Still no response from Deep Synth. Took £1300 of my money 3 weeks ago and has since disappeared. Be wary of this crook. I have passed this on to the paypal and credit card Fraud teams.

Oh right. Just about to call credit card Fraud team, why the refund and not send the modules? Thanks for letting me know

Sent the guy £1300 for 2 Cwejman modules 2 weeks ago can't get hold of him. Gutted

-- Leescan

I just received return money transfer from him and an apology.

-- mkka

Hey, there's a troublesome seller - @DeepSynth
I transferred him money for 4ms STS on Nov. 5, and few days later he stopped answering my messages.
He had on sale several modules, and still seems to have, although the list is getting shorter as if he is actually selling them. It looks legit.
The paypal account I sent the money to is ***
Tried to contact him, no success.
Be careful with this guy. It seems I got ripped off :/

-- mkka

Sent the guy £1300 for 2 Cwejman modules 2 weeks ago can't get hold of him. Gutted