Hello guys,

So for now, I have gathered and installed these modules in my Arturia Rackbrute 6U:

ModularGrid Rack

Before expanding it to much bigger version later in the future (thanks Lugia once again), I wanted to complete
my Rackbrute. Unfortunately I'm a little bit stuck. Little space left and I'm not sure how to finish it up.
I made one obvious mistake - Doepfer seems to have no use for me, as Hermod does all the midi/ usb work for me.

I would be really grateful for suggestions!

Noise Generator
Multi-Mode Filter

Those are the three things I could think of as being useful and not present. Your oscillators are all digital. So maybe an analog oscillator like the Intellijel Dixie II+. It can also work at LFO rates, so it might serve a coupleof purposes.

Awesome, I'll look into that, thanks Ronin!

Happy Nerding FX Aid XL and 3X VCA
Frap Tools 321


Happy Nerding FX Aid XL and 3X VCA
Frap Tools 321
-- jb61264

I was thinking about that FX Aid XL but is there a point in having it when I already have Erica Synths Black Hole DSP?

What would be the best filter to get right now? Possibly not the cleaniest one, or it doesn't matter?
Frap Tools 321 - is it similar to how Veils work? How can I utilize it in my setup efficiently?

And a very noob question - most voices like Manis Iteritas are mono.. am I right? I'm a total beginner and was a bit surprised that when plugging it (Manis) to Erica's Black Mixer it gives my the mono audio only.

Happy Nerding FX Aid XL and 3X VCA
Frap Tools 321
-- jb61264

I was thinking about that FX Aid XL but is there a point in having it when I already have Erica Synths Black Hole DSP?

What would be the best filter to get right now? Possibly not the cleaniest one, or it doesn't matter?
Frap Tools 321 - is it similar to how Veils work? How can I utilize it in my setup efficiently?

And a very noob question - most voices like Manis Iteritas are mono.. am I right? I'm a total beginner and was a bit surprised that when plugging it (Manis) to Erica's Black Mixer it gives my the mono audio only.

-- Arrus

I'm new to modular as well, but before jumping into anything I did quite a bit of reading/research and asked a lot of questions here and elsewhere. There will be others on MG that are far better at answering your questions than I am :)

With such a small setup (I have a Rackbrute 6U as well)...taking up HP with larger modules like the Black Hole (16HP) when you can use something like FX Aid XL (6HP) makes no sense. You have an extra 10HP to use on other utilities if you switch them out. Not bashing the Black Hole at all (never used it or read any reviews about it)...but with a smaller setup like this, you should focus on smaller modules that give you similar features/functionality. That Hermod sequencer is nice, but you could probably find a smaller HP sequencer that will do what you are wanting. I bought an ornament & crime module that can do some sequencing (and a million other things too) in 8HP but also bought a Beatstep Pro as the main sequencer in my setup (so I'm not taking any HP in my setup for a sequencer).

Filters are really a matter of personal taste...there are many flavors out there...some with a very specific characteristic (Jove by System80 emulates the Roland Jupiter 6) and some which give you a wide variety of potential characteristics (Neutron Flux by Supercritical Synthesizers).

321 is quite different to Veils...I would recommend spending some time reading up on the two to discover what those differences are...Veils is a VCA where 321 is more of a "utility" module.


Yes, Manis being mono is normal, all Noise Engineering voices are mono I think. You can always "stereo" a signal later, with effects for example.

For LFOs suggested by Ronin, I suggest you start by exploring the Hermod. It's got plenty of functions, one of those is LFO's. Always start looking at modules you already have to achieve a goal you may have, this is how you learn your instrument !

For filter, it's true that Manis has in own integrated LPF and Plaits can definitely be used without a filter especially when you use the trig input thanks to that LPG simulation, but a nice multi-mode filter can expand the sound palette on offer quite well nonetheless. For example, someone put the Dual Dagger from Shakmat Modularon my radar recently, relatively cheap and small but quite powerful it seems, and it can help with mono-to-interesting-stereo duties too.

Jb is quite right about the Blackhole DSP vs FX Aid. The latter is a no-brainer so if space is an issue, you have your solution right there. And in fact, there is also the question of the Black HADSR, 12HP for a single enveloppe is not something I would do in a space limited rack. If you absolutely need ADSR (I found out some time ago that for me, that was coming from habit more than need, I'm very much an AD guy now) you could have a look at Quadigy from Klavis, still ADSR but 4 of them, presets and other niceties, for only 2HP more.

Finally, I suggest going through Math's illustrated manual, a must try in my honest opinion ;-)

--- Voltage control all the things ---

To follow up on Toodee's reply to my reply... many filters can also be used as sine wave oscillators if their resonance permits. Some can and some can't. But the right filter can double as a simple oscillator.

Thanks so much for all the suggestions guys. Not sure how that Erica HASDR module got there, I've put it by mistake.
I did some adjustements and now it looks like this:

ModularGrid Rack

Space is not an issue, because I'm going to extend my rack to another 3U of space. And after that, I'm going to expand further.

For now, I've bought: Hermod, 4ms I/O, Ears, Black Hole DSP2, Rings, Veils, Plaits, Manis Iteritas and Maths.

Acording to what you say here, I would need multimode filter and a utility module so I've put Instruo I-o47 and Frap Tools 321.
On top of that, I think that Morphagene would be really useful in my project (creating ambiences and morphing live recordings).

I would be really grateful for any kind of suggestions.

Acording to what you say here, I would need multimode filter and a utility module so I've put Instruo I-o47 and Frap Tools 321.

-- Arrus

utility modules, not a utility module!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Maths and 321. What else would you recommend?

I don't think of Maths as a utility module... it's it's own thing - sum of parts greater than the whole - see the 'maths illustrated supplement' - so replicating the centre section of maths is a good start - which to some extent you have with 321

I always recommend links, kinks, shades and veils as a good starter set for utilities

links is useful in that it can be 2 buffered mults and a utility mixer (always useful) or a buffered mult and a precision adder and a mixer, or a buffered mult and 2 utility mixers - what are you using for mults? stackcables or headphone splitters? it's always useful to have a buffered one around - I often need at least one for Maths to funciton properly (it doesn't like being patched into unbuffered inputs, at least in my racks)

kinks is discontinued - if you can't find one then the wmd/ssf toolbox is a good substitute

321 I think covers shades, but it's much more useful for adding offsets etc that are often needed than for straight mixing - are you currently using this as an end of chain mixer?

veils - you already have - but you can never have too many vcas!!!! they are useful for controling all sorts of signals in the system

on top of these the next thing I would add (unless multiples of the above make sense and often do - remember there is no such thing as redundancy due to duplication of function in modular - there is only redundancy because you don't use it) would be an end of chain mixer (unless you are mixing outside the rack) and then a matrix mixer - I mostly use my 2 for mixing copies of modulation sources to create more interesting modulation, but they can be used for many other purposes - setting up send/returns for effects for example

after that maybe a more complex logic module - I like the joranalogue compare2

I also cannot agree more with the others who are saying fx aid (xl) not black dsp... it;s way too big for what it is in this size rack - quite frankly I'd see it as an utter waste of space in my racks and I've got roughly 1500hp, I do have the fx aid xl though which is excellent - and could potentially see my self adding multiples of it in the future - especially if I decide I need an end of chain reverb in there - I can currently patch in outboard for that though

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

‘(...) I'm going to extend my rack to another 3U of space’.
Honestly, investing directly in another RackBrute 6U would be wiser... Then a few suggestions:
Dirty textures: NE Viol Ruina ?
Melodic: Stochastic Inspiration Generator ?
Noisy: EI Liquid Glitcher ?
Enjoy your trip! :)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

‘(...) I'm going to extend my rack to another 3U of space’.
Honestly, investing directly in another RackBrute 6U would be wiser...
-- Sweelinck

or better yet a mantis or a doepfer lc9 - best bang for buck cases (price/hp), excluding b-company clones - and no rack warts stealing valuable hp!!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

i got a mantis case for sale if you are interested and live in the EU?


Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

The amount of informations and knowledge that I can gain here are amazing, thanks guys. Although, I must say, I still have some really basic questions. Like for example - How can I utilize Rings, Plaits in Stereo mode, and both at the same time? Right now, one of them can go through Black Hole DSP and it's in stereo. But when I put them all through Veils, then I lose the stereo. I'm beginning to lose my mind or it has been a very busy day :)

I'm using my modules mostly as an addition to my DAW and game, film related scores. And I can see that I made some big mistakes here. Like.... Why the hell did I buy Erica's Black Mixer. If I got Veils, why do I even need it? Should I just sell it and buy a mixer with which I could patch my reverb as a send and then I could patch my stereo modules too? Also, as Lugia suggested - Expert Sleepers must be a much better solution, than 4ms I/O.

Back to what I have now (also, I think I'm gonna sell Rackbrute and move to Mantis) -
ModularGrid Rack

Please help on what should I put there next. I managed to find Kinks (although not sure what I can with it yet)! I'll buy Links too.
Studying Maths a lot, it's so much fun. But still - I feel so lost. OMG.

Sweelinck - thanks so much. That Stochastic Inspiration Generator sounds great. Adding to my future buy list ;)

The amount of informations and knowledge that I can gain here are amazing, thanks guys. Although, I must say, I still have some really basic questions. Like for example - How can I utilize Rings, Plaits in Stereo mode, and both at the same time? Right now, one of them can go through Black Hole DSP and it's in stereo. But when I put them all through Veils, then I lose the stereo. I'm beginning to lose my mind or it has been a very busy day :)

Veils is a VCA. What effects do you feel the need to run through a VCA? Typically, you add effects just before the signal goes out to the mixer. But if you do have a signal that you want to keep stereo, then just use two channels of Veils. Split the envelope signal running to the CV input of two channels of Veils.

Studying Maths a lot, it's so much fun. But still - I feel so lost. OMG.

Watch this video from Loopop. Maths is just a great convergence of a lot of simple tools where the sum is greater than the parts.

use channels 1 & 2 of veils for L
use channels 3 & 4 of veils for R

plugging a cable into veils breaks the normalization between the channel you're coming out of and the next channel

also - 'maths illustrated supplement' google and download if you haven't already!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities