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Thread: Patch #4

patch notes for modules:
Ditsting mk4 alogrithm D2 tape delay

Pamela new workout:
97 bpm
1 x1 squarewave math channel 4 trigger
2 /2.6 Trianglewave pwm spectrum
3 x2 squarewave korg clock (output to korg sq-1)
4 x4 squarewave maths channel 1 trigger
5 /1.5 squarewave (use to record gate to cv looper on 1 and te of beat. output cv looper chanel to popcorn)
7 x4 squarewave cv looper clock
8 /8 squarewave cv looper reset

input 2 comes from korg sq-1

Pamela 87-97bpm
output 3: /4
output 4: x1
output 5: x8 clock 4 nexus
output 6: /8 reset for nexus
Little Nerd
outputA: multiplier full tilt
outputD: probability 1/3 tilt
Disting mk4 I2 WAV playback clockable
Sample: SlumVillage dont fall in love drum loop

Pamela tempo 206
output 1
square wave x1
output 2
cv1 input from nexus cv
Disting mk4
B4 clockable delay

Thread: Patch notes

Disting mk4:
Waveshaper algorithm
clk in: sync out SQ-1
output1: /4 to reset nexus every 8 bar square LFO
output2: X8 16th notes clock for nexus Square LFO
output3: X1.3 or 2.6 Decay
output4: /5 sine LFO
Trig channel1: GateA SQ-1
EOC channel4: sync SQ-1
Quad VCA:
In3: cvA SQ-1
1v/oct: cvB SQ-1

1 fader patch is a patch where at the zero level of the fader nothing happens, but as the fader is brought above or below zero. the patch comes alive and generates itself in a random but organized manner giving a harmonic cacophony. self modulating probably chaotic
1. At low positions on the fader, minimal notes played and soft tones farther the position is the more alive the patch becomes
2. tempo changes can be erratic and jolty
3. at zero level, nothing is being played
4. voltmeter needed to display position of fader
5. exponential changes in voltages are probably more than often preferred than linear
6.voltmeter that when a set threshold is broken can send trigger/gate to modulate other parameters
7. VCAs!!!!!!
8. offsets and attenuation
9. quantizer?
10. attenuated quantizer?
11. microtonal experiementation
12. try to be fluid with the patch
13. sample and hold
14. PPL YES! cause why not
15. a lot of modulation
16. clock divisions that can be modulated
17. will probably need a exponential VCA
18. attempt to use doepfer models
19. pad type oscillator with 2 complimentary oscillators
20. sub modulation