We now have a marketplace with a nice search function and a notification feature!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Marketplace

What is it?

The ModularGrid Marketplace is an area where private persons can trade their modules. The Marketplace is also tightly integrated in ModularGrids search engine and lets you run complex searches on offers via the Module Browser. A convenient notify function alerts you if someone offers a module you desire.

Unique Features

  • The Marketplace is integrated in ModularGrids search engine. Not only can you search for a modules name, you can also do a more abstract search for a 8HP oscillator in Europe.
  • You don't have to scan the database everyday when you are interested in a certain module. A convenient notify function informs you when someone offers a module you fancy.
  • It's free.

How does it work?


  • Search for modules you are interested in on the Marketplace page. Filter by region.
  • You can also use the Module Browser to do a more detailed search. E.G. search for an 8HP Oscillator in Australia. Enable the Available in Marketplace drop down in the advanced search options to do that.
  • All offers are also displayed on the corresponding Module Detail Pages.


On the Module Detail Pages you can make use of the Notify function for a specific module. You will get an email if someone offers a module you are interested in.
You can set your country in the user settings, so you only will get offers in your continent.


  • Visit the Offer Detail Page to read more about the module.
  • If you like it, contact the seller via the Contact seller button.
  • From here on it's on your behalf to discuss payment options, shipping and the like. ModularGrid does not cover that.


  • Visit the Module Detail Page of a module you'd like to sell.
  • Click Offer on Marktplace and fill out the form.
  • After you sold the module please mark it as sold on the Offer Detail Page or on your User Profile page.
  • You can always delete an offer, if you have changed your mind.

Good Traders on the Marketplace

If you did a successful trade add your business partner to the Good Traders on the Marketplace thread.
That will build up trust and reputation over time.


  • To be able to list your modules on the Marketplace you need a regular ModularGrid membership. Anonymous accounts do not work.
  • You have to be a member since at least 3 months.
  • You can offer a maximum of 10 modules at a time

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

some features that might push me to unicorn :

1U rows !!!
cost of case
cost of power supplies
cost of rails
buying and selling to members

-- FSK1138

At least one of those features will come very soon...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

While everyone is going crazy about Namm, ModularGrid created the worlds advanced modular synth poster :)
The poster contains over 870 of the most popular eurorack modules you guys put in your racks.
Not sure what kind of a power supply one would need to drive this $200.000 whale.

If someone needs a gift for themselves or a geeky friend, it's available at Zazzle.

Some more photos:

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I would like to see the ability to have multiple racks on the same page. For example, have number of racks and then it splits and has rack one, rack two, etc. It would be nice to be able to layout a large multi-rack system on a single page.

That will not come very soon but there is a nice workaround already:
you can open two racks in different browser windows and you can copy and paste modules between the browser windows with c, x and v keyboard shortcuts.

Would also like to see an Excel-compatible spreadsheet of the modules generated from the program.

A CSV export might be possible, I will look into this ...

-- IvanC

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

TrueGrid MIDI fixed

I think there may be only two people in the world who use this, but for those I can happily report that the TrueGrid MIDI feature is working again!
As a reminder how to get it going:

  • it still only works in Google Chrome
  • you have to check the Enable Web MIDI API option by typing chrome://flags in your browser address bar
  • make sure your MIDI interface is connected and running BEFORE you start the browser
  • if in doubt restart the browser
  • browse to TrueGrid (MIDI)/Growling MIDI Bass
  • select the MIDI port at the bottom of the screen

I had weird fun connecting TrueGrid with my Octatrack...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Renamed private modules to unlisted modules and added a red alert text to the upload form.
This should make it clearer that modules are always accessible for everyone if the URL is known, even if they have the unlisted flag.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

So "private" is what YouTube calls "unlisted", I see.
-- ApolaKipso

To make it clearer that there is no real module privacy on ModularGrid

  • I have changed the Module private tag to unlisted
  • I have put on a red alert text in the upload form
  • I have changed the Fieldset name from Privacy to Module Listing

Thanks for your feedback! I always need user input to improve things.
Best Knut

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report


Modules tagged as "private" are visible to anyone. If the tag is not meant to mean "this is hidden from anyone but the module's creator", this should be made clear, otherwise that's a bug that should be fixed.

It is not a bug but an intended function. Private modules are just excluded from the module browser, but they are accessible if you know the URL. Same function exists on other sharing sites like YouTube too.
I see I failed miserable to make this clear and will improve the description text in the upload form.

The issue came up here:

It's also not clear (at least to me) why "private" and "duplicate" are combined into one tag.

In the ModularGrid way the duplicate tag has the same purpose as the private tag.
They just should exclude modules from the module browser and search engine.
But you are still be able to add them to your racks if you like.
ModularGrid wasn't made on one day so a lot of inconsistencies from new features sneak into the system.
I try to iron them out over time, sorry for your inconvenience ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:


Well we should have something to inform us of how many HP we have free on our racks and when you hover your mouse over a free space it should input the amount of HP free on the space! That would rock and would make my life much easier!

This idea was requested some time ago. I think it would be cool, but it is not that easy to do.
I will look into this again ...

Btw payed today Unicorn account and I'm more than happy to maintain ModGrid alive 4ever :D
-- AThousandDetails

Thanks a lot!

Btw. that is not exactly what you want to see but as a workaround:
the Data Sheet sums up all your used HPs in your rack...
Data Sheet for your Rack

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: .gif

I see. I think there will be a problem with the image resizing.
I once had plans to merge TrueGrid (great blinking lights) and the planner in one application, but this was a little to ambitious.
Will see what time brings

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Rack Data Sheets

At the power consumption stats under your Rack you find a link to the Data Sheet.
It's a spreadsheet like table with all modules in your Rack.

  • You can see instantly which power specs are missing (a click on the questionmark leads to the edit form)
  • You can sort the columns to find the widest, deepest and most power consuming module.
  • You can see power consumption per row

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: .gif

You can not upload any images to the forum, but you can already embed gifs via markdown syntax.

Do this
to see this

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Hey, this is a nice idea. This may come but not very soon.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Checking incomplete power consumption specs

This feature adds a warning in Rack view under the power consumption stats, if modules of a Rack have missing power specs.

Display missing values

All power related values are displayed in the Popover so it's easier to find what is missing.

New Module field "is passive"

To exclude passive modules like mults from the incomplete power consumption alert they can be flagged as a passive module.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Show/hide "other/unknown" manufacturers is now set to show by default to prevent the upload of duplicates recently because users "could not find the module".

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Yes, flagged as private.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

SSL/Https Encoding

I implemented https a while ago and wanted to test the site in deep before announcing it. But Google was faster and redirects directly to https if you coming from their search.
So, yeah, it should work in general.
Your browser will show the "broken lock" on some pages where content is included from the non-secure CDN server, though.
Regardless, you are save to login with your password from dubious Bangkok WLAN spots when in urge to check for latest modules on your holiday vacation.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

The text input field of the module browser formerly only searched in the module name and description.
Now it also searches for manufacturer names.
This should help to prevent the upload of duplicates because several users reported "module didn't show up in the search".

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

ModularGrid has some new advanced module search features!

  • Show/hide "other/unknown" manufacturers
  • Filter by Build Type for DIY or assembled modules
  • Find a module with two function properties like dual AND VCA

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

When searching it would be nice for more sorting criteria, results count

Overall I am glad modulargrid exists, but for a newbie like me it's a bit overwhelming to find my way through all this information
-- heartcore

There will be more search options soon, but I doubt that this will fix the overwhelming info problem.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

My request would be to show a number that represents total usage, regardless of whether the rack that includes the module is public or private.

-- sempervirent

O.k. this was a simple fix, it's online.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

My request would be to show a number that represents total usage, regardless of whether the rack that includes the module is public or private. Perhaps something like this, which would maintain the privacy of individual racks while providing a more accurate indication of a module's popularity:

-- sempervirent

I see, I will check this. (And fix this URL autolink function which seems broken)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Hey grieve, thanks for your input, it's very valuable for me to know what users want to see.
It's always hard to decide which features should be realized. I have to be very careful to not "feature creep" the ModularGrid, because every additional function makes the user interface more complicated and introduces potential new bugs.

I like the wishlist and grouping function idea.
Grouping would be cool, but it's harder to develop. I will put both to the to do feature list.

...Personally I signed up for a "Unicorn" account just to support the work the basic functionality requires.... and not so much for the additional features. I think a few more features like this and my other suggestion above would make the unicorn account a greater value from a practical stand point to those on the fence.
-- grieve

Thanks a lot for your contribution! If you are already visiting this site for a while you will recognize that a lot of the functions where done on user requests. I can not promise to implement everything instantly but I am constantly working on the site to make it better in progress.

Best Knut

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Fixed some issues on the Rack and Patch browsers pagina which prevented to go back to page 1.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Unicorn Accounts and 500 series universe is online

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I think what you are offering is more than fair. For the information and service you provide it is easily worth what you are charging. While I could probably get by with a free account, I'll pay the small fee just to support this excellent service.


I applaud you for not thinning out the screenshot database. I hate seeing broken links in forum posts.

Yes. Key strategy here is to slow down the growth of screenshot data through the limits in the standard account..

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Please add the modules as "Other/unknown". I can reassign them later.
Category for compressor is Dynamics for now.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

To address the above bullet points, won't you need to clean up some of the "Main (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy)" entries?
I would think something like deleting ">10, not accessed in 1yr" racks would be acceptable.
-- Sleipnir

That's always a little problematic. Many of the racks screenshots are embedded in forums. Deletion would result in a lot of broken images which does not look good.
I delete older empty racks and unused anonymous accounts though.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

The ModularGrid Unicorn Account

Today I introduce the Unicorn Account which is a payable upgrade for registered ModularGrid users.

Before you unpack your torches and pitchforks please read on:
In the last three years I have understand that a complete free an unlimited webapp comes with some significant problems.
And that's not only me doing an unpaid fulltime job.
The main problem is the excessive accumulation of digital garbage which eventually spoils the fun and value in use for everybody. You have mods in forums to care about such but that does not work on a web-based modular planner.

The Unicorn Account should address these:

  • Satisfy the calls for even bigger Racks for the Pros while preventing the polluting of the database by some Newbs
  • Keep the amount of Racks at a healthy minimum, make browsing through the Racks interesting again.
  • Prevent the webspace been eaten by zillion rack screenshots of final_system(copy)(copy)(copy)(copy)
  • Better statistics, tame the need of users to build another Math-only Monsterrack
  • Better server performance for everyone. Better protection from DOS.
  • Bring in some cash, obviously.

Chances are you won't notice

The standard MG account will be always free and still lets you create 10 racks, each of the size of a massive Doepfer monster case! That should be more than enough for 95% of all MG users.

(Remember you can always copy modules in two opened browser windows with the c,p,x keyboard shortcuts.)

You won't lose what you already got

I thought a lot about to make this change happen without taking away what users already have.
The solution: If you already have a large or a lot of racks, you can still use them for free!
You just won't be able to resize your big rack and you can not create new ones if you are over the limit.

Read more about the Unicorn Account:

... and tell me what you think

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Fixed the "frozen module" bug in the planner on iOS8 devices.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Undo?

No, sorry, there is no undo function available at the moment.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Buchla 250

Flagged as private

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Flagged as private

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I want to refer to the thread title and give you a general explanation, why limits are necessary.
Many users asked me why there is such a limit at all.

The main reason for the limitation is to ensure an acceptable server performance and keep the system save.
Without limits the consecutive duplication of huge racks could easily bring the server down.
This can happen without a bad purpose in mind but it also can be used in an attack scenario (This is no fantasy, it happened already).

The main problems:

  1. Heavy SQL processes slow down the server
  2. Database grows non-linear over time and slows down every other query
  3. Screenshot generation needs a lot of RAM
  4. Screenshots will be huge. If people embed those 3MB+ shots in Forums, other users won't be happy to load the thread on their mobile plans.
  5. Also server traffic increases. This will cost money at some point.
  6. The general Planner, SketchAPatch and TrueGrid rely on client side JavaScript. The bigger the rack, the bigger memory consumption, the slower the drag'n'drop performance, etc. This can lead to Browser crashes in extreme cases or on low-end computers like phones and tablets.

I increased the limit for rows and columns many times and I think this is maxed out.
I know many of you guys will find this unacceptable so I am thinking about a solution.

PS. I would like to say that this is one of the coolest sites on the net, free too.
-- gwpt

The keyword here is free.

Will you guys freak out if I introduce some kind of paid account for "Pro" users, which will expand those limits?

This would solve some (but not all) problems and of course would give me some revenue.
What are your thoughts?
Best Knut

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Somehow the Core API Team of Chrome/Google decided to change the WebAudioAPI. This broke TrueGrid.
I am not angry , in fact they did some necessary refactoring of the code.
I tried to migrate all the changes and at least TrueGrid is working again.
And amazingly it also works in Firefox, now (well, kind off, but promising).
Btw, I played a bit with TrueGrid today and browsed through the patches and had a lot of fun.
Some of them are really nice!
Note to myself: I should definitely spend some time to improve this part of MG.
It had such a good start but stalled a bit ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

For those of you who experienced problems:
TrueGrid is working again.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: thank you

Thanks for kind words!
My pleasure, best Knut

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

Thanks for reporting!

Yo, Knut!

The Update=>Screenshot function is no longer working.

I keep getting the message "Image not found," and the error:

Error: The requested address '/img/racks/modulargrid_??????.jpg' was not found on this server.

The Command Center => Update Screenshot Preview is also malfunctioning.

Something screwy with CakePHP?
-- Adminius

Screenshots are generated by a "headless XServer".
This Mofo likes to crash every once in a while, it's a bug since day one.
My professional solution so far is the IT Crowd approach: switch it off and on again.
There you go, works again :)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

As much as I like this product, it is not a module and should not belong here. Flagged as private.
-- modulargrid

My bad. It is mountable as a module. Removed flag.
Someone can upload a better "2D" image of this?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

As much as I like this product, it is not a module and should not belong here. Flagged as private.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

It's basically the right-click menu. I activates on mobiles when you long-press a module ...
-- wiredearp

O.K., now I think I get what you mean. The menu which reads "Save image/Copy" ?
Strange thing: I can not reproduce it on my iPad (iOS 7.1). The contextual menu only shows up, when I am hovering about a module in a rack of an other user where I have no editing rights.
On my own racks I am not able to trigger the contextual menu (?).
Your code looks good, but I have to been able to reproduce the error. I will investigate further ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I rated a module that I don't own, just to see how it feels to own a module. I now regret it. Can I remove my rating? I'm sure it's a good module though, so I gave it a fair rating.

That's not possible for users at the moment, sorry. I have deleted your rating with super admin powers.

Another thing: How can you see a modules rating on Modular Grid? You can see it in the Google search results, so it must be somewhere on the page. I can't find it.

It's on the module detail pages. The last entry in the Specs list. Ratings will only show up if there are any available, which is not the case on many modules.

Another thing, for the Modular Grid developers: I suggest we can event.preventDefault() the "contextmenu" event on mobile devices so that you can drag and drop modules on the iPad without triggering the contextmenu every second time. And thanks for doing this site.
-- wiredearp

Not sure what you mean with "contextmenu". If you mean this speech bubble thing with the specs:
You can click on the Popover on button above the rack to prevent the display of the popover.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

O.k. that's an Android phone I guess. Sadly I don't have access to one and the simulators don't work with the touch stuff. I will try to borrow one and look into it.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

So I frequently use modulargrid on my phone

What kind of phone are you using?

Oooh, idea: mobile app?

There will be no dedicated native mobile app. I try to make sure that MG runs in most mobile browsers, therefore your bug report is greatly appreciated.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Makes sense and actually already works this way.
If there is a thread to a module then you can find the link to the forum at the very bottom on the modules detail page (and also the latest comments).
If you add a comment to a module without a thread on the modules detail page you automatically add a new thread to the forum.
Hope that makes sense too

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: