ModularGrid Rack


so that's basically my Rack so far and it has been a lot of fun. But for now, I want to fill the last 30 HP. I'm thinking about an Grand Terminal, as it would provide me with flexible dual filters and effects. I'm a little concerned about the third set of dual envelopes/LFO's after the fusion modulator and Maths, but at least Maths would be free for more exciting things. So it seems to me, that it would solve a few things at once. For the last 4 HP, I was looking after a Clep Diaz, just because I would like to try some stuff with it in combination with other modules in my case. Has anyone here have some experience with the Grand Terminal? Or since many of you are way more experienced with Eurorack then me, does anyone have different suggestions, maybe even a different direction I should consider taking this?

As always, thanks for any feedback!