Thread: Bug Report

What happened to the DFAM module graphic? It looks like a photograph of someone's desk with a DFAM was substituted for the actual DFAM graphic.
-- WhateverEd

If you see problems like that try out the Panel Selector feature:

  • Activate the Panel Selector button in the rack view.
  • Small arrow icons will hover over the modules in the rack.
  • Click on the arrows will change through the different panel graphics users have uploaded.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

The entire FORUMS.

When sorting by the latest post, the results aren't so. I'm expecting to see the thread with the newest post at the top, followed by the second newest, third, etc. It seems almost random. Is it being sorted by the latest VIEWED rather than posted? It should be fixed right away as new forum messages and replies are getting buried by older posts.
-- Ronin1973

i hopefully have fixed it and it should work now as expected.
The other sort options where buggy too, so I have removed them for now. In exchange we now have a rudimentary view count.

Sorry it took me so long...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I have deleted the Spammer. No it looks like @Lugia is calling @robbeattie an annoying spambot which of course he did not.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

The removal of white background is only applied to JPG.
Uploading a PNG circumvents the image processing.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

I still get all the module shops / offers in the "Buy Online"-bar from Canada, US and Japan despite being in EU.

Tried wiping the browser cookies and cache clean, switching the currency to € and listing the offers only from EU and cross-checking with another browser and in private mode, but this behaviour persists. My VPN is set to EU as well so it shouldn't mess with geolocation if there's such. Also tried completely turning off VPN to see if it affects the functionality.

Is there a setting somewhere or is this a bug am seeing here?

-- pkkkkknn

I am not sure what's going on, I never heard of this problems. But I agree there should be a simple option to set the location, so this feature will come.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Is there a way to have different rows to have different widths to plan module arrangements across different cases in one convenient location?

Say four rows 3U 88HP with an Intellijel 7U 104HP case.

no, that is not possible

Ideally, with those 4ms pods, could a mismatch in depth be highlighted?
-- liquid_air

In the Data Sheets view of your rack you see the deepest modules like in a spreadsheet view.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Should be working again.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

TrueGrid is back!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

It's back!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

TrueGrid is back

TrueGrid is a modular synth that runs in the browser. It was a very ambitious project in 2013 and for that reason never matured to a stable version. In times of VCV Rack I thought it does not make any sense anymore so I disabled it last year. (Though it was always kind of available if you had mad haxor skillz.)

But what the heck , some people like it, so it is back again. I have fixed a lot of small annoying bugs and added an Audio Enable/Suspend button. That is required for Chrome, because that browser does not allow to blast audio on page load anymore.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

So my request of a feature is to have better communication with the module companies
-- Raccoonboy

On modules which have the green Manufacturer Approved stamp you can message the manufacturers easily. There is a button below the stamp Message the Manufacturer.

It could also be a way to collate data for private sales here on the ModularGrid Marketplace in order to inform the buyers automatically when the discontinued module they want comes up for sale. If this functionality already exists and I've missed it (which is possible, considering how powerful ModularGrid already is), then please ignore this.
-- deftinwulf

Not sure if you mean that:
On the module detail pages below ModularGrid Marketplace section is a button with Notify me if someone offers this Module for sale. That works for discontinued modules too.

...but in truth, the manufacturers need to be more diligent about listing updates, also.
-- Lugia

I agree with Lugia, it's in the main interest of the manufacturers that they should take care about their listings. They get all the tools they need. There is no technical solution for them being lazy ...
I get specially annoyed if they lock their outdated entries ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Request again for narrower racks please! ;-)
-- JohnLRice

O.k. 20HP min it is.
Working themes are Pittsburgh Cell Style and Geeklapeeno Cluster.
Everything else looks like an impossible Escher theme.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: URL Update

That could be a cache problem. Hold down SHIFT and reload the browser.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

It works!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Go to Rack edit and uncheck the checkbox for 1U Tiles.
Normal Eurorack modules are 3U heigh. 1U does not mean one row. It is the size of the small utility modules that are available.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

More a bug test than a comment ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Content Security Policy (CSP)

This is a security feature which prevents Cross-site Scripting attacks.
Browsers will only execute JavaScript from trusted sources and reject to execute inline Javascript.
The XSS attacks are not a fantasy scenario, ModularGrid is probed by lots of bots every hour.
We had a self made protection from the beginning but this is the official solution.
Side effect: lot's of JavaScript had to be moved/rewritten, so it is possible that one or two functions are broken.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

So wouldn't it make more sense to default it to unlisted?
-- reidv

We have that now.

  • Make "Show other/unknown Modules" unchecked by default
    -- nutritionalzero

We had that some time ago with the result of users uploading duplicates because they thought the modules where not already in the database. Since we now also have an auto-module search in the upload form, it's worth to try again: I have unchecked "Show other/unknown Modules" by default.

but then one runs into the issue of modules that are definitely available but not labelled as such.
-- Lugia

Yes, that is a problem because we added that label late. Clumsy named: property unassigned shows the modules witch don't have a Product Lifecycle assigned. A thing to fix in cold winter evenings.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Nicer Screenshots

The old screenshot server based on a semi-custom deprecated technology. New server should be a bit faster, makes better quality images and relies on standard technology (Node/Puppeteer) and for that reason is easier to maintain.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log


More server updates. This time moved to PHP7, everything should be faster again.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log


Sorry for the hickups, I upgraded the server today. We have HTTP/2 now, it should make the site load a bit faster.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

To make that secure from both sides the escrow must handle both the money and the modules which means double shipping costs. MG is in Germany, so that would not work in the US. We don't have a stockroom and I think people would not pay for the additional fees. They are to high in relation to the cost of most used modules.
May be there is a third party service users can use?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

It does however look like doepfer use differnt colors than the colors in sketch a patch; Also the sketch a patch cables seem to have a maximum length, it cycles through colors until they hit black, then stops.
-- clnclnclncln

Top right you can select the color scheme in the Patch Options
There is Doepfer and Stackable, I guess you had selected Stackcable.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Feature idea for unicorn accounts; Patch cable length calculator. Connect two points on the rack and get a recommended minimum length for the patch cable.
-- clnclnclncln

The patch cables change color when you drag them. The color represents the original color of the necessary Doepfer cable. Doepfer cables are color coded by length (at least in 2014 when I build that patch tool).

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Check for duplicates on module upload

I have added a realtime search for modules on the upload form. That should help to prevent the upload of duplicates.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I hope this hasn't already been requested, but I'd love to see negative filtering on module functions. For example, I want to search for Attenuators that aren't Polarizers, so I don't get attenuverters in my searches.

If there's already a way to do that, I can't find it.
-- Oldstench

Not possible right now. Workaround:
If you search by function you can set the result search order to Number of Functions ascending. You will get the modules with a single function first, in your case modules that just act as attenuverters and nothing else.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Is there anyway to stick modules together when optimizing the rack space?
-- asdfqwer

Currently not, but someday there will.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

And not show any modules.

There is a preference for that under Privacy->Show My Modules

And why these two out of all the others? Thanks!

The Collection is a special favorite like function.
If you click on the suitcase icon on modules in the module browser that module will be added to your collection. To not have to search for it every time when planning different versions of your modular the modules of your Collection are available under the tab menu My modules.
I guess you clicked on that suitcase icon of the 2 modules not on purpose.

Unicorn users (You, thank you!) can also add every module of a rack to your collection. (Top left navigation: Edit->Add all to My Modules)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

What's bizarre is that I've watched it display properly, then not, then properly, then not again for a couple of days now. Tried emailing ModularGrid but no response yet. I mean, it's no big deal, just a little irritating.
-- thelowerrhythm

Cannot reproduce it and still have to check it.
Do you know about the Panel Selector mode? If you enable that top right there appear small arrows on the modules where you can select different panel versions.
To pin down the error: are you using that mode?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

In Chrome 68.0.3440.106 I find that if I'm in a rack view and click on any module, keystrokes are no longer accepted by the browser window. Can't reply to posts, can't hit F5 to refresh, can't hit F12 to bring up the dev console.
-- Oldstench

It's a kind of a bug. It happens when the mouse hovers over the rack. Move the mouse away from the rack and the keyboard will work again as expected.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log listings

I now we have a lot of ads already but I think this one makes sense: is a commercial place to buy and sell used gear. They offer some kind of buyer protection, which ModularGrid does not. Their listings for used Eurorack modules are now integrated in the ModularGrid marketplace list and can be searched and filtered like the normal offers.
Any commercial Reverb brand new offers are filtered because the MG marketplace should remain exclusively for used modules traded by private people.
There is no tracking Javascript so they cannot follow you around and you can disable all Reverb offers with a new fancy sliding button.
If you buy something on their site through a ModularGrid link, we will get a revenue.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

There seems to be a bug in the module search form.
When you search for modules available in a particular marketplace, the "Secondary Function" field is ignored. Or rather even more complicated, only one of the "Function" fields work.
-- amethyst

Indeed that was broken but should now work again. Thanks for reporting!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

See also

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

And btw. ModularGrid supports PNGs with transparency, so there is no need to add white lines as top/bottom borders.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Regardless of their name 1U tiles don't necessarily share the same height. ModularGrid uses the specs from PulpLogic. They differ slightly from Intellijel 1U modules. For that reason the module graphics for Intellijel must be padded top and bottom in an image editor before uploading them to MG.

E.G. an Intellijel 1U module graphic must be cropped like every other module. After that the image canvas height must be multiplicated with a factor of 1.082.

It seems that Intellijel has uploaded new versions of their modules without the needed padding. I hope that will be fixed, until that you can still use the old images by using the Panel Selector feature:

  • make sure Panel Selector is active in the top right action buttons
  • hover over the modules and click through the right and left arrow buttons to browse through the available panel versions.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I do not see that option.
-- mikeleebirds

Make sure Panel Selector is active in the top right action buttons.

Something is wrong with the rendering on all the 1U tiles.
-- johnnn

1U tiles don't share the same format. ModularGrid uses the specs from PulpLogic. They differ slightly from Intellijel 1U modules. For that reason the module graphics for Intellijel must be padded top and bottom or the modules will look cropped.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

The issue is fixed.
You will see the right expire date on the receipt if you still support us next year :)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Small fixes

  • Top Modules and Popular Modules statistics now contain the Manufacturer names
  • Wrong expire date on Unicorn receipt as discussed here

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I got the info from the renewal confirmation email. See screenshot.

Thanks that is helpful!
It's like I thought, the value is saved correct in the db but the output in the email is just "today +1y".
Will fix it soon.

You provide an awesome resource for free and a useful set of enhancements for next to nothing. I'm extremely satisfied.

Thanks for kind words!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

This is an embarrassing bug I thought I had already fixed some time ago.
Strange thing: I have checked your account. It looks o.k. to me, it will expire on June 27.

I processed my renewal and discovered that my unicorn account is now valid until June 21, 2019

Where did you get that info?

I think (well, kind of hope) it just displays the wrong date but enters the right one in the database. Of course I don't want to cheat you guys.

Thanks for supporting!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

You can use Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V to copy and paste between racks on different tabs of the same browser. :)
-- ParanormalPatroler

It's just c and v without the Ctrl though.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I don't interfere with the manufacturers decisions but in this case I have reverted the wrong power specs, because they are potentially harmful.

@modulargrid can we please also edit this just because it's no longer available it should not be hidden.
-- ParanormalPatroler

I also have listed the old uZeus again, because I don't think TipTop has unlisted that on purpose. I have sent them another notice.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

TipTop has set the manufacturer lock.
I have sent them a message that they should fix the wrong power specs and should revert the image.
If you find other issues: everybody can contact them with the Message button besides the Manufacturer Approved Stamp.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

General Data Protection Regulation

I did some changes to better comply with the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR everyone is hammered with these days.
We never have actively collected user data but we use services from Google Analytics and other third party companies I have no idea what they do with the data.

So we have

  • a privacy policy
  • a link to that privacy policy on every page
  • an email setting, where you can turn off the pm email notification
  • anonymizer settings in GA and scripts where possible
  • the Cookie alert I thought we will never need

To counter data abuse of third parties in the first place I have deleted the Facebook and Twitter social plugins from the homepage. These are just links now.

Now someone tell me I have to send an email to the 38000 MG users ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

No public name calling, please. I have sent you a message.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Since today, all my previous racks are just showing empty cases.

They look ok in command center, but when i choose 1 for viewing/editing,
the racks does not show any modules anymore and i cant edit them. (data sheet is still there)
The top buttons-row for editing just don´t work, except for command center.

Any ideas whats wrong here?

Add: just tested, via mobile seems to work, but via PC won´t.

-- anticitizen1

Your data is still there.
Maybe you have Javascript disabled on your PC? Or some extension that blocks Javascript?
Which browser are you using? Try another browser to check.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I'm unable to find the TrueGrid chickbox. Has it been removed?
-- mortarm

You are the first who recognized it. A change in the current chrome browser made TrueGrid next to unusable.
The TrueGrid project was way too ambitious and the user interface never worked very well.
Since there are tools like I thought it did not make enough sense to put more developer effort in it ...
TrueGrid is still there but it is hidden.
If MG users protest I will bring it back, but that did not happen yet ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Fix: it's possible to delete 1U modules again. This was broken by the zoom button.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

One person suggested that maybe it could also be implemented "outside the rack", re: on the list of modules.
-- ParanormalPatroler

Yes, that would be cool, I look into that. First I have to fight the bug that it is now impossible to delete slim 1u modules with the mouse because the zoom button pushes the delete button away

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: