i know what eurorack format is. i have three cases full of it.
this is the oberkorn SLIDERS, not the other oberkorn unit which is a 3 x 16 sequencer.
this one is made to mount in a eurorack case, with a power supply strip that hooks
up to a eurorack busboard. they are sold in cases sometimes which are basically
84 hp eurorack cases, that mount in a rack. i have two doepfer 6U x 84 cases that mount in a rack,
does that mean they are not eurorack? i would think the more modules in the database the better,
although i will admit not many have these modules. i know as a private module i get to use it myself,
but i'm not arguing to be selfish, just the opposite. i WAS thinking of others when i posted it, thinking there may be others like me
who wanted this. i also wanted an old 39hp blue lantern gate sequencer module but i'm using three of a 13hp as a substitute.
if you still want to make it private, obviously that's fine,