The Time's Arrow has quickly become my favorite and most musical step sequence generator in my rack.

Although it cannot (and apparently, was deliberately designed not to...) generate evolving patterns, the patterns it does create, are almost always musically useful and inspiring. Used alongside and in combination various other Generative/Standard sequencers such as the Turing Machine, Brain Seed, Metropolis, Hammer Mk2 etc.. in my performance rack, it works really well and provides an extra dimension to my music for sure!

A great, 'go to' module for me, when I need fresh ideas!

Thanks for the review. It looks great.

Maybe I'm missing it, but can you save and recall sequences that you like or is it always generating new stuff?

Not the sequences themselves but all the various settings that generated the sequence such as the probability settings and exclusions.

Here's the youtube playlist... that demos a lot of the features

As an aside.. I've been experimenting with Brain Seed to record the generated sequences for playback live...

Thx I'll have to watch those when I have a minute.

You are welcome..

The user guide is helpful too, in understanding the feature set...

Please note: Im just a very happy owner of the TA and have nothing to do with the company itself.

I love this sequencer. Been playing with it for over a year now and I still love it. It's awesome for generating melodies and bass lines. I feel like it's criminally overlooked and underrated.