ModularGrid Rack

I'm a modular noob and looking to fill this 52hp. (I already own the stuff in it.)

Other outboard gear: Novation BassStation 2, Erica Bassline DB-01, Roland TR8-S, Novation Launchkey 25 & Ableton Live.

I'm mainly using the TR8-S for drum tracks and playing the synths over top.

Any help would be most appreciated.

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Perhaps you might want to add a sequential switch and logic module like Plog or Kinks?

I hadn't considered a sequential switch. Thanks for that advice. I'll go down the YouTube wormhole on them.

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Sequential switch is cool since can work like a 1 to 4 step sequencer or more. Erica Synths and ALM Busy Circuits Boss Bow Two make nice ones that have lot of features.

They both look cool. I like that the Erica is expandable. I also went and looked at the logic modules. I have the Kinks. I accidentally put Links in the rack. Thanks again for the help.

I'd personally add a function generator here (Maths, Falistri, etc) or a second effects unit to get some layered texture going, let's say an FX Aid (the 4HP version in your rack). BTW, how are you liking the Javelin and the Red Dragon? Re: the Javelin, I'm thinking about getting one for my acid rack, it looks sweet. Re: the Red Dragon, from my experience the Ensemble Oscillator really needs a nice filter to sing, are they a good combo?

I bought the Javelin on the recommendation of a friend because it packs a lot of value into relatively small package. It hasn't disappointed. The Red Dragon is a blast. At first I wasn't sure about it because it can screech and scream seemingly beyond control. Once I learned to tame it a bit I fell in love with it. The bubbly, warbly sounds it puts out are magic. It's now one of my favorite modules in the rack. Thanks for the input. I've had my eye on Maths for a while.

My thoughts were expanding on from the 2hp ARP. I see the Midi tile so I am not sure how much sequencing you are doing externally, but the WMD Arpitecht might compliment the Chainsaw and Ensemble nicely. Should be a quick fun way to get some really nice sounding sequences. The ALM Beast's Chalkboard would also work well in having differing octaves across oscillators. The ALM Boss Bow Two would be a good addition to triggers to form complex rhythms based on the initial arpeggio(also for CV)

I like that idea. I originally wanted the WMD Arpitecht but it was out of stock. I was looking at the Blue Lantern CV Arpeggiator v3 as well. Can a person have too many arpeggiators? Thanks for the input!

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Agree with troux on a function generator like Falistri or Maths would be a good addition. Take a look at Stages and Zadar

Muxlicer would be another good one

Thanks for the input. I'm trying to decide between the Falistri and the Maths. The Falistri seems powerful, but it would probably be a while before I grow into it.

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Thanks for the input. I'm trying to decide between the Falistri and the Maths. The Falistri seems powerful, but it would probably be a while before I grow into it.
-- isolatediguana

Here is a good thread on Falistri with some comparisons to Maths